İHD July-August 2021 Digest


JULY-AUGUST 2021 Digest


09.07.2021: The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders issued an urgent appeal for prominent human rights lawyer and İHD co-chair Eren Keskin regarding the ongoing judicial harassment against her.




13.07.2021: İHD and HRFT released a joint statement on the “Bill on Amendments to Some Laws and Decree Laws” criticizing the bill that it would lead to the abandoning of the principle of constitutionalism and separation of powers.




17.07.2021: On İHD’s 35th year in its struggle for human rights, democracy and peace, the association held a press conference stating that it would continue working persistently, adamantly and with hope.




31.07.2021: İHD and HRFT released a joint statement on the racially motivated murders in Konya that claimed the lives of seven persons from Dedeoğlu family.




13.08.2021: İHD released a statement on attacks against asylum-seekers in Ankara’s Altındağ district condemning such hate crimes.

