İHD Statement on Saturday Mothers


The Quest for Justice and Truth is a Right, It cannot be Prevented!

15 April 2023

The peaceful sit-in of the Saturday Mothers in Galatasaray Square asking about the fates of their relatives who disappeared in detention and demanding the prosecution of the perpetrators was prevented by the violent intervention of law enforcement intervention this week too as it was last week. According to the information we currently have, at least 13 of our friends were unlawfully detained.

Such a prohibitory and harassing attitude, which is a violation of the right to peaceful assembly, is maintained despite the violation decision of the Constitutional Court delivered upon an application by Saturday Mothers. Together with the Saturday Mothers, we are determined to continue our quest for justice and truth despite these arbitrary obstructions.

We call on all human rights defenders to stand with the struggle of the Saturday Mothers against political pressure and obstructions against the search for justice and truth. We demand the immediate release of our friends who were taken into custody today and the immediate lifting of the de facto ban on assemblies in İstanbul’s Galatasaray Square.

Human Rights Association