İHD May-June 2020 Digest


MAY-JUNE 2020 Digest


01.05.2020: İHD issued a statement in honor of Labor Day.


05.05.2020: The Network for Alliance against Impunity issued a joint statement on the law amending the Law on the Enforcement of Sentences and Security Measures underlining the alarming ways in which the new discriminatory law enhances impunity.


05.05.2020: İHD released its annual human rights violations report. The 2 comprehensive 2019 report and the summary table present İHD’s data, findings and analyses on human rights violations in Turkey under separate headings.


20.05.2020: Joint statement “Syrian Refugees in Cyprus Pushed Back to Turkey.”


21.05.2020: World Organization against Torture (OMCT) issued a guidance brief on responding to COVID-19 and detention to provide evidence-based support and good practices for the protection of most vulnerable groups of individuals, i.e. those deprived of their liberty, affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The brief is addressed to members of the global SOS-Torture Network but may be used by any organization acting on people in custody.


21.05.2020: İHD released a statement on the 156th anniversary of the Circassian genocide and exile of 1864.


12.06.2020: FIDH released a statement welcoming the release of its deputy secretary general Nabeel Rajaab after spending nearly four years in arbitrary detention.


12.06.2020: The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a partnership of FIDH and the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT), issued an urgent appeal for İHD’s Co-Chairperson Eren Keskin condemning the ongoing judicial harassment against Atty. Keskin.


12.06.2020: İHD’s İstanbul Branch released a special report on rights violations in the Marmara Region prisons.


17.06.2020: İHD released a statement on threats against its Co-Chairperson Eren Keskin whose residence in İstanbul was broken into in an apparent intimidation attempt.


18.06.2020: Front Line Defenders issued an urgent appeal for İHD’s Co-Chairperson Eren Keskin indicating that the break-in was an attempt to threaten and intimidate the human rights defender.


22.06.2020: İHD and HRFT issued a position paper on violence underlining the urgent need to stop violence.


23.06.2020: İHD and HRFT issued a joint statement on “Defending the Defense” march by the heads of bar associations in Turkey.


26.06.2020:     Center Social Support, Rehabilitation and Re-adaptation for Victims of Torture, War and Violence, SOHRAM CASRA; Foundation for Society and Legal Studies, TOHAV; Human Rights Association, IHD; Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, HRFT and World Organisation Against Torture – Europe, OMCT Europe issued a joint statement calling for zero tolerance policy on torture in Turkey.


26.06.2020: İHD and HRFT issued a joint statement on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture along with a comprehensive analysis of torture and ill-treatment cases in Turkey in 2019.


28.06.2020: İHD filed its amicus curiae brief on Law No. 7242 before the Constitutional Court.
