In early hours of May 31 2010, Israel army attacked humanitarian aid boats carrying aids to Gaza and armless activists on the boats in the international waters. It was reported that the violence resulted in more than 10 deaths and many wounded.  We would like to express our condolences to the families and relatives of all activists and our wishes for wounded to go better as soon as possible.

We condemn and damn Israel’s attack on Gaza humanitarian aid boats. This attack is crime against humanity. Therefore Israel should be brought to justice and be tried for crime against humanity.

We call to Turkish government; now it is time to say “one minute”. Firstly, activists on the humanitarian boats should be rescued from aggressive Israel government safely and brought to Turkey for treatment. Also funerals should be given. After these steps, Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor should urgently open investigation against the Israel government, which hijacked aid ships and committed crime against humanity, as per article 13 and 77 of Turkish Penal Code, and against Israel land force commander as per article 13 of TPC with urgent permission of Ministry of Justice. In this manner, our statements should be accepted as a denunciation.

The international public should stop to treat aggressive Israel as if it is “naughty child”.  It should be remembered that this child has grown up and misbehavior of this child has become an adult’s habit of crime. Turkey should call UN to meet urgently and provide necessary reaction exist there. Based on international justice, UN Security council should make a decision to trial Israel government and armed forces in international criminal court. If these steps are not taken, this aggressive attitude of Israel would bring the whole world into chaos.

We want to call public of Turkey; rightful reaction against Israel government and armed forces should be armless and not hostile. In no circumstance, any one should not react to any Israel citizen or Jewish people who are citizens of any other country. No one should be influenced by provocation of Israel government. To attack people, outside these events, because of their ethnicity and religion would be discrimination. Hence, their rights, especially right to be protected from discrimination, and freedom should be guaranteed.

It should be remembered that our democratic reaction will increasingly continue until attacked and detained activists, including General President (A.Faruk Ünsal) and executive board members of Mazlumder, and President (Bülent Yıldırım) and executives of İHH are brought to Turkey and other countries in a safe manner.

Human Rights Association Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Tuskish Medical Asscociation

Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions

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