Implicit State of Emergency Amnesty Deepened Discrimination in Punishment

With the Article 32 of the State of Emergency Decree Law entered into force upon its…

Joint Statement on State of Emergency Declared in Turkey

You can find the joint statement of EuroMed Rights, AEDH, FIDH, IHD and HRFT on the…

Long pre-trial detention period (30 days) carried over to the Constitutional Court

Youngsters named Metin Kösemen and Mehmet Ali Genç have been held in detention at Şanlıurfa Police…

The Decree Devised within the Scope of the Emergency State Law and Ignoring Human Rights and Fundamental Principles of Rule Of Law Should Be Urgently Revoked!

As the Human Rights Association (HRA) and the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT), two organizations,…

Torture is Absolutely Prohibited! No Exceptional Circumstances Whatsoever, Whether a State of War or a Threat of War, Internal Political Instability or Any Other Public Emergence, may be Invoked as a Justification of Torture

As the two most prominent human rights institutions of Turkey, we once again underline our stance…

Death Penalty Cannot Be Brought Back!

Following the coup attempt on July 15, bringing back the death penalty is put on agenda…

We Are Against Any Kind of Coup D’état, Attempt to Stage Coup D’état and Anti-Democratic Practices and Defend Real Civil Democratic Life and Respect for Human Right

On 15 July 2016, there was an attempt to stage coup d’état in Turkey. There is…

Joint NGOs Statement following the arrest of the President of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey

The undersigned organizations, members of the Human Rights and Democracy Network (HRDN), express their deep concern…

Submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women 64th Session – 4/22 July 2016 by the Human Rights Association (IHD) and FIDH

You can find the alternative report of IHD and FIDH in the link below. INT_CEDAW_NGO_TUR_24260_E

Joint analysis of AEDH, FIDH and EuroMed Rights

You can find the latest joint analysis of AEDH, FIDH and EuroMed Rights, on the use…