Letter of Michel Tubiana, President of EuroMed Rights, to the European Parliament regarding Ms Nuriye Gülmen and Mr Semih Özakça

Brussels, 15 November 2017 Dear Members of the European Parliament, I wish to draw your attention…

IHD’s 2016 Report on Human Rights Violations in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region

The ongoing conflicting environment in our country continues hurting us by multiplying the suffer that it…

Torture is Absolutely Prohibited! No Exceptional Circumstances Whatsoever, Whether a State of War or a Threat of War, Internal Political Instability or Any Other Public Emergence, may be Invoked as a Justification of Torture

As the two most prominent human rights institutions of Turkey, we once again underline our stance…

Letter to Ms Federica Mogherini

You can find the letter of Euromed Rights to Ms Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the…

Police Violence Targeted Human Rights Defenders and Peace Activists in İzmir

Upon the call of İzmir Peace Bloc, civil society organisations and activists came together to hold…

Fact-Finding Mission Report: Isis Bomb Attacks On Kobanê City Of Rojava Region On 25 June

Please find the report in the link below. IHD Fact-Finding Mission to Kobane