İHD: Refugee Rights Are Human Rights!

Refugee Rights Are Human Rights!


We demand justice for Vezir Mohammad Nourtani.

On 10 November 2023, the press reported that Vezir Mohammad Nourtani, who fell ill while working unregistered and precariously in an allegedly illegal mine in Zonguldak, was tortured to death and his body was partially burned. News reports indicated that his body was carried to a place far away from the mine site in order not to be found out that the workplace was illegally operated and that he was working unregistered.

This atrocity has revealed the naked reality of refugees in Turkey.

We, thus, ask the authorities:

  • Under what status was Vezir Mohammad Nourtani staying in Turkey? When did he enter Turkey? What actions have the migration authority taken regarding his family and what kind of social support program has his family been included in?
  • Why has no action been taken when it has repeatedly been reported that asylum seekers and migrants in Turkey were working unregistered under inhumane conditions?
  • What kind of problems have been observed in the past in terms of health and safety at the allegedly illegal mine where Vezir Mohammad Nourtani lost his life?

We call on the authorities:

  • Conduct an effective investigation into the incident that led to the death of Vezir Mohammad Nourtani. Ensure justice for Vezir Mohammad Nourtani and all other asylum seekers/migrants who have lost their lives for similar reasons by reporting all individuals and institutions that have been negligent to the judicial authorities.
  • Immediately remove the geographical and time limitations in the Geneva Refugee Convention and International Refugee Law. Fully implement refugee status.
  • Initiate effective investigations into racially and discriminatory motivated crimes against refugees/migrants and asylum seekers.
  • Ensure the safety of Vezir Mohammad Nourtani’s family and include them in the necessary social support programs.


We publicly announce that we will follow the murder of Vezir Mohammad Nourtani.


Human Rights Association