Preventing War and Establishing Peace

Peace supporters have always warned governments and Turkish society about potential dangerous of war.
Accepting of the resolution, on 17th October 2007, by Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) made repeating the warn necessary. 

Warnings of Turkey’s Peace Assembly should be considered.

The resolution has been accepted, however, preventing the war is possible.

People prevent war. Democratic public opinion prevents war.

There is a hazard of the war.

Accepting of the resolution is a signal of the hazard of the war. War and its probable outcomes should be talked and discussed. Moreover, preventive measurements should be taken.

Political power, defence and security bureaucracy lead Turkey to catastrophe. Some political parties, which are represented in the Parliamentary, also want war. 19 parliamentarians are against resolution and the war. 

Incursion into a neighbour country and carrying out military operations, despite its will, will cause ceaseless discussions and sorrows.

Peoples of the world know that their countries are invaded and millions people suffer from sorrows, including death, because of terrorism excuse.

Afghanistan is under the occupation because of terrorism excuse. 

Due to terrorism excuse; Iraq has been invaded, about million Iraqi have been killed and millions were subjected to exile.

Kurdish question is not a terrorism problem but human rights and democracy. Therefore, its solution should be accomplished by means of peace methods and within democracy.

Peace should be demanded rather than war. It is a logical action.

War is difficult however peace is easy. People need peace not war. It is necessary to focus on establishing peace with human rights and freedoms and democracy packages. 

No War!

Long live Peace!

Long live brotherhood of peoples!


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