When a crime goes unpunished, it continues to be committed. Denial perpetuates genocide. The Armenian Genocide…

İHD Submits Its Shadow Report to UN Committee Against Torture

Human Rights Association (İHD) submitted a shadow report to UN Committee against Torture. The Shadow Report…

Eren Keskin, New Target of Judicial Attacks on Human Rights Lawyers in Turkey

Please find the press release of Human Rights Association, Istanbul Branch the Committee against Racism and…

Brussels Attacks

Human Rights Association (İHD) strongly condemns the bomb attacks in Brussels on Tuesday March 22nd. The…

Solidarity with Human Rights Defenders From Turkey

Concerned about reports of escalating violence and serious human rights violations in Turkey, as well as…

Human Right Violations in Prisons in 2015 and List of Sick Prisoners

Please find the data gathered by Human Rights Association, with the support of  Delegation of the…

IHD Erzurum Branch Activists and Executives Must Be Immediately Released

Human Rights Association (İHD) members, activists and executives shall continue to struggle against human rights violations…

Assessment of Year 2015 for Turkey, Peace And Democracy Manifesto

Human Rights Association (HRA) embraces the assessments regarding war at the preamble of the United Nations…

There is an Imminent Threat of Massacre in Cizre, Silopi, Sur, Nusaybin and Dargeçit. Dou You Hear Us?

Since the early morning hours of 21 December 2015, the commanders of Turkish Army have announced…

Stop the Siege on Kurdish Towns! End the Curfews!

Since July 2015, in tandem with the end of the peace process and resumption of the…