İHD Says No to Cuts on Public Services


Public Services Cannot Be Cut Back

13 May 2024

The decisions announced by the government today under the name of the “Public Sector Savings Package” include measures that will make the lives of poor and low-income citizens even more difficult. The package aims to guarantee the government’s transfer of resources to capital. It includes decisions that guarantee the continuation of tax and income injustice. Furthermore, it aims to maintain the government’s pro-security policies and, as a result, to transfer more public revenues to military expenditures. Once this package is implemented, it will become even more difficult for poor and low-income citizens to access already inaccessible public services. It will also lead to a further increase in the already high unemployment rate.

İHD calls on the government to immediately withdraw this IMF and capital package. Measures must be taken to ensure equal, fair, and accessible public services. Military expenditures, which constitute the largest part of the public budget, should be restricted by returning to policies aimed at ensuring reconciliation and social peace. The transfer of public resources to national and international capital must be prevented. Measures should be taken to ensure tax and income justice and more taxes should be levied on high-income groups. Measures should be taken to facilitate the lives of minimum-wage earners, pensioners, and low-income citizens. Measures must be taken to ensure the constitutional right of everyone to work and to live humanely.


Human Rights Association