State of Council decided that woman, who is an educator, cannot wear headscarf also outside of the school. In other words, State of Council decided that if a woman wears headscarf, she should be retained from social and working life.
On the other hand; impatience, intolerance to differences-individuals, which are being increased without stopping, existed once again via violence against a woman. There was a attack against Ms. Aliye Çetinkaya, correspondent of Sabah Gazetesi (one of the daily newspapers in Turkey), in a demonstration that organized by Halk Eğitim Dayanışma ve Araştırma Derneği (People Education Solidarity and Research Association) in Konya two days ago. Indeed, different origins, different preferences, having different ideas should be regarded as source of richness. People cannot be isolated from society and working-life because of their personal preferences, moreover; person, who has different preferences should not be isoltaed and such a preferences should never be a reason for attack.
As human rights defenders we state loudly that differences should be tolerated under any circumstances and atmosphere, right of wearing “headscarf” or not can be determined only by women, wearing headscarf cannot be regarded as their isolation by other people. Moreover, we remind that such violations will be interpreted as violation of fundamental rights of women.
İHD will struggle against any kinds of violations of women until these violations abolished and these rights will be under guarantee.
Reyhan Yalçındağ
Vice President