Press Statement: Eren Keskin

“Human Rights Association (İHD) defends freedom of expression for everybody. So, İHD regards criticisms, even the hardest, abnormal and unjust, in the frame of freedom of expression. On the other hand; there is a “bill” that has been broadcasted in newspapers by some of the foundations against our ex-chairperson of Istanbul branch, Lawyer Eren Keskin. The bill marks Eren Keskin as target and supports “militarism” by means of Turkish Army Forces (TSK). Therefore; we regard the bill as misfortune for human rights and freedoms.”

In 6 June 2006 there was a bill, which was referred to some foundations, in Cumhuriyet and Hürriyet Newspapers. In this bill Eren Keskin’s (ex-chairperson of Istanbul Branch, Human Rights Association) efforts in the area of human rights, especially against militarism, marked as having connection with an illegal organization and targeted. Although there is the name of “Turkish Army Forces” in the bill, actually there is a support to “militarist” government manner contrary to democratic and civil government manner.

IHD and its administrators do not carry out activities to make weaker any particular foundation (Turkish Army Forces also is included). However; IHD does not have any hesitation to make known legislations, practises that are contrary to democracy, freedoms and human rights. Moreover, IHD struggles against these legislations and practises. In broadcasting and struggling on these legislations, practises, IHD does not care any foundations that are source of them. In this content, IHD struggles also against rights recessions that are resulted from Turkish Army Forces’ practises or members’ behaviours. Our ex-chairperson of Istanbul Branch did like that. Nobody should doubt about continuity of the same struggling mentality for the future not only by Istanbul Branch but also by the whole Human Rights Association.

Being human rights defenders is difficult and risky task in our country, like in all over the world. Facing judicial or acting risks and having to receiving punishment is a common situation in our country. We consider the conviction of our administrator, Eren Keskin, as one of the examples of the common situation. There are many our members and administrators, who have trial and probably will get punishment. We know these risks and accept to receive punishment, when there is such a situation, as an inevitable condition because of being human rights defender.

As in every issue, naturally, there will be different opinions on Eren Keskin’s works and punishment. These different opinions will be revealed to the public by means of various ways. Our association, which defends freedom of expression under all circumstance and for everybody, regards the criticisms, even the hardest, abnormal and unjust, in this perspective.

On the other hand, persons who are called themselves as non-governmental organizations and made broadcasted bill, which has an attempt to show Eren Keskin as connected with an illegal organization, mark as target, under the title of “women foundations”. Moreover, these foundations ignore “the superiority of the law” and give “superiority and privilege” to the army foundations. None of these foundations can be acceptable under any circumstances.

The 8. Clause of 2/B article in the “Association Principles” of our Charter is like that:

“8. In all time and under any circumstances the association is against MILITARISM; defends peace right.”

            As it can be understood from the article, Lawyer Eren Keskin (ex-chair person of Istanbul Branch) conducted the duty of our charter. IHD declares once again that we support our administrator completely and we will continue against militarism in terms of human rights struggle.

            LAW. YUSUF ALATAŞ

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