İHD Statement on the Dersim Genocide

Facing the Dersim Genocide 4 May 2022   Today marks the 85th anniversary of the Dersim…

İHD Calls for the Release of Sick Prisoners

  Protect the Right to Life, Release Sick Prisoners!   29 April 2022   According to…

İHD Statement on Eren Keskin’s Conviction

Eren Keskin Is a Human Rights Defender! Human Rights Cannot Be Put on Trial!   16…

Newroz Pîroz Be! Newroz Kutlu Olsun! Happy Newroz!   20 March 2022   21 March, the…

İHD Condemns the Halabja Massacre

We Condemn the Halabja Massacre! Solve the Kurdish Issue Now through Peaceful and Democratic Means  …

Taking to the Streets on 8 March International Women’s Day

Taking to the Streets on 8 March International Women’s Day against Poverty, War and All Forms…

Charges against İHD’s Chairperson Are Unacceptable

Criminal Proceedings Brought against Human Rights Association Co-Chairperson Öztürk Türkdoğan due to His Activities in His…

İHD Women on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

We Are Not Giving up on Any of Our Hard-Won Rights   25 November 2021  …

İHD Statement on the Rights of the Child

Rights of the Child Must Always Be a Priority, Not Only for One Day!   Today…

İHD Statement on the Refugees Stranded at the Belarus-Poland Border

Gross Violations against Refugees along the Belarus-Poland Border Must Be Stopped! 12 November 2021 Thousands of…