
Human Rights Association (IHD) determines that the question of human rights and democracy is the most important issue in Turkey and states that Kurdish Question is the most important component of this issue. IHD has been subjected to severe and unjust accusations, one of the general presidents was subjected to gun attack, 22 members and administrators were murdered and many members and administrators were put into prisons because of the Kurdish Question. There are still many ongoing freedom of expression court cases. However IHD has not changed its principles and consistent position regarding this issue and continue to express that it is the most important question in Turkey.

The President Abdullah Gül has eventually showed a decisive position towards the solution of the question when he stated the Kurdish Question was the most important question in Turkey in May. On the other hand as human rights defenders we have been carefully watching that the Government and the Parliamentary have not taken steps, which they should take, yet.

Kurdish Question is not only political but also a human rights issue. In terms of cultural rights; recognition of Kurdish identity as a community, making constitutional arrangements that are compatible with supra-national human rights documents to maintain their culture, adoption fundamental human rights documents without any reservation or declaration will have an important function for solution of the question.

IHD states that there is a democracy and human rights problem in Turkey. In this regard, IHD has listed the main problems in Turkey as; the Kurdish Question, military tutelage, freedom of expression, freedom of religion and conscience, minority rights, rule of law and respect for human rights. In order to establish democracy, there is a need for pluralism, participation and transparency. Pluralism recognizes different ethnic identities and cultures and take necessary measures to maintain them. Participation strengthens local administration, abolishes obstacles in this scope such as election threshold and ensures representation of different people with their identities and cultures in the administration. Transparency provides a state and judiciary structure that is compatible with the rule of law. In other words permanent solutions can be reached by means of tackling all the problematic fields and issues regarding the Kurdish Question in a holistic manner within the framework of democracy and human rights perspectives and with a democratic constitution.

What can be done until such a permanent solution will be reached:

First of all; obstacles to freedom of expression should be abolished in order to solve the Kurdish Question, which is chronic, through democratic and peaceful ways. The question should be discussed with all political and social groups under a free atmosphere, civil and social opposition should be freed from judicial pressure. As long as there are pressures on the Democratic Society Part (DTP), Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions (KESK), peace and human rights defenders, students, intellectuals, authorities by means of judiciary, there will not be permanent solutions for the Kurdish Question and other problems in Turkey.

Another issue is that dialogue atmosphere should be established immediately. The State’s policy “I know everything, I will solve it, I did it” has not solved anything until today. Those who create problem and want solution for the Kurdish Question are clear. First a healthy dialogue atmosphere should be established in the Parliamentary. The Government should establish a dialogue with civil and social opposition organizations.
Another important issue is ensuring the end of armed conflict permanently. The Government should consider international experiences what it should do for this step.

After all these steps, Turkey should prepare a democratic constitution, abolish its all reservations and declarations in the international conventions signed by the Republic of Turkey, ratify international conventions on national, religious, ethnic and linguistic minorities or indigenous people, sign concerned convention and UN declarations on prevention of all forms of discrimination and sign all concerned conventions and declarations on right to life, prohibition of torture, rule of law and well functioning judiciary.

Of course, Kurdish Question has also social and judicial aspects.

Regarding social aspect; village guard system should be abolished and return to villages should be encouraged. Rehabilitation programmes should be applied. Programmes to struggle against violence culture should be prepared.

The judicial aspect is the one that neglected at the most and harms conscience of the society. The Government should declare a political will regarding forcibly disappeared people and unknown killings during the armed conflict period. Investigations and prosecutions should be conducted effectively. Illegal criminal organizations such as Gendarme Intelligence and Counter-terrorism or JITEM and counter-guerilla should be abolished and those who committed crime and offence should be brought before the court.

As IHD, we want a democratic Turkey in which human rights and freedoms are applied for all social groups.

As IHD, we want peace and democracy. We are against war. For these reasons IHD invites everyone and all relevant parties namely democratic public, political parties and state organs to fulfil their tasks and responsibilities for peaceful and democratic solution of the Kurdish Question.



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