İHD endeavours to monitor and report all the problems in prisons and all the cases of injustice faced by prisoners at branch, regional and national levels. While carrying out this work, it draws on many sources to collect information and data.
As in other fields of work, İHD branches and headquarters receive many applications regarding prisons. Some of these applications are made directly by prisoners, while others are made by prisoners’ relatives or lawyers. Applications can be made online through the İHD website or directly to the branches and headquarters. Prisoners and their relatives also apply to İHD via letters.
The 2023 Monitoring Report on Rights Violations in Prisons in Turkey, is a compilation of letters sent by prisoners, prisoner-lawyer conferences, applications made by their families and relatives, and reports prepared by the branches of İHD
Please click to read the full report in English: 20240719_2023PrisonsReport-Short