Happy Newroz!

Happy Newroz!


March 21, Newroz Day is not only the herald of spring in the sense of a new day, but also of resurrection.

As the Human Rights Association, we celebrate Newroz.

Newroz is traditionally celebrated in many countries since the struggle of ironsmith Kawa against the tyranny of Dehak. Newroz can be defined as a day of struggle that has been shaped by the struggle of the oppressed since the past. In the 90s, Newroz celebrations were banned in cities where mostly Kurds lived, and citizens who wanted to celebrate Newroz in many cities were massacred and many were injured. As a result of such historic struggles and costs, Newroz is now a day that is celebrated en masse.

The armed conflict and regional state of war in Turkey, which has been going on since July 24, 2015 after the failure of the resolution process initiative that started between 2013 and 2015, has left the Kurdish issue unresolved and marked the beginning of a process in which Turkey has become increasingly authoritarian, forcing all opposition groups, especially Kurds, to live under a regime of oppression. In this repressive environment, fundamental rights and freedoms have faced drastic setbacks and demands for reconciliation have been suppressed through increasing racism in Turkey and anti-Kurdish sentiments in particular.

The recent conflict between Israel and Palestine and Turkey’s non-peaceful attitude towards the Kurdish Regional Government of Iraq and Rojava is an attitude that ignores the peace demands of the peoples of the Middle East and insists on war policies.

On the occasion of the 2024 Newroz, we would like to remind that the struggle for human rights and democracy continues despite all forms of oppression.  Newroz is the symbol of the struggle of the oppressed, especially the Kurds, for democracy and peace. Therefore, no matter how much oppression is exerted those who are subjected to oppression express their demands with a louder voice every year with Newroz celebrations. This is the true meaning of Newroz. As a matter of fact, despite all the oppression and adverse conditions, Newroz celebrations are being held en masse in our lands; the demands for freedom and dignified peace are being voiced from the Newroz areas.

We believe that the political power in Turkey should listen to these demands for peace. As İHD, we will continue to work for the establishment of an honorable peace in Turkey.

As human rights defenders, we hope that this year’s Newroz will bring peace against the ongoing conflict and war, that it will be the beginning of the path to a new peace process, and that it will be a year in which we will achieve freedom.


Human Rights Association