EMHRN: Fourth and Deadliest Attack against Protesters in Turkey: Accountability Now!

Copenhagen, October 10, 2015- EuroMed Rights strongly condemns the bomb attack in Ankara on Saturday October 10th, targeting peaceful demonstrators and leaving 97 (*) dead and hundreds more injured.

This march for peace, organised by Trade Unions and professional organisations, aimed to call for an end to the ongoing crackdown by Turkish Government on Kurds and civil society.

This twin-blast is the fourth attack of this kind since May 2015 against unionist, Human Right defenders, Kurdish political activists and citizens is a direct consequence of the total impunity of those responsible of the previous attacks.

We call on the Turkish authorities to make accountable those who are in charge of preventing such atrocious acts. Failing to do so will only strengthen the vicious cycle of violence that aims to silence dissident voices in Turkey.

We believe that the prime responsibility to guarantee the safety of protesters and ensure that all voices can be heard lies with the Turkish authorities and thus call on them to engage in effective, impartial and transparent investigation into this attack.