12th September

Bomb attack in Taksim Square
Military Coup of 1980
Constitutional Amendments

Bomb Attack in Taksim Square

Another bomb attack was conducted in line with political aim. Once more, we refer to "Realities" the play of Albert Camus, which analyses connections between the objectives and the instruments used for reaching these objectives. It is about Socialist Revolutionaries that conducted assasination attacks for their political aims and defended that "the most revolutionist way is bombing" in the period of Czarist Russia and their assasination attempt against the cousin of the Czar. It re-mounts a real incident.

Human Rights Association, in principle, is opposed to violent action in political struggle and in all fields of life. Democratic standards can only be improved through democratic means and methods.

We condemn all violent actions directed to physical and mental integrity of persons. We unconditionally defend the right to life for everbody.

Military coup of 12 September 1980

Military coup of 12th September was an extraordinary intervention; an armed intervention by one of the organs within the State. Those who were at the top of the military bueraucracy used non-democratic means and methods. They had the power stemming from the weapons they had and this power provided them rights and freedoms. Being based on this power, death sentences of 50 persons were executed. 650 thousand people were tortured; 173 persons were killed under torture. Tens of thousands of people were deprived of their citizenship.

Military regime of 12 September restructured the State. 660 new laws were introduced in this period. Legal and constitutional framework of Turkey was re-defined. Accordingly, "citizens are for the State but not the State for its citizens" It was clear that people had become instruments. Political objective led the people to be only instruments.

Process of Constitutional Amendments

Turkish Grand National Assembly is going to have an extra-ordinary gathering on 17 September 2001. We will see the results of the strategy drew by the most efficient and competent(!) state organs as they developed the project of "change, but maintaining authoritarian state structure". Opinion holders who are replying to demands for increasing the standards in human rights and democratisation by saying that it would be useful not to go beyond the legal standards of the member states of the EU, now talks about "sensitivities of Turkey". Those opinion holders who think that widening the scope of rights and freedoms of the citizens is a delicate issue, are the product of the military coup of 12 September. The mentality of 12 September still prevails.

It is not possible to "go beyond the contemporary civilisation level" by this strategy since they want to keep Turkey in a position of being only a"follower" regarding human rights and democratic standards, through proposing "not to go beyond the level of national legislation of the EU countries".

The realization of democratic reforms cannot be achieved by elite administrators who are scared of citizens' rights and freedoms.

The society of Turkey wants human rights and democratic standards to be improved.

The duty of the Turkish Grand National Assembly is to act in accordance with the democratic will of the society.

The Grand National Assembly has the responsibility for the realization of wishes and demands of the people, but not for the realization of demands of the higher bureaucracy.

To go beyond the contemporary civilisation level can be achieved only by a progressive spirit.

Those who are frightened from human rights and freedoms, alienated to their society and showing heroism on sensitivity which is only related by themselves, have nothing to contribute to Turkey. This is the reason why the 37 article constitutional changes should be passed in the Turkish Grand National Assembly despite the deficiencies in several other areas. This 37 article changes could be encouraging although the people in Turkey needs a radical constitutional reform.

Human Rights Association does not consent to a second class democracy. We, as the Human Rights Association, demand for all rights and freedoms cited in the supranational human rights documents. We are in an effort for this. We want Turkey to be a guiding country in the field of human rights and democratic standards other than being just a "follower". We want to say that "we live in a country that respects for human rights and freedoms and provides opportunities to protect and promote these rights and freedoms".

One day, we will have the honour to say this.

Hüsnü Öndül

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