Murder of Yahya Menekse is one of the Crimes against Humanity!

We, human rights defenders, know that any of rights categories cannot be protected unless right to life is protected in a country. We know that rights and freedoms are, systematically, under the risk of violation in a country where right to life is violated by security force members.

On 15th February, we have witness that police forces used excessive and unproportional forces during the meeting and demonstration in Cizre a district in Şırnak province in the Southeast of Turkey and a boy (16 years old) died under panzer that belongs to police forces. Individuals and groups, without violent tools, have right to make public demonstration and meeting about any subject and with their desired demands. Democratic and modern countries protect right of expressing different opinions and exercising such rights in the level of public demonstration and meeting. However violation of right to live, due to using force by policemen in social incidents, has become almost a part of our daily life.

Some of the recent examples; our 10 citizens, 7 of them were children, lost their lives in incidents that took place on the 28 March 2006 in Diyarbakır. Again in the same period, 1 child was lost his life because of police forces intervention in people in Kızıltepe district of Mardin province. Similar incidents happened in many places of Turkey because of encouraging also by Law on Duties and Competencies of Police Forces (PVSK) and Anti-Terror Law (TMY). Despite statements such as democratization, “zero tolerance to torture” children have lost their lives in meetings and demonstrations during the AKP Government term. Perpetrators have not been sentenced, even one them have been brought to justice for violation of right to life that is totally sacred and untouchable.

Human Rights Association (İHD), as up to the present, will follow any kind of rights violations. Violation of Yahya Menekþe’s right to life has damaged humankind seriously. We, human rights defender, will keep our democracy and law struggle up because of the violation of rights and freedoms of our children, citizens.

 Wish for a country without violation and murder of children…


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