Investigate Child Suicides

Investigate Child Suicides

Implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child!


30 November 2023


Wars and conflicts in various parts of the world affect children the most. In these wars and conflicts, children are killed, injured and lose limbs. Millions of children are forced to migrate and become refugees/migrants. They are forced to live in unhealthy conditions, deprived of education, health and social security. Due to the endless wars and conflicts in the Middle East and our lands, children do not have the opportunity to access an equal and fair life. Today, dozens of children still lose their lives every day in Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Rojava and most recently in Palestine/Gaza.

War and conflict not only destroy social peace but also disrupt the economic and social structure. Instead of being spent on improving the welfare of children and society, the economies of countries are spent on weapons and instruments of war on the grounds of “security.” The persistent implementation of these policies disrupts the social fabric, increases poverty and unemployment, and leads to less health care and less education. Endless pro-security policies lead to hopelessness and insecurity for children as well as all members of society.

The “low-intensity” conflict environment that has been going on in our land for more than 40 years has affected children the most, and children have been forced to leave their villages and cities. Families and children moving from villages to urban centers have had to deal with serious adaptation problems as well as economic and social problems. It is observed that children deprived of social support and security have increased adaptation problems and suicidal tendencies.

According to 2022 data released by TurkStat, out of a total of 4,146 suicide cases in 2022, a total of 491 children, 81 of whom were under the age of 15 and 410 of whom were between the ages of 15-19, died by suicide. In 2021, 71 children under the age of 15 and 377 children between the ages of 15-19 had died by suicide.

In the last week, the press reported that a 14-year-old child, I.A., died by suicide at home in Cizre district of Şırnak. Also in Cizre, two sisters, 16-year-old Z.C and 17-year-old Z.C, attempted suicide by jumping into the Tigris River. The 16-year-old was rescued and taken to hospital, while the 17-year-old disappeared in the river and has not been found yet.

We have been observing with great concern that the increase in child and youth suicides has recently reached alarming levels all over Turkey. Statistical data shows that child suicides have increased by 40 percent in the last two years. When we analyze this data in detail, it is seen that suicides of girls are higher in some regions.

Child suicides can develop due to the negative effects of economic, social and cultural structures, as well as due to the pressures created by war and conflict environments, the feeling of being besieged, hopelessness and feelings of worthlessness. It is known that economic poverty, forced marriages at an early age, sexual abuse are also effective in child suicides in Turkey. It is also known that the insecurity and hopelessness caused by years of conflict, bans and social tension in Kurdish provinces are also effective in suicides.

All child suicides, especially the recent one in Cizre, must be effectively investigated; the economic, social and psychological reasons that lead children to die by suicide must be identified and policies to empower children must be prioritized.

Investigate Child Suicides, Implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child!


Human Rights Association

Central Children’s Rights Commission