20th Anniversary of IHD

Distinguished Guests,

Dear members of the media,

First of all, thanks a lot your attendance to the reception which is organized for the 20th Anniversary of İHD (Human Rights Association). Your attendance makes İHD stronger.

As you know that it is the first time to congratulate the 20th Anniversary of a Human Rights Association in Turkey. I believe that it is an important phase for democracy, human rights and freedoms. 20 years is an important phase not only for İHD, but also for Turkish Human Rights Movement.


Today Human Rights Association continues its struggle, which started by 98 persons in 1986, with 33 branches, 2 representative offices and over 10.000 members and activists. There are many activities, such as; campaigns, preparing reports and so on, during the 20 years period of İHD. These activities are carried out for many purposes. For example; abolishing death penalty and DGM (State Security Court), freedom of expression, finding disappeared persons, peace, amnesty that aims to social peace, signature campaign for persons that expelled from their positions because of “1402” article, Not to Be Silent against Torture, Equal opportunities for disabled persons etc…

Human Rights Association has been struggling for protecting life right, abolishing Death Penalty, finding disappeared person, prevention of execution.

İHD carried out an effective struggle against torture. Human Rights Association founded THİV (Turkish Human Rights Foundation) for treatment and rehabilitation of torture victims.

İHD observed the human rights recessions, prepared reports for these observations and announced them to public. İHD applied to national and international judgements for these human rights recessions. Human Rights Association prepared reports for periods. İHD carried out orientation programmes, prepared brochures and posters to improve Human Rights consciousness in the society.

İHD conducted activities in the field of opinion and organization in all over the Turkey. Human Rights Association watched the court cases and made many efforts to change the legislations.

İHD watched the human rights recession, which resulted from army operations, fights in the east and southeast regions despite all the risks, pressures and obstacles. Then, İHD chased these events and prepared reports. Finally, İHD announced these to public. The association carried out struggle against murders by unknown person, villages’ evacuation and execution without judgement. İHD made effort to stop army. İHD always defends peace. Human Rights Association argues that problems can be solved through democratic means and methods. Principally; İHD refuses any violence without regarding its origin. The association regards Kurd problem as one of the basic problems of Turkey Democracy and human rights. İHD believes that not only Kurd problem, but also for other language, religion, ethnic and cultural differences can be solved by means of pluralism principle of democracy.

İHD made effort always to provide conditions, which are suitable human honour, in prisons. On the other hand, isolation was refused under any circumstances.

Human Rights Association is subjected to incredible pressures in its struggle. İHD’s 14 members were killed during since our foundation. Akın Birdal, who is one of the chairpersons of İHD, was shot by guns. Fortunately, he is still alive. Physical pressures have continued even after the assassination. There are many investigations and court cases against our administrators and members. İHD’s many branches were closed by the decisions of administration for a period. We are compelled to carry out our activities under the pressure of investigation and court cases.

Dear Guests,

Turkey’s human rights problems cannot be solved only change in legislations or governments. The problems are related to authoritarian system of law and fundamental law. In the relationship between the state and citizens, there is a dominant attitude that glorifies the state and regards citizens as subject for the state. In terms of democracy and human rights association, there is not enough consciousness in political and bureaucratic officers.

Although there has been many and important changes in law and fundamental laws between 1999 and 2004, the problems still are not solved. The important point is that the aim of political power which is behind the changes in legislations. Moreover, the attitudes towards to freedoms and human rights, by state institutions as a whole, are another important point.

In a democratic law state; dominance of law and independency of judgment is the basic principle that must be provided and protected. On the other hand, in our country there are problems in both dominance of law and independency of judgement. Although the basic function of the judgement is to protect human rights and freedoms in all over the world, in Turkey these institutions are in barrier position in improving of human rights and freedoms. The dominancy of law does not work for all persons or institutions. Still, there are institutions that regard themselves as superior than judgement. Therefore there cannot be any attempt to open a court case against the events, in which state officers take part in. Persons, who demand his/her democratic rights are sentenced by judgement, however; persons that attack rights and freedoms do not have even any court cases. Nationalism is supported as the only one value and there is a provocation between people.

Torture is still an important problem in Turkey. The decline in event numbers in the field of torture is misleading. Torturing more than 500 hundreds person during and after Diyarbakır events at the end of the March and at the beginning of the April is a clear proof that there is not a radical change in the attitude of torture. Prevention of torture is not possible as long as responsible persons are not sentenced.

The recent events in freedom of expression are very fearful. Everyday, we are faced to new punishment article about the pressure for freedom of expression. The articles, which are identified with independency of judgement defence, are also used to pressure on freedom of expression.

Unfortunately, army fights continue in our country. Everyday, many citizens including soldier, police, individuals and militants are killed. I want to repeat again; İHD refuses any kind of violence without regarding its origin. Violence should not be used as a tool for neither solving the country’s problems via pressure, nor in the struggle against recessions. As İHD, we demand that army fights should be ended immediately. Insisting on solving the problems by means of pressure, violence and forbidding laws should be given up. Turkey has used these implements for many years. Limiting freedoms and giving up democratic principles are not solution. Therefore, we concern about the new changes in anti-terror legislations. Through the new anti-terror legislation; Turkey goes back to the period before the 1999, and gives up its proclaims in terms improving of democracy, human rights and freedoms. We call for all people to prevent the new anti-terror legislation.

Dear Guests,

Human Rights Association is an anti-war organization. We concern about the army fights and wars in many countries of the world, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine etc… It seems that Palestine problems will cause a new regional war. Israel ignores all the humanitarian and international laws. Israel continues its attacks on Palestine without regarding soldiers or individuals. Unfortunately the mechanisms; which are founded to prevent wars, are in the audience position.

We demand peace in all over the world. Regarding the possibilities and opportunities, we demand a fair world.

We are against the limitation of freedoms, especially grounding the 11 September attacks. “Terror laws”, which are in the agenda of different European countries, are not suitable for human rights. We concern about the limitations on refugee rights and discrimination against Muslims in Europe.

Definitely, we will continue our struggle. We want to improve human rights struggle in all over the by hand in hand with other human rights defenders.


I would like to thank to all persons, who are our founders, members, activists. Moreover, thanks to all brother institutions and persons. I commemorate with thankfully, who past away.


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