Excessive Force Used by Security Forces Has Been Turned Into Hate

We have witnessed that security forces, which acted as a result of statements by the Government and the General Staff that did not like result of local elections, used excessive force in a hatred manner when they intervened to social demonstrations in Agrı and Sanliurfa respectively to protest result of local elections and to hold a festival on the occasion of Ocalan’s birthday. Harsh intervention to demonstration in Agri that organized after objection to the result of local elections, kicking and beating women with baton in streets even after they were detained, assault of MPs, beating and arresting almost all people who were detained in this intervention is a practice that we did not see even in the state of emergency.

Attacking on thousands people, who wanted to hold a celebration and festival, with guns alleging that they threated public security in the area of Omerli Village, Halfeti District of Sanliurfa province on 4th April 2009 was an indicent which took hate to the highest level. Assault of MPs in the same incident is another expression of hate. As it can be understood from the autopsy reports 2 guys lost their lives because of gun and rubber bullets. Attacking on the festival, which was hold in a rural area, for reasons of threat against public security can be explained only with hate.

Who does breed bad blood or hate? A few people, who have militarist mentality and have been feeding with blood and unearned income, should get off our country’s back anymore. Majority of the society wants peace and freedom. Overcome of this mentality, which blocks society’s wishes of peace and freedom is obligatory. We are waiting for a time when Ergenekon investigation and court case will cover bureaucrats and politicians that are still in power.

Politicians and bureaucrats, who committed crimes against people, should not forget that they will be brought before the court sooner or later. It is useful to remind this reality to them on the occasion of Ergenekon investigation and court case. We criticize the Government, which is responsible for violations in Agri and Sanliurfa, call on prosecutors to take action against those who gave these illegal orders and exercised these orders.

We express our condolences to relatives of the two guys lost their lives in these incidents.
Protesters, who were detained in a manner that is contrary to law in Agri should be released immediately. We call for the Government and General Staff to respect for people’s will.


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