Joınt Press Release on Escalatıng Vıolence and Serıous Human Rıghts Vıolatıons ın Turkey

EuroMed Rights, FIDH, Human Rights Association (İHD), Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT) and Helsinki Citizens’…

URGENT CALL:Humanıtarıan Aıd Becomes Oblıgatory ın Cızre Because of the Isolatıon

Today is the 7th day of continuous curfew in Cizre District of Şırnak Province which has…

Escalatıng Vıolence ın Turkey: Human Rıghts Dealt Another Major Blow

Ankara/ Copenhagen, 27 July 2015 – In the wake of the alleged ISIL bomb attack on…

General Resolutıon; We, members of the Euro-Medıterranean cıvıl socıety, declare that:

The creation of the Union for the Mediterranean to replace the Barcelona Process and the revolutions…

Human Rıghts Assocıatıon (IHD) severely condemns Bomb Attacks on HDP

  We, as IHD, shared our report on violations of political parties’ rights during the pre-election…

100th Year: Stop Denıalism We Demand Recognıtıon, Apology, Compensatıon

  Precisely 100 years ago today, the first arrests that came to symbolize the Armenian genocide…

100 years after the Armenıan Genocıde: A manıfesto for memory and justıce

On the day that marks the centenary of the Armenian genocide, the first genocide of the…

Protesting On 24 April 2015: We Demand Recognition, Apology, Compensation, And Restitution

You can find the joint press release on 100th Year of Armenian Genocide in the link…

Human Rights Association (IHD) Expresses Its Solidarity With The Victims and Tunisia

We, as the Human Rights Association, strongly condemn the attack on the Bardo Museum that resulted…

Human Rights Activist Eren Keskin Is Not Alone.

  Eren Keskin, a member of HRA’s Central Executive Committee and a human rights activist, said…