Dear Sir or Madame,
Applications made to our association and our branches in recent days show that in Rize Kalkandere L  typed  Prison,  serious  problems  occurred  due  to  the  fact  that  political  prisoners  and  ordinary prisoner have used shared areas at the same times. It was claimed in application to our branches that in the prison, ordinary prisoners insult to political prisoners, act against them in provocative manner and when political prisoners tried  to reject or defend  themselves, they were given cell punishment by the authorities of the prison.
Although  social,  psychological  and  physical  developments  of  prisoners  are  legally  accepted  in Turkey, prisons continue to be places where rights and freedom are highly restricted and there is a high risk for violation of rights and freedom.
It is a disaster that one more violation is added to violations of rights of prisoners, who are the most defenseless people, by prison’s authorities. 
Therefore we are calling upon you to urge Minister of Justice of Turkey to end this treatment before the situation is getting worse. It should also be noted that although Ministry of Justice was informed about the subjects, the situation did not go well and 4 prisoners started to stage a hunger strike.

Contact address of Minister of Justice: Mr. Sadullah Ergin, Ministry of Justice/ Adalet Bakanligi, 06659 Ankara, Turkey; Fax: + 90 312 414 62 26

For detailed information: IHD Headquarter : + 90 312 230 35 67 – ihd@ihd.org.tr – ww.ihd.org.tr

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