Peace cannot be hindered in Cyprus

Peace problem in Turkey is at the same time the question of human rights and democracy.

The story of Cyprus problem is at the same time the story of abolishing of an independent country. It is the story of mortgaging on peoples' will power by racist-chauvinist powers.

Wanting peace in Cyprus means to wanting Cypriots to solve their own problems and wanting their will power become determining power. Turkish Cypriots want to have the freedom of being rid of fear.They want to determine future of themselves and their children. They want to live in their country freely.

Will power of Turkish Cypriots is wanted to be mortgaged.

They are threatened.

They are threatened by militarist powers in Cyprus and Turkey

Without being rid of militarist mentality, this mortgage shall continue.

There is only one way for solution. This is the respect to the people's will power. It shall be Cypriots to ensure the settlement.

Plan of Anan can be technically discussed. However discussing an issue cannot be interpreted in a way that discussing for another 28 years. Strategies built on unsettlement cannot make the people silent once more. "Peace cannot be hindered in Cyprus". This slogan is our slogan too and it is our demand in the same meaning.

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