AIM FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: Letter of Support and Solidarity

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Utrecht, 6th of January 2010

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends of Insan Haklari Derneği (IHD),

Aim for human rights wishes to express its support to IHD, its staff and its members at a time when you have come under intense pressure from security forces in Turkey. We are shocked by reports of the arrest of your General Vice Chairperson, Mr. Muharrem Erbey, and by the seizure of files and documents from your offices in Diyarbakir. We consider this a blatant violation of your freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of movement.

Aim for human rights is a Dutch human rights organisation. Its programme on enforced disappearances, Linking Solidarity, has supported the creation of the Euro-Mediterranean Federation Against Enforced Disappearances (FEMED) of which IHD is also a member. At the 3d Meeting of FEMED from 11 to 13 December held in Istanbul two staff members of Linking Solidarity had the pleasure of meeting IHD staff and providing a training to them together with members of Mothers for Peace and Yakay-der. We were struck by IHD’s professionalism and passion for human rights.

Aim for human rights strongly condemns the actions of Turkish security forces. We call for the immediate release of Mr. Muharrem Erbey, the release of all files and documents seized at your offices and an independent judiciary investigation into the violation of rights.

We wish you continuing courage and strength for your fight for justice and truth.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Martha Meijer
Director Aim for Human rights

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