Melek Birsen Hoşver has died too. Yet another a silent death occured in prisons dormitory of Ankara Numune Hospital.

The death toll reached to 95 including deaths of 19 December 2000 military operation. 480 of convicts and prisoners have become Wernicke Korsakof patients. The death fast action has been counted as the longest action in the world prisons history.

Death of Birsens, Fatmas, Mehmets was not important as much the hair of a football player or dates of a model.

Human rights defenders have experienced the trauma of reporting numbers, names, types of illnessess and deaths. Healt workers have still been experiencing the effects of trauma for provision of health care.

We are experiencing a shameful situaion called as silence. We are addressing to everyone in our communication network. The death fast action in prisons of Turkey is ongoing and youngish people are dying one by one. The death fast action is ongoing in prisons of Turkey and isolation conditions causing that type of action are not removed by the Ministry of Justice. Illogical statements that " prisoners keep themselves in isolation conditions" do not naturally correct the situation.

Tanju Mete, Serdar Karabulut, Talat Şanlı, Fatma Tugay Köse, Feride Harman in Ankara Numune Hospital are prisoners and convicts having a close brush with death.
"No" to Isolation!
"No" to follow deaths in silence!
"No" to be ignorant of their existence!
There are death fast actions in prisons of Turkey!
Prisoners and convicts in F type prisoners are kept in isolation!
We should refuse to be in this shameful position with regard to our personal history and history of our country.
We cannot say that we did not know. We know and we share what we know with the public together with our comments and assessments.
Melek Birsen Hoşver was also a human being as other humans. Her right to life had also a value.

Hüsnü Öndül
HRA President

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