UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein: Need for transparency, investigations, in light of “alarming” reports of major violations in south-east Turkey

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said Tuesday that he had received…

Euro-med and FIDH High-Level Solidarity Mission to Turkey 20-24 January 2016

You can find the report of the mission in the link below. Final Report_EMR FIDH_2016

Urgent Appeal – The Observatory

New information TUR 001 / 0116 / OBS 010.2 Release / Judicial harassment Turkey April 27,…


When a crime goes unpunished, it continues to be committed. Denial perpetuates genocide. The Armenian Genocide…

İHD Submits Its Shadow Report to UN Committee Against Torture

Human Rights Association (İHD) submitted a shadow report to UN Committee against Torture. The Shadow Report…

Eren Keskin, New Target of Judicial Attacks on Human Rights Lawyers in Turkey

Please find the press release of Human Rights Association, Istanbul Branch the Committee against Racism and…

Urgent Appeal: Judicial harassment of nine lawyers members of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom

You can find the urgent appeal in the link below. 230316_Urgent_appeal_Turkey

Brussels Attacks

Human Rights Association (İHD) strongly condemns the bomb attacks in Brussels on Tuesday March 22nd. The…

EU/Turkey – The deal of shame

You can find the press release of FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) in the link…

FIDH: Reaction ahead of European Council meeting today on EU-Turkey cooperation

Brussels, Paris, 17 March 2016 – On March 16, the European Commission published a communication on…