Recently, successively several assaults have happened against Kurdish-origin students. As you know, short while ago houses of Kurdish-origin students studying in Demirci in Manisa were invaded and looted. While such problems of Kurdish-origin students continued for 3 days, last night a clash among dissident students occurred in Eskisehir resulting 2 people injured.

On 11th May, in meeting where Kurdish-origin students gathered for protesting against arrestments of their friends for a regular reason in front of Hamdi Bey Police Quarter in Mugla, they were attacked by civilian fascist people along with policemen interfering by gas bombing and using firearm. In such meeting, Şerzan Kurt was heavily injured. As he has a risk of death, he is now at intensive care unit of the Dokuz Eylul University Hospital. According to first information acquired, he has two bullet wounds on his body and several broken bones in his skull. The person who shut at Kurt has not been identified yet.

In a while, lawyers, who follow related investigation opened by the public prosecution office, could not learn file contents totally regarding non-existence of privacy decision on the case file.

Moreover, petition given for taking necessary measures to protect life safety of Şerzan Kurt was not received by the Dokuz Eylül University Hospital authorities.

After Şerzan Kurt was injured heavily, agitation caused by this event incresed on evening of 12th May resulting 100 people were injured,  more than 100 people were under taken into custody and houses of Kurdish-origin students were looted. Although the Govenor of Mugla  claimed ‘everything is under control’, the Kurdish-origin students have no life safety an easy target to be attacked by crowded groups coming to Mugla from neighbouring towns.

Our country has suffered from the Kurdish Question for more than 30 years caused by ignorance of political powers over many clashes and destructions. This problem has been tried to be solved by violence policies which have no results. After the Local Election on 29th March, it is understood that initiatives to solve the Kurdish question started by the AKP Government has no clear ending.

On the other hand, social polarization/separation is more and more deepened through enriching racist and nationalist reflections and attitudes and behaviors of militarist people who support to continue implementation of violation policies. Thus, even regular criminal case can easily convert to become a reason to attack and lynch Kurdish people who immigrated to western parts of the country.

We are facing seriously now that the social polarization is getting deeper and deeper by provocations caused by harsh political powers’ clashes, increasing violence atmosphere by military operations and armed combats and increasing number of new deaths.

The main problem we are facing is that poison of discrimination, nationalism and racism has influenced over all society by different doses. Raids over Roma nationals in Manisa and raids over Kurds in Kemalpaşa, Tire and İzmir are resulted by effects of the same poison.

We, İHD, invite everyone especially the government to undertake responsibility against such concerning and darkly adventurous developments in the country: any kind of understanding, attitude and speeches that may result to make enemies of both peoples.


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