Humanity shall not surrender to the policies of war!

Humanity shall not surrender to the policies of war!

The order established by the imperialist countries after the two world-shaking great world wars persists to inflict war, destruction and suffering on the peoples of the Middle East.

The principle of self-determination” of nations, have been left to the mercy of the countries with whom the imperialist countries are in cooperation in the Middle East.

Interest-oriented “national borders” drawn by ruler brought peoples nothing but suffering, death and war.

The peoples most victimised by these policies are Palestinian and Kurdish peoples.

Both peoples have been in struggle of existence for a century. Unfortunately, everybody considers these struggles from the framework of their political engagements; double-standard stance and attitude betrays itself in the face of the truth.

Israel has been attacking the Palestinian people mercilessly for the last year. Those who react to what Palestinian people suffer from, see no harm to target the Jewish citizens and spread hatred, especially in our country.

Israeli army infringes the human rights law and humanitarian law in front of the eyes of the world and thus commits crimes against humanity. The United Nations and other international mechanisms responsible for the preservation of peace are silent.

Taking courage from this situation, the Israeli army has turned Lebanon into a field of war and operation.  The army is bombing civilian neighbourhoods and carries fear and war everywhere through assassinations. It is known that similar acts are carried out in Kurdistan on different pretexts.

According to the news appeared in the press Israeli army has launched a land operation on the territory of Lebanon, which is an independent state. This means the dissemination of war and suffering in all the Middle East. As human rights defenders we call on everybody, the UN in particular, to respect for the right to self-determination of the peoples and to be against policies that are trying to oppress the peoples’ struggle of existence and to protect peace.

Peace Now!

Human Rights Association