İHD September-October 2020 Digest




02.09.2020: İHD issued an open letter to the President of the European Court of Human Rights, Robert Spano, on the occasion of his visit to Turkey. İHD’s letter criticized President Spano for only meeting with government bodies while merely neglecting human rights organizations  in the country.



17.09.2020: International lawyers’ organizations issued a joint statement on the arrest of 48 lawyers and seven intern lawyers in Ankara, Turkey calling on the Turkish government to cease the mass-arrest campaign against lawyers, ensure that all arrested and imprisoned lawyers are released immediately, ensure that those responsible for arbitrary and unlawful arrest and imprisonment of lawyers are investigated, and fully comply with the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers.



25.09.2020: İHD issued a statement on the “Kobané Operation” against HDP members emphasizing that politicization of law, particularly instrumentalization of the Anti-Terrorism Code against political dissidents cannot be accepted.



25.09.2020: İHD issued a special report on hate speech and hate crimes in Turkey according to data collected by its documentation center.



08.10.2020: International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) issued a statement expressing its deep concern about ongoing attacks and politically motivated criminal cases targeting legitimate political activities of members of HDP.



09.10.2020: İHD issued a statement on the occasion of the World Day Against the Death Penalty underlining that capital punishment cannot be reinstated in Turkey.



20.10.2020: Human Rights Joint Platform issued statement on the fifth anniversary of the murder of the renowned human rights defender, “the envoy of peace,” Tahir Elçi, stressing that the killing of Mr Elçi should not end up in impunity for the perpetrators.



21.10.2020: İHD’s İstanbul Branch released its special report on the conditions in Marmara prisons in the second quarter of 2020.
