How the detention of art makers and political party presidents is the product of whichever mentality; how attacks to the democracy are made through the draft law on Higher Education Council (YOK); approval of the decision about the DEHAP is the outcome of similar attempts. There is a need to name this: the militarist mentality is maintaining its attacks gradually.

What the problem is why a political party which received two million votes is not represented in the Parliament. The public is only allowed to discuss the issues which is prsented to it in the way it is presented rather than to discuss the anti-democratic esence of the system which prevents it.

Democracy needs to be based on the will of peoples. How could it be possible that votes of DEHAP can be transferred to other political parties and that political parties can be represented in the Parliament despite the will of peoples?

We demand a just and democratic election system which does not have any treshold.

We demand a law for political parties in favour of freedoms rather than a law which keeps political parties under restrictions.

We protest the decision of the Court of Appeal.

Hüsnü Öndül

General President

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