Israel continues its attempt of destruction and massacre in Gaza with launching the ground operation. Israel violates all humanitarian values in its attempt of massacre in Gaza that is under the siege for two years.

UN Security Council should have stopped the crime against humanity committed by Israel. However the Council even rejected the offer a UN resolution that would condemn the military attack because US and UK vetoed it. The Council’s position disappointed us once again deeply. Giving a reward to this positon of Israel, which has been challenging to the world for years, destroyed all hopes for peace. Being a mere spectator to a new massacre by Israel is a shameful situation for all humanity.

In the first statement the spokesperson, Mr. Jiri Frantisek, of the Czech Republic, which holds the rotating EU presidency, called the operations “defensive” not offensive. It is the most bitter statement about the attack to city in which 1.5 million people live.

Hundreds people, most of whom are children, died and injured since Israel started the military attack. The attack to a city, which has been deprived of food, electricity and fresh water, makes all human beings sorry. Although institutions and the states keep silent, as human rights defenders, who promise to have a position against any kind of violations in all over the world, we condemn these attacks seriously.


 We state that UN Security Council’s silent position to these attacks and its insensitive position to crimes against humanity by Israel and having positions, which are contrary to human rights, are unacceptable anymore. UN, which has been founded to maintain peace and security, should not be part of this crime against humanity via being so silent, but; should make efforts in a manner that is expected from it. EU’s statement in an attempt to legitimize the attack, which is being watched by everyone that still have not lost the humanitarian values with a reaction and in sorrow, is an unfortunate that is shameful for international community. Despite all unsatisfactory issues, we call for UN and EU to continue to defend values and principles, which they have been pursuing, and to take an active position to stop attacks.

We also warn the Turkish Government to abolish all treaties with Israel. Treaties with Israel will cause to become part of massacre of Palestinian massacre. We call for Turkey-Palestine Friendship Group to take a more effective position. The Parliament and the Government should not wait without doing something. If they cannot do anything, they should declare a national mourning to share and reflect people’s feeling and suspend all relations with Israel.




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