FIDH: Reaction ahead of European Council meeting today on EU-Turkey cooperation

Brussels, Paris, 17 March 2016 – On March 16, the European Commission published a communication on “the six principles for further developing EU-Turkey Cooperation in tackling the Migration Crisis”. The mention of ‘legal safeguards for the return of all new irregular migrants and asylum seekers crossing from Turkey into the Greek islands’ including individual assessments should not hide the fact that the nature of the upcoming deal has not changed. It remains ethically and legally flawed. FIDH calls on Heads of State and Governments at the European Council on March 17 and 18 not to swap migrants’ rights for short-term political gain.

‘It is not because the European Union wishes to shamelessly outsource its responsibilities and pass the buck to gatekeepers like Turkey that the country magically becomes a safe third country. There is no adequate and fair asylum system in place. The overall human rights situation is worst in decades with spiralling violence in the Southeastern region and an ongoing crackdown on freedom of expression, association and assembly throughout the country. Such a hypocritical stand is shameful and completely disregards the dignity and rights of migrants,’ declared Karim Lahidji, FIDH President.

‘How can the European Union state that breaking the smugglers’ business model is a priority when its resettlement scheme requires a Syrian to reach Europe illegally so that another one on Turkish soil can be resettled in the European Union? Not only is the cynical ‘swap’ ethically wrong and cruel, it also does nothing to combat smugglers. As long as they fight for their lives and safety, people will continue to come to Europe and smugglers will adapt. For the EU to find long term solutions, it needs to open safe and regular channels for migrants including through unconditionally increasing its resettlement capacities and giving access to family reunification and humanitarian visa,’ added Karim Lahidji, FIDH President.

‘The European Union’s short-sighted response to the ongoing challenges does not provide a long term solution for refugees. Furthermore, such a blatant disregard for migrants’ dignity and rights can only fuel fear and xenophobia and damage the European Union credibility and stand on human rights. FIDH urges European leaders meeting at the European Council on March 16 and 17 not to swap migrants’ rights for short-term political gain,’ concluded, Karim Lahidji, FIDH President.