The operations threaten the life security of the civil

Dear Press Members,
The conflicts and the operations seriously threaten the civil people, the settlement areas of civilians, the forests that are the mutual heritage of humanity and foremost the right of life, cause the death of the civilians. Murat TEKDAL was still alive last week in this hours.

He was found dead with a single shot  in a place far away his village after few hours he left his home by saying “I’m going to garden” with his hawk and plastic can of water on his hands. Then it is expressed that  “a member of terror organization had been captured at the conflict at night”. TEKDAL was a person who was making the walls of his house, always interest with his garden, dressing black trousers, black jacket and black thin rubber shoes, having jelly and pass book on his bag and he was trying to change his life. They are saying it was a conflict but how can they explain that the slain had never fired with his full gunshot with two bullets? We are really curious about how the authorizations that expressed TEKDAL was a member of an organization after the statements of TEKDAL’s neighbours and villagers on that he returned the village 7 years ago, he was in the village everyday, he was a quiet, hardworking and innocuous person; he was never taken into custody and never interested with the political issues.

Murat TEKDAL was killed. This event shows us that there is no life security of civilians. This murdering event has caused anxiety and fear among the villagers who want to back their villages and made them anxiety on the security forces can randomly fire at civil people and kill them. This has found out that there is no life security of people who back their villages temporarily and they want to make pressure on people for abandoning their villages, lands, gardens.

Recently, the security forces prefer to be silent against the operations that are made by them in rural areas; during these operations the settlement areas have been being fired at, the forests are fired, bombed and civil peoples are murdered and security make no explanation on this matter. We are suspicious about their intends due to General Staff falsifies the truths about the issue of a murdering of a civil person on purpose or not. We demand that the inquiry must go on and investigate. We demand from the Turkish National Assembly Human Rights Commission to investigate the event as soon as it is possible. We demand from the Public Prosecutor to determine the security force members, who were present there when the event happened and  testify all statements of them and launch the legal transaction against the responsible.

The people whose right of life is under the protection of the state are now afraid of state at most. The randomly being fired of the villages and settlement areas by the guardians, soldiers and task forces; the settlement areas that are exposed to howitzer attacks and gunfire, the murders of civil people and the events such as these that are being occurred in the region recently damage the state’s reputation and the peoples’ belief to it due to the responsible of these events aren’t tried, they aren’t subjected to inquiries and usually they aren’t found. We want to declare that we will follow this event; every Friday evening – the day that he died- from 20.00 to 20.15 we will make sit down strike for 15 minutes in front of the Right of Life Monument on Koşuyolu Park  until the responsible are found and tried; we will try all of the proceedings of domestic law; if the responsible aren’t determined we will use international mechanisms and bring the case to ECHR.

1. Gültan KIŞANAK – DTP MP

2. Şeyhmus BAYHAN- Lice Mayor

3. Muharrem ERBEY, Lawyer- Chairman of Diyarbakır Branch of HRA

4. Nejdet ATALAY- DTP Provincial Chairman

5. Serhat EREN, Lawyer- General Secretary of Bar

6. Dr. Kemal KARADAŞ- Member of Board of the Chamber of Doctors

7. Menaf KAPLAN- Member of Board of Göç-Der (The Association for Immigrants)

8. Emin TEKDAL- The Uncle of the Slain

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