Is Sengal Massacre precursor for other massacres?

Since the occupancy of Iraq by dominant countries, hundreds of people lost their lives, historical fabric has been destroyed, women are systematically raped and faced with sexual harassment, children who are in pain and tears are not aware of their coeval’s in the world. We believe that new deaths could not be tolerated under a geographical area where traumas are experienced daily.

Lastly, we watch the Turkish Revenge Team (TİB) who takes responsibility for inhuman attacks against Ezidi Kurdish people in Sengal that resulted in hundreds of deaths in horror and consternation. In contemporary history, crime organizations that use similar names are recalled from lost under probation, unresolved assasinations, and bombs that have been placed in civil territories. It is thought-provoking that the individuals who are responsible for actions such as the attack on September 12, 2005 in which 10 of our citizens in Diyarbakýr lost their lives have not been captured and put on trial.

Violation of right to life is a committed crime against human. Activities of formations that aim to destroy another ethnicity target all humanity. In Sengal attacks, hundreds of Ezidi Kurdish people have been killed; massacre has been experienced. We are also conscious of it is not hard to capture the responsible for these attacks through news sites where these kinds of attacks has been taken upon. Those who are responsible for Sengal massacre should be captured and should be judged by independent court.

As human rights defenders, we remind that loss of every individual whose right to life is stolen derogate humanity also; therefore invite democratic public opinion to be sensitive against these kinds of attacks and to increase the will of communities everywhere in the world to live in equal and in peace. As we curse the attack, we wish to express our condolence to Kurdish and Ezidi community.


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