The Syrian government responds to the civilians’ demands for freedom at peaceful demonstrations in Syria by using fire against them resulting in four fatalities. The fatalities are continuing. Numerous people have injured and people that are detained have been faced with widespread torture and ill-treatments in systematic way. There have been several serious human rights violations in several areas of the fundamental rights and freedoms; initially the freedom of expression, freedoms of demonstration and assembly, freedom of information, freedom of movement. All these upheavals must be approached under the title of the crimes against humanity.

Thus, we as human rights defenders condemn fiercely the Syrian government for its acts of killing, torturing and practicing other serious human rights violations over its own people. We declare to the world that we are going to be part of all the effort in solidarity to prevent the violations and to punish the perpetrators.

Immediately it needs to stop suppressing the peoples’ demands for freedom and change with using force by present authoritarian and totalitarian governments. We call upon the Syrian governments to stop its harsh response to the people and initially human rights defenders who demonstrate for democracy and human rights and to satisfy the demands based on the human rights. The Syrian government is supposed to discharge the perpetrators who used violence against the demonstrators and to take them to the trial immediately.

The international community needs to respond to ongoing widespread and systematic serious human rights violations in Syria. But we need to indicate that what happened in Libya must not occur here. A military intervention towards Syria must be realized. On the other hand, the international community shall persuade the Syrian government to take a step towards democratization based on Syrian peoples’ freewill by using dialogue and negotiation.

We would like to remind that all the natural persons, initially the governments are able to be judged under the International Criminal Court charging of practicing widespread and systematic crimes against humanity.

We call upon Turkey to stop its support to Syrian authoritarian regime, to stop being a mere spectator and to take necessary lessons over current regional developments which show us that it needs to prevent intensifying human rights violations in our country.

We desire that a peaceful and secure environment, rather than violence, in Syria will come true again. We would like to indicate that our call for all the authoritarian and totalitarian governments that use violence against all the individuals and peoples who use the rights to save themselves from poverty and fear.









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