We, human rights defenders, consider wars as an outcome of unequal relations among dominant countries and peoples in the world. Dominant political, economic, financial, and military in the world has dominants as well. We see wars as a way, which applied by these dominants, to carry on their exploitations systems. Wars basis are composed of generally economic interests of big multinational monopolies (in recent period especially weapon and energy monopolies). Wars, in the last century, cannot be evaluated without considering imperialism in the world level.
The most important factor that threatens peace is not having established a system, which based on rights and freedoms in human rights instruments, in the world level.
The resolution that has been approved by TBMM (Turkish Grand National Assembly) in the October 2007 had been applied, after the agreement with US which is in Iraq as an occupant force, as air operation in the first phase and has been applying as land operations since 21st February.
We wonder economic actors of this operation. We wonder results of biddings of monopoly businesses, biddings of military planes and helicopters, biddings of energy and agreed issues for regarding with future (Big or Greater Middle East projects and similar projects). The political power, while sending citizens’ children to cross border and making decisions about their lives, has to explain policies and to reveal political decisions that are made about these issues. Democratic public opinion has right to ask these questions as well.
As İHD we state for years that “the main problem in Turkey is human rights and democracy. The most important part of this main problem is Kurdish question”. On the basis of this reality we have struggled and demanded for a real democratic Turkey as a whole. We defend indispensability and wholeness of human rights. Therefore we demand for all human rights; civil and political rights, economic and social rights, cultural rights and solidarity rights, for our all citizens. We have stated that Kurdish question has economic, social, political, legal and cultural aspects, thus; it can be solved through democratic reforms in these fields.
We state that the way, which will be selected, should not be the military one, violence method and violence tools. As İHD we refuse to war, violence, kill or to be killed.
Dialogue and understand efforts should be done, free discussion atmosphere should be created. We think that methods, in which local administrators, political parties, deputies, and people from the region are able to express themselves and to take part in peaceful policies, should be exercised.
We defend that democratic state law should exercise comprehensive policies. Different language, ethnic origin and cultures should be considered as richness and solution chances should be searched by comprehensive, but not isolating, policies.
We have defend/still defend that peace should be grounded; such a ground is/will be possible via human rights and democratization packages/programmes.
We defend brotherhood, peace for Turks and Kurds and various groups from the society in Turkey. Therefore; we oppose to war. Subsequently we demand for peace. We defend that protecting human dignity, gaining equality and freedom; carrying out education, health, justice can be accomplished through peace.
We are in such period. We are in time to demand for peace with high volume…
We want that children, without subjecting to any harm (even only one of them), will come back to their homes. We want everyone to turn back to their homes, to their mothers and fathers.
Without causing harm, killing each other and causing suffers for mothers…
Therefore we call for those, who decide and conduct this war, and for particularly political decision makers:
Stop this war!
Give voice to peace!
Give chance to peace!