Israel Commits “Crime Against Humanity” in Palestine and Lebanon

Israel’s attack, which is being conducted on Palestine and covers also Lebanon grounding to rescuing one captured soldier, is the violation, deny of the any kind human values, international law and limits. Since “starvation is used as the war method against civilians”, “civilians’ life conditions are being destroyed”, this attack is the violation of the principles that are in additional protocol of UN 1577 Convention. Undoubtedly, this is an “unbalanced and unbounded” attack.

Palestinians’ struggle is the rightful one as long as their land is under the invasion of Zionist regime.

The target is not rescuing the soldiers. The reality of this attack is the repeating the same operations that were conducted by Ariel Sharon in 2002. Such grounds function to “legitimize” and persuade Colonialist expand of Zionist regime. Through these military attacks; Israel aims to terminate any probable peace option, which will provide Palestine’s existence and rights.

Democracy mentality of West countries can be understood from their attitudes toward; Palestinians, who are punished since they vote for Hamas in other words “committing wrong vote crime”, stopping “humanitarian aids” and not accepting Hamas Government, which was elected via democratic elections, as a legitimize government.

Israel conducts these military attacks via absolute support from USA and EU. Such a support is an indication for the real purpose, target of those who negotiate on to prevent peace in the world.

UN’s silence and Arabian Regimes’ non-reactive and powerlessness against these attacks are very desperate.

Those are administrators, representatives and individuals, who have signatures this statement, demand:

1.      Stopping the military attacks on Palestine and Lebanon immediately,

2.      Israel should return the 1967’s borders in order to end colonialist expand,

3.      Palestinian ministers and parliamentary members should be released immediately,

4.      Accepting the right for self-determination, which is vital for Palestinian people,

5.      Everybody should carry out any actions, which can provide sustainable peace in the region,

6.      Turkish Republic’s Government should be more courageous and decisive on this issue and support Palestinian people, Palestine’s legitimate government.

It should be reminded that these attacks are not only against; innocent children, women, old people, and civilians but also; against humanitarian honour, in other words; honour-future of all people in the world.


President of Free University

Fikret Başkaya

Fikret Başkaya, President of Özgür Üniversite (Free University)
Yusuf Alataş – Chairperson of ÝHD (Human Rights Association)
Yavuz Önen – President of TÝHV (Human Rights Foundation of Turkey)
Ayhan Bilgen –President of Mazlumder (Organization for Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People)
Çağdaş Hukukçular Derneği (Contemporary Lawyer’s Association)

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