Again Sirnak and We Demand, Once Again, For No Guns are Used!

One: Democracy struggle is carried out by means of democratic tools and methods. Using violence to gain democracy cannot be accepted.
Two: On the other hand, democracy requires the respect for the free will of citizens and providing opportunity to them for expressing themselves freely. Also, democracy can be accomplished through recognizing, protecting, using human rights.

Three: Human rights and freedoms can be protected through depending the principle of rule of law. Guns mustn’t be used!

Peace base is composed of human rights and freedoms. Therefore, human rights and freedoms must be protected and promoted.

One of the bad outcomes of the Kurdish problem is conflict atmosphere. This conflict shouldn’t be deepened through more mines, more guns, more bombs and cannons, more tanks and war planes. Instead, especially the political power should approach the problem with more democratic methods.

The political power should focus especially on democratic reforms which will eliminate this situation of conflict. Our country should be a place, where everyone can live human honour.

We, as IHD, experience sadness and sorrow for every citizen who died in this process.

Official or civil, (civil citizen, soldier, ranger, police or militant with gun) everyone who have died is just human. They are loss for both Turkey and the humanity. We condole with the families of soldiers and with the society of Turkey.

We believe that the society of Turkey will deal with this pain and create the solutions which do not allow new pains happen.

The source of our belief depends on different ethnical, religious, linguistic and cultural tones in social structure of Turkey which has been formed in hundreds of years in peace. We appreciate the social structure of Turkey.

Guns mustn’t be used!

Peace in Turkey and in the World.

We reject war, violence and killing.


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