In Bingöl, when the police cars were driven against the victims of earthquake, public opinion reacted such an intervention.

If we keep in mind the administration's recent approach in Bingöl to people who make press releases, who want to enjoy their rights of peaceful assemble and demonstration and who used their rights to freedom expression, it is not surprising , the act of police against the victims.

In Bingöl the activities of the democratic organizations and human rights defenders have been prohibited continuously.

There is an intensive harassment on the executives of human rights association and other democratic organizations. For example, the number of trials and prosecutions launched against the chairman of Bingöl Branch Office of Human Rights Association has reached 49 for two years.

This morning, more than a hundred women who went to Bingöl from the different areas of Turkey in order to "to found peace table" were put under house arrest. The Vice President of Human Rights Association, Eren Keskin and the Chairman of Bursa Branch were also in the arrested group. In addition, the people who welcomed this group also arrested. Rıdvan Kızgın, the Chairman of Bingöl Branch, was also in this group.

We demand to release of the arrested people.

We protest this event.

It is expected from the public authorities to help the citizens who want to use their democratic rights peacefully.

Hüsnü Öndül
The President of Human Rights Association

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