Bomb attacks to Cumhuriyet Newspaper, which is one of the daily newspapers in Turkey, was carried out against our right for receive news. These attacks threaten freedoms of press, opinion and expression, however; the bomb was defused. Also, these attacks are one of the results of violence that aims to fear of “security” in the society. On one hand, there are attempts to put some restrictions into force on press via the Prevention of Terrorism Act. On the other hand; groups, which against freedoms-democracy are rising and try to persuade whole society to accept violence culture.

Bombs, which used in attacking to Cumhuriyet Newspaper, were production of MKE (Mechanical Chemical Industries that one of the foundations of the state. This foundation deals with any kind arms, bombs etc). Such a point is very worrisome. The attack was operated against all of us and our freedoms no matter who-how carried. As Human Rights Defenders, we condemn these attacks. We demand that those, who are responsible for these attacks, should be judged immediately.

In this period, on which we need to be democratic and social agreement more than ever, being against any kinds of violence are very important regarding communal future. These events, which are matter of concern, cause human rights defenders concern.


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