Kidnapped Police Officer Should be Released Immediately

The sufferings and traumas were given rise by the increase in clashes in our region.

Not a day passes without news reports regarding clashes and deaths from any of our cities.

We shouldn’t forget that each incident wounds and each death makes mothers lose all that they own.

We shouldn’t become inured to such grieves.

Clashes and wars are contradicting with human nature.

We, as human rights defenders, have never get used to deaths and sorrows, never become inured to the tragic events occurring in our region.

Nothing can justify wounding hearths of our mothers, no one has such a right to do so.

Regardless of his or her post or identity, carrying off a person by force is unacceptable.

We did not and will never approve such incidents that are against human rights and humanitarian law.

We are expecting the unconditional release of a police officer, Hakan Açıl, who was kidnapped by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) members as he was traveling on Midyat-İdil highway on Oct. 10, 2005. We are expecting his right to life, right to personal security and freedom should be protected. 

Yours Sincerely,

Att.Selahattin Demirtaş

İHD Diyarbakır

Branch Chairperson

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