Press Statement by Ridvan Kizgin



The first paragraph of Universal Declaration of Human Rights has the following statement; “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”. In the following of this sentence, there is another statement which is “Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people” and by this statement it is accepted that mankind should live in manner which is suitable to human honour not any other manner. Also, it is accepted that this should be considered as the basis. Who accepted it? States that are the members of United Nations and, signed and ratified United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in their parliament. Turkish Republic, also, is one of these States.

Should these two paragraphs of Universal Declaration of Human Rights are not applied, what happens? Barbary, tyranny, war, conflict, enmity, blood and tear! Who tells this? All UN members states including Turkey!

We, Human Rights Defenders and Activists of Human Rights Association, struggle for a life for everyone with honour and dignity-as it is stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights-not in any manner. We took part in this struggle by knowing potential dangers and restrictions. Because we not only witnessed all kind of violations and pressures but also we were, are and will be direct object of them.

When I took part in human right struggle as a defender and an activist under the umbrella of Human Rights Association, our 14 fellows including Lawyer Metin Can and Dr. Hasan Kaya, the former was the Chairperson and the latter was the administrator of İHD Branch in Elazığ, Vedat Aydın was one of the former chairperson of İHD Branch in Diyarbakır, Musa Anter, the sage, Muhsin Melik and Didar Şensoy and thousand brothers had been killed in manner by which perpetrators would not be revealed. The General President, Akın Birdal was targeted, to kill, with bullets in his office in the Headquarters. Another General President Hüsnü Öndül was subjected to physical attack. It is clear that there were concrete examples regarding the violations and pressures that we might face in this struggle that to become human.


 All of these events show; we, human rights defenders, took part in this struggle knowingly and wilfully to have and provide a life with honour. It is not a short term struggle but the one which has started with humanization of mankind and will continue infinitely.

None of atmosphere or forces has power to take us apart from this struggle. We will struggle in every place and under any conditions. Those, who organized conspiracy against me and who were parts of this conspiracy, should know it well. Until today, I have tried to solve problems in prison, which are the most important factor of for foundation of IHD, from outside and life. Now there is an opportunity, by means of experiencing directly, to determine these problems and to struggle for solving them.

Do not worry my friends and fellows. Do not be happy those who are in the conspiracy to punish human rights defenders. We are not an ordinary men but activists and members of Human Rights Association.

I say good bye to you to see each other one year later. I thank to all of you for your presence in terms of support and solidarity. Good bye and lead a life with honour.

For the information of the press and public opinion.



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