Some problems are being discussed in these days when schools are preparing themselves for a new semester.

Existence of problems in regard to using right to education and its relations with other rights and freedoms as a whole is a phenomenon in Turkey.

These problems are part of general human rights and democracy problems in Turkey. Compulsory religion course is one of these issues.

First it is an issue related with rights and freedoms. Consequently it is a problem for not only our Alevi citizens but also all citizens. Could state make religion course compulsory for children of its citizens without asking their will or despite their will? Does such an attitude of state comply with principle of ‘secular state’? Or, does such an attitude correspond to principle of ‘democratic secularism’? Should there be an exemption for religion course? Should religion courses be left to only by parents’ decision and should such courses not given by state under any conditions? Or, should religion courses be lectured as a real culture course and a disciplinary of a philosophy and morals? Should we believe frankly that system aims at ‘teaching religion’ and has such content in sincere manner in Turkey, or; is there a reality that existing system corresponds to practice of ‘religious education’?

These issues should be discussed and solved in the light of human rights and freedoms.

Human Rights Association (İHD) defends freedom of religion and conscience as a human right.

State cannot decide, on behalf of its citizens, to what to believe and vice versa or to how to believe. This issue belongs to individual completely and it is personal freedom matter. It is outside of state intervention. State, like in other fields, should respect pluralistic characteristic of the society in religion, belief and culture fields. It should not impose anything; there should not be discrimination.

We demand for first abidance by European Court of Human Rights’ decisions on compulsory religion course; abolishment of compulsory religion course by means of amendment in the Constitution and eliminating practices that are contradictions to supranational human rights instruments.

Hüsnü Öndül

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