January-July 2003 Human Rights Violations in Turkey Summary Table

I.1. Extrajudicial Executions
Extrajudicial Executions 3 deaths
Stop Warnings, and violation of authority on arm use by officials, arbitrary firing 9 deaths 11 injured
People killed/injured by village guards 2 deaths 7 injured
Total 14 deaths 18 injured

I.2. Deaths In Detentions 1
I.3. Deaths In Prisons
People who burned themselves 2
Deaths because of suicides 8
People murdered or injured by other prisoners 3 11 injured
Deaths because of illness 2
Deaths because of dead fasts or hunger strikes 2
Total 17 deaths 11 injured

I.4. Enforced Disappearances
People who might be disappeared 4 individuals
People whose corpses were found 1 individuals
I.5. Attacks by unidentified assailants 33 deaths 2 injured
I.6. Doubtful Deaths 7
I.7. Deaths and injuries in armed conflicts 41 deaths 27 injured
I.8. People Murdered and Injured by Illegal Organizations 1 death 11 injured
I.9. Official Negligence and Fault
Suicides of police and gendarmerie 9 deaths 2 injured
I.10. People attacked
University students 69
Journalists 13
Teachers 5
Members of Political Parties 7 (5 members of the DEHAP, a member of the CHP and 1 member of the municipal assemble)
Others 3
Total 97 individuals

I.11. Explosion of Land Mines and Unidentified Ordinances 6 deaths 15 injured
I.12. Violence and Sexual Assault Against Women and Children
I.12.1. Violence against women 21 deaths 11 injured
I.12.2. Honor killings 26 deaths 3 injured
I.12.4 Violence and assaults against children
Sexual Assaults and Harassments 13
Injuries 4
Total 17
I.12.5. Doubtful Women Suicides 25
Women attempted to suicides 12 individuals
I.13. Torture and ill-treatment
I.13.1. The people subject to torture or Inhuman and degrading treatment under detention 451 individuals
I.13.2. Ill treatment out of the official detention facilities 111 individuals
I.13.3. Torture and ill treatment by village guards 11 individuals
I.13.4. Torture in prisons 33 individuals
I.13.5. Violence in schools 26 individuals
I.13.6. Injuries at social demonstrations 241 individuals
I.13.7. Threatened and forced to be reporter 99 individuals
Total 972 individuals

II.1. Arbitrary Detention 5353 individuals
Asylum seekers and migrants taken under detention 901 individuals
Total 6254 individuals
II.2. Number of individuals who arrested 663 individuals
II.4. Right to Fair Trial
II.4.1. Launched Investigations 2
II.4.2. Trials Launched between April and June 9 (8 torture and 1 sexual assault cases)
II.4.3. Trials which are still pending on 27 (4 death in detention cases, 3 disappearances in detention cases, 8 torture cases , 6 extrajudicial killing cases , 1 retrial and 6 “others”)
II.4.4. Trials resulted 24 (3 death in detention cases, 7 torture cases, 6 extrajudicial killing cases, 2 attacks by unidentified assailants because of political reason cases, 6 “others”)

III.1. Banned, censored, restricted, confiscated
Banned Activities 23 (3 concerts, 4 theatre/play, showing of 2 movies, 3 poems and a competition on art, 3 panel, 1 campaign to gather signiture,1 mission visit, 1 musical, 1 festival, 1 activity on “mothers day”, 2 press statements and 1 dinner)
Banned and Confiscated Publications
Journals 29 (total 48 issues)
Newspapers 13 (total 37 issues)
Others 15 (9 books, 2 albums, 3 posters and a flyswatter)
Total 57
Closed Newspapers and Journals 14 (2 journals’ publication were stopped and 12 journals and newspapers were given total 143 days closure punishment)
Decisions of High Council for Radio and Televisions (RTUK)
Warned radio and television channels 59 (41 television and 17 radio channels)
Television and Radio channels that were decided to be started process against 4 (3 television and 1 radio channels)
Television and Radio channels that were demanded to give their defends 6 television channel
Television and Radio channels suspended from broadcasting 11 (3 television and 8 radio channels)
III.2. Actual Attacks and Raids
III.2.1. Raided Democratic , political and cultural Organizations or publishing houses etc. 21 (17 newspaper and journal’s offices, 4 centers for cultural and artistic activities)
III.2.2. Attacks on Journalists 18 individuals
III.2.3. Arrested and detained Journalists 24 individuals
III.3. Arrested and detained Journalists 1
III.4. . Launched Trials
Trials Launched under Article 312 of the Turkish Criminal Code 7
Trials Launched under Article 169 of the Turkish Criminal Code 21
Trials Launched under Article 159 of the Turkish Criminal Code 28
Trials launched under Article 8 of the Anti Terror Law 7
Others 6
Total 70
III.5. Trials that have been pending on 14
III.6. Resulted Trials 45 (22 people acquitted, 66 people were sentenced total 53 years 6 months 7 days imprisonment and 97 billion 518 million 632 thousands Turkish Liras fine)

IV.1. Actual Attacks 39
IV.2. Bans and restriction 18 (demonstrations, campaigns and press statements)
IV.3. Launched Investigations 4
IV.4. Launched Trials 22
IV.5. Trials that have been pending on 3
IV.6. Resulted Trials 13 (140 people acquitted , 71 people were sentenced total 61 years 11 months 12 days imprisonment and 3 billion 492 million Turkish Liras fine )

V.1. Raided Organizations 20 (Province and district Offices of DEHAP and HADEP, TUHAD-DER, HRA Headquarters and Ankara Branch Office of the HRA)
V.2. Banned Activities 3
V.3. Launched Investigations 37 (against 250 members and representatives of political parties, trade unions, non government organizations)
V.4. Launched Trials 31 (against 241 members and representatives of political parties, trade unions, non government organizations)
V.5. Trials that have been pending on 20
V.6. Resulted Trials 26 (60 people acquitted, 83 people were sentenced total 94 years 9 months 14 days imprisonment and 28 billion 181 million 750 thousands TL fine)
V.7. Closure demands for organizations 7 (1 political party was closed (HADEP), Trials against 1 political party and 1 association resulted with acquittal decision, Trials that against 3 political party and 1 association is still pending on)

VI.1. Restriction on Right to Work, Discarded from job 9412 individuals
VI.2. Conditions for Working
Exiled People 320 individuals
VI.3. Security and Health Condition in place of employment
Deaths on job accidents 51 individuals
Injuries on job accidents 284 individuals

IX.1. Students prosecuted by the discipline committee of universities 324 students (because of taking part on press releases and meeting and organizing demonstration)
IX.2. Students punished by the discipline committee of universities 101 (7 high school students and 4 university students suspended their schools. 1 student for 1 term , 14 university students for 1 month, 1 university student for 15 days, 23 university students for 1 week suspension their schools, 44 students were given disapprovals and 6 students were given warnings.)
IX.3. Launched Investigation 100 students
IX.4. Launched Investigation 7 (122 students acquitted, 4 people were sentenced to 15 year imprisonment totally, 1 people was discarded from job).

January-June 2003 Human Rights Violation Balance Sheet was collected from personal applications and various newspapers, journals, televisions and Internet sources.

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