Attack on hopes of peace

Turkish society is passing through a hard period.
The society desires improvement of the standards of human rights and democracy; peaceful solutions to all problems; solutions without violence and coercion.

In such a period violence is intensified.
On 3 January a violent attack took place in Diyarbakir.
A bomb exploded in front of an education building, in the city centre.
At least 5 people were killed and 50 people were wounded.

Bombs are thrown to living together. We understand this so.

We condemn politics which do not give chance to peace.

Such actions against the right to live are not acceptable. These kinds of actions are crimes against humanity. In Diyarbakir killing people was aimed and this aim was realized in the attack. As human rights' defenders, we condemn this inhuman action and keep hopes for an environment where violence ceased to exist.

We express our condolence to Turkish society.

Human Rights Association (IHD) Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT)

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