Police Forces Keep Practicing Torture and Killing People via “Power of Law”!

Scenes on TV channels are still familiar one. Muammer Öz, lawyer of Bar Association in Istanbul, was subjected to torture in street by police force members who asked him to identify his identity inappropriately.

In Gaziantep, two persons who claimed to be suspects and taken out from the house where they were captured were beaten up to severely even though they were paralyzed. Once again “torture” was practised in street.

Lastly, Narin Böyür, thirty five years old and mother of four children who accused to steal bag from a car and did not obey policemen “Stop!” warning lost her life as a result of police fire. The policemen who violated right to life a sacred and untouchable right, were released by the Court in a known method.

As Human Rights Association (IHD, these events prove once again that how right we were in expressing our concerns before last changes made on Law on the Duties and Competencies of Police. Rights that have been given during process legal reforms are almost taken back with a dipper. Administrative and forensic practices also have role as much as current law in violation of human rights and torture ban so fearlessly. Like the case Uður Kaymaz where his right to live was stolen with thirteen bullets has been fired to his twelve year old body, we are concern to experience similar violations where criminals are protected and not punished as they deserve to be punished.

As human rights defenders, we believe the necessity of changing current anti-democratic laws immediately and forensic and administrative practice should change its mentality in order Turkey to be real democratic law country. Therefore we call new elected Turkish Great Nation Assembly: anti-democratic laws feeds violation of human rights and needs to be formulated immediately where some codes should be eliminated totally.

As we condemn violation cases, we inform public opinion that we are close followers of the topic.

Reyhan Yalçındağ


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