Gezi Park Resistance

1. Introduction

The peaceful demonstrations organised to protest the pedestrianisation of Taksim Square and construction of a shopping mall on Gezi Park was intervened and dispersed by the police by using excessive force on order of government. Though freedom of assembly is a fundamental human rights, the police forcibly intervened all the demonstration organised. Prevention of exercising this right by police force cannot be accepted.

None of the demonstration was organised by any political party or organisation. The demonstrations started to be organised to protest the projects on Taksim Square, but afterwards they turned to be protests against limitations of fundamental rights, violations of right to live, environmental issues, intervention to life styles. They can be described as a common reflex against the practices of the government in recent years.

The footages shot by journalists and demonstrators proved that police officers and chief used excessive force during the demonstrations. Tear gas and water cannons turned to be means of police brutality. Tear gas canisters were also used by aiming to shoot people. In some cases the police officers killed demonstrators by shooting them with tear gas canisters.

There is an urgent need to stop authoritarian practices and police brutality. All the people who do exercise their right to demonstrate and freedom of expression shall not be prevented by using force and police brutality. According to the international conventions and national laws everyone has right to organise peaceful demonstrations personally or collectively. As human rights defenders while we were expecting the government to leave behind old practices, the government insists on anti-democratic practices.

How it all started: Take a breath

This is not about a park!

2. How it all started…

On 25 May 2013, a group of persons wanted to organise a protest the ban on demonstrations in the Taksim Square, but the police intervened and dispersed the crowd by using tear gas, truncheons and water cannons on the grounds it is forbidden to organise demonstrations in Taksim.

On 26 May 2013, 3 members of Independent Revolutionary Class Platform who wanted to open a banner to protest the ban on demonstrations in the Taksim Square were beaten and detained by the police. On 28 May 2013, persons who put up tents in Gezi Park faced the intervention of police and the municipal police. The officers wanted to take down the tents. The activists did not allow them. They also tried to hinder the construction machines. The police intervened the activists by using tear gas and dispersed them. And the construction machines started to demolish the walls of the Park and also uproot some of the trees. On 28 May 2013, Members of the Stand Up for Taksim Platform started to spend the nights in Gezi Park to prevent the construction machines. But early in the morning on 30 May 2013 the police intervened by using tear gas and dispersed all the persons from the Park. The tents and the belongings of the activists were also set to fire by the officers. 7 persons were wounded and one person was hospitalised due to head trauma.

3. And then what happened all over Turkey

On 31 May 2013, the police intervened the crowd who gathered in Kuğulu Park in Ankara to protest the police intervention in Gezi Park and police violence. Because of heaviness of the intervention the number of the demonstrators started to increase gradually. The demonstrations continued the whole night and the police kept using tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowd.

The protests got outspread to whole Turkey. Demonstrators gathered in the Kızılay Square in Ankara on 1 June 2013 and the police tried to disperse them by excessive use of tear gas. A civilian car got into crowd and crushed three persons. The police attacked the demonstrators later in the night in Kızılay and heavily beaten lots of the demonstrators. The demonstrations continued the next day. The police intervention was heavier and many demonstrators were either beaten and/or detained.

On 1 June 2013 people in Istanbul wanted to organise a protest action in Beyoglu and in the Taksim Square. Police did not allow activists and intervened with tear gas to disperse them. Despite the excessive use of tear gas people did not disperse. Later the same day people got into the Gezi Park and then the Taksim Square.

Ministry of Interior Affairs made an announcement concerning the demonstrations. According to the figures of the Ministry, demonstrations were organised in all the provinces of Turkey except for Bayburt and Bingöl. The demonstrations continued more than a month especially in Ankara and Istanbul. The Ministry announced that almost 2.5 million persons joined the protests, 4,900 demonstrators were detained on suspicion, some 600 police officers and 4,000 demonstrators were wounded. The Ministry also gave details on the damages. 58 governmental building, 68 MOBESE (City Surveillance Cameras) cameras, 337 shops, 90 public buses, 214 private cars, 240 police vehicles and 45 ambulances were allegedly damaged. Total cost of the damages alleged to be 140 million TL. 90% of the damages happened in İstanbul, Ankara, Adana, İzmir, Antalya, Artvin, Bursa, Edirne, Eskişehir, Hatay, Kocaeli, Mersin, Samsun, Kayseri, Manisa and Tunceli.

On 20 June, Turkish Medical Association (TTB) also made an announcement concerning the demonstrations. According to the figures of the Turkish Medical Association as of 20 June 2013, 4 persons died, 7,832 persons were wounded.

İstanbul: One person died, 4 persons in intensive care, 21 heavily wounded, 4457 wounded persons, 6 persons lost their eyes.

Ankara: One person died, 7 persons suffering from head trauma, 4 persons lost their eyes, 21 heavily wounded, 1518 persons wounded.

İzmir: 2 heavily wounded almost 800 wounded persons.

Antakya: One person died, 3 heavily wounded, 158 wounded persons.

Adana: One person died, 6 heavily wounded, almost 160 wounded persons, 5 persons suffering from head trauma.

Eskişehir: 2 persons in intensive care, almost 300 persons were wounded. [Ali İsmail Korkmaz died later.]

Muğla: One heavily wounded person, almost 50 persons were wounded.

Mersin: One heavily wounded person, almost 20 persons were wounded.

Bursa: One person is suffering from head trauma, 2 persons were wounded.

Balıkesir: 155 persons wounded.

Kocaeli: 10 were wounded.

Antalya: One heavily wounded person, almost 150 persons were wounded.

Rize: 8 persons were wounded.

According to the figures gathered by İHD and applications made to İHD branches, Bar Associations and medical associations between 31 May 2013 and 10 June 2013:

Deaths: 5

Wounding: 8160

Heavy Wounding and Loss of Organs: 64

Detentions: 3343

Released Detainees: 3158

Detainees kept in detention: 66

Arrested persons: 119

4. Mediums of Police Violence

Tear gas and water cannons were the primary means of interventions by the police. But besides them there were several other mediums used by the police during the demonstrations. Riot control agents (RCAs) such as CS were the topic of long and heated debates during the CWC negotiations. At issue were their inclusion in the treaty and the restrictions that would be imposed upon their use. In the end, a compromise was reached under which States Parties are to declare to the OPCW the RCAs they possess for law enforcement purposes. Though use is allowed for these purposes, it is prohibited as a method of warfare.

According to the news appeared on the media[1], from 2000 to 2012 security forces, police and the gendarmerie, imported 600 tons of tear gas.  [In 2000 42 tons, in 2005 115 tons, in 2006 90 tons, in 2007 75 tons, in 2008 67 tons, in 2009 37 tons, in 2010 48 tons, in 2011 39 tons and in 2012 40 tons] This figures do not include the tear gas produced in Turkey. The total amount of tear gas General Directorate of Security is having was not declared.In about 20 days, almost 150,000 canisters were used against the civilians[2].

According to the announcement by Turkish Medical Association on 19 June 2013, excessive use of any chemical agent is toxic and may cause fatal illnesses or death. Though 4 persons died due to direct use of tear gas, it is not possible to find out the correct number of persons who indirectly died due to excessive use of tear gas. In this respect the use of tear gas have to be regarded as chemical weapon used against civilians.

The anti-riot agents were also not used in accordance with the regulations and instructions. Former Minister of Interior Affairs İdris Naim Şahin answered on 18 May 2012 the question tabled by an MP and said that agents were only used by trained personnel. General Directorate of Security also released several times regulations on the use of agents.

There are also instructions on the use of agent on the canisters. The instructions written on the canister produced in Brasil (Condor CL-202) were as follows: 1- Do not aim directly persons, 2- May cause fire, 3- Only trained persons shall use, 4- Only use in open space, 5- To throw far fire it with 45° angle , 6- Do not use after expiration date, 7- If subjected leave the place and wash your face with water, 8- Do not use pomade or lotion if your body is subjected to gas

As you can see in the pictures and videos used in this report and according to the application made to the human rights organisations, the police used tear gas from close distance and by aiming the demonstrators. We can easily say that the police used the agents against the demonstrators as firearm. Due to wounding caused by canisters Abdullah Cömert died, more than 10 persons lost their eyes. 100 person had head trauma and hundreds of demonstrators were wounded by canisters.

5. Police Brutality and Sample Incidents

The police heavily intervened all the demonstrations organised after the intervention in Gezi Park. In general, the police did not make any warning announcement, in case they did announcement they did attacked the crowd immediately, they used water cannons against anyone on the streets, chemicals were added to the water used, they excessively used tear gas, the agents were not used in accordance with the regulations and instructions, agents were thrown even into the houses, schools, hospitals on purpose, the police used violence as a medium of intervention and beaten the demonstrators without detention.

There were also several secondary methods used during the interventions, such as closing the MOBESA cameras, shutting down the electricity… There appeared news alleging that the GSM operators slowed down the internet access.

a. Water cannons and pressurised water

a1. Direct Use

Starting from the very first day of the demonstrations the police intervened the demonstrators with Anti-Riot Water Cannon Vehicle or TOMAs and using water cannons. The water cannons were not only used to disperse the crowd but also to fight down the resistance by injuring them. Water cannons were also used against the residents of the neighbourhood where the demonstrations were organised. The houses and shops were subjected to pressurised water.

TOMA uses water cannon against people waiting at bus-stop

TOMA uses water cannon against person on wheelchair

a2. Uses of Chemicals

Besides tear gas and pepper sprays chemicals were added to water used by TOMAs. The chemicals used caused burnings and redness. Istanbul Governor announced that no chemicals were added to the water, but only some medical staff. But analysis of the water revealed that there was the chemical called OC in the water.

Liquidised tear gas was included in the water used by TOMAs and hosed against the demonstrators. On 16 June 2013 police officers were recorded while adding the chemicals into the water. The chemical used was called Jenix which is a Turkish brand of liquidised tear gas[3].

b. Uses of tear gas during demonstrations

According to the figures announced by officials more than 150 thousand canisters were used during the demonstrations. Even the canisters expired to be used were used against the demonstrators.

b1. Types of tear gas used during demonstrations

According to the official announcement by Security Directorate two types of tear gas known as OC and CS were used. Police officers used either tear gas grenades or tear gas canisters during the demonstrations. Mainly two types of tear gas also known as pepper spray were used: OC spray (from “Oleoresin Capsicum”) and CS (from “2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (also called o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile)”).

Many types of tear gas and other riot control agents have been produced with effects ranging from mild tearing of the eyes to immediate vomiting and prostration. CN and CS are the most widely used and known, but around 15 different types of tear gas have been developed worldwide e.g., adamsite or bromoacetone, CNB, and CNC. CS has become the most popular due to its strong effect and lack of toxicity in comparison with other similar chemical agents. The effect of CS on a person will depend on whether it is packaged as a solution or used as an aerosol. The size of solution droplets and the size of the CS particulates after evaporation are factors determining its effect on the human body. [9]

The chemical reacts with moisture on the skin and in the eyes, causing a burning sensation and the immediate forceful and uncontrollable shutting of the eyes. Effects usually include tears streaming from the eyes, profuse coughing, exceptional nasal discharge that is full of mucus, burning in the eyes, eyelids, nose and throat areas, disorientation, dizziness and restricted breathing. It will also burn the skin where sweaty and or sunburned. In highly concentrated doses it can also induce severe coughing and vomiting. Almost all of the immediate effects wear off within an hour (such as exceptional nasal discharge and profuse coughing), although the feeling of burning and highly irritated skin may persist for hours. Affected clothing will need to be washed several times or thrown away.

OC spray is an inflammatory agent. It causes immediate closing of the eyes, difficulty breathing, runny nose, and coughing. The duration of its effects depends on the strength of the spray but the average full effect lasts around thirty to forty-five minutes, with diminished effects lasting for hours.

The Journal of Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science published a study that concluded that single exposure of the eye to OC is harmless, but repeated exposure can result in long-lasting changes in corneal sensitivity. They found no lasting decrease in visual acuity.

The European Parliament Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA) published in 1998 “An Appraisal of Technologies of Political Control” with extensive information on pepper spray and tear gas. They write:

The effects of pepper spray are far more severe, including temporary blindness which lasts from 15–30 minutes, a burning sensation of the skin which lasts from 45 to 60 minutes, upper body spasms which force a person to bend forward and uncontrollable coughing making it difficult to breathe or speak for between 3 to 15 minutes.

Turkish Medical Association also made an announcement on the uses and effects of tear gas. They also stressed that excessive use of tear gas may cause fatal damages.

Meanwhile the warnings on the canisters were changed. A clause saying that “lower body of the persons can be aimed from close distance” was added.

Former Warnings

1- Do not aim directly persons

2- May cause fire

3- Only trained persons shall use

4- Only use in open space

5- To throw far fire it with 45° angle

6- Do not use after expiry date

7- If subjected leave the place and wash your face with water

[3] Radikal, 19 June 2013.


8- Do not use pomade or lotion if your body is subjected to gas

Current Warnings:

1- If you fire from 3 metre distance, do not aim persons

2- If you fire from close distance you can aim lower parts of the body

3- Use it with proper gun with the 40 mm calibre

4- Only trained persons shall use

5- May cause fire.

6- Do not use after expiration date

7. If subjected leave the place and wash your face with water

8- Do not use pomade or lotion if your body is subjected to gas

b2. Using tear gas by aiming demonstrators

Despite the warnings on the tear gas canisters, police officers used tear gas by aiming people in order to wound them. Many persons were shot to death or were wounded with tear gas canisters, some people lost their eyes and lots of people were suffered from head trauma.

Order by police supervisor to shoot demonstrator with tear gas

Police officers celebrates shooting of demonstrator with tear gas capsule

Police officer convinces demonstrator to surrender and throws tear gas

b3. Excessive and Arbitrary Use of Tear Gas

Intervention in Taksim Square

Intervention in Kızılay Square

c. Interventions

c1. Against Houses

People who were shooting during the demonstrations released several videos by means of alternative media showing that riot police threw tear gas into the houses and used pressurised water with water cannons to the houses. In some cases tear gas was thrown mistakenly, but in many other cases it was recorded that police forces used tear gas and water cannons against houses on purpose and by aiming. There are lots of footages showing that police forces threw tear gas into the houses. Some of those incidents were also appeared on mass media. The tear gas canister thrown into a house in Armutlu neighbourhood of Hatay caused fire.

Tear gas was thrown into house

Riot police breaks the window and throws tear gas into house

Tear gas was thrown to the apartment on the 10th floor

Tear gas was thrown on purpose and by targeting to an apartment in Ankara

b6. Hospitals and Infirmaries

During the Gezi Park demonstrations hospitals and lots of places served as infirmary were attacked by the police forces. Persons who were either wounded or were serving those persons were subjected to police violence. In case police forces could not get into those places they both used tear gas and water cannon. These interventions were not only against infirmaries but also hospitals. In recent years police threw tear gas into the hospitals during several mass demonstrations and several news appeared on the papers about the incidents.

Tear gas attack against Divan Hotel which is used as infirmary

TOMA attacks German Hospital with water cannon

d. Beating

It was observed that the police used not only water cannon and tear gas but also used baton to beat demonstrators. Those who were subjected to beating were not arrested as a result number of beaten demonstrators that were arrested are low.

d1. First Intervention

It was observed that the police used violence against numerous demonstrators during the first intervention. It was determined that after TOMAs shot water at demonstrators and excessive use of tear gas, the police started to beat everyone without identifying whether they were demonstrators or not.

These interventions affected not only demonstrators but also shops that supported them and places used as infirmaries. For example, the police entered into Nazım Hikmet Culture Centre, where was used as an infirmary during these demonstrations, in Ankara and beat almost everyone there. Then, the police damaged the Centre financially and left there without any legal action.

Demonstrator beaten in the Taksim Square

d2. Incidents Happened After the First Intervention

The police arrested demonstrators in streets after interventions yet in most cases they preferred to beat demonstrators and took no legal action.

Police violence in Eskişehir

Police Intervention in Kordon Neighbourhood in Izmir

Beating Students who took to car park in Antalya

e. Rubber Bullets/Pepperball

Although there are many allegations of injuries by rubber bullets in the Gezi Parkı demonstrations only a small percentage of these allegations were documented. One of these documented rubber bullet injuries is that Mr. Mesut Çiftçi, who is the correspondent of ATV Channel, and Mr. İsmail Velioğlu the cameraman of the same TV channel were injured by rubber bullets and taken to Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi on 1 June 2013.

On the other hand, it was alleged that the police used not rubber bullets but PAVA (pelargonic acid vanillylamide) or “pepperball” guns in demonstrations. Our team learned that these guns, which shoot pepperball, have capacity to injure and bodies can be scarred as in the case of rubber bullets. It is claimed that content of the pepperball is Capsaisin not aeorosol that means it affects mainly targeted demonstrators rather than a larger area.

f. Flash-Bang

Flash-Bang is a tool that was used by the Security General Directorate for the first time during the Gezi Incidents. Demonstrators define this tool as “stun grenade”. Flash-bang is a tool that is inflammable and light like fireworks and as a result sounds as if a real grenade. According to news by Mr. Kamil Elibol from Bugün Newspaper: “guns which can throw gas canister in other words flash bang is bought as a response to fireworks and molotov cocktail used by pro-PKK/KCK demonstrators especially in the East-South East”.[1]

It was observed that Flash Bang was used so much that it caused panic among demonstrators and led them to harm some demonstrators though unintentionally.

g. Firearms

There are several statements on use of firearms during the Gezi Parkı Demonstrators. The most tragic incident happened on 1 June 2013 in Ankara. As camera records show that a police officer, whose identity is kept as secret, shot Mr. Mehmet Ethem Sarısülük who is 26 years old and a worker. Death brain of Mr. Sarısülük happened on 12 June 2013. The shooting incident was recorded by cameras.

Funeral ceremony of Mr. Sarısülük was planned to be held on 15 June 2013 in the Kızılay Square of Ankara yet it was not allowed. Those who wanted to attend the funeral was dispersed as a result of water cannons and tear gas or harsh intervention of the police.

The Funeral of Ethem Sarısülük

On the other hand, there was another funeral two days later on 17 June 2013 and police did not intervene as a result nothing bad happened.

Ethem Sarısülük’s autopsy conducted by the Forensic Medicine confirmed that there was bullet in his head. Therefore, it was confirmed that reason of his death was firearm not pounding or head trauma. For a while, authorities did not take any step to find the gun or the police officer that shot Mr. Sarısülük. Then, the police officer was identified and taken to the Court on 24 June 2013. Public Prosecutor demanded arrest of the police officer yet the Court released him stating that “the shooting was an action of self-defence”. The Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, made a speech in the Turkish National Police Academy on the same day and revealed there is an impunity policy by pointing out that the police was creating a legend.

The Court decided that the suspect cannot go to abroad and had to go to police station once in a week. Reason of the suspect reads as follows:

“It was understood that the suspect was driven to a prefabricate hut by demonstrators and was subjected to many stones by a  large group demonstrators, then the suspect drew his gun and fired his gun into air three times and the killed Mr. Ethem Sarısülük fell, the suspect turned his back and started to run to his colleagues while he was still subjected to stones, in this regard there was a possibility of self-defence for the suspect’s action of firing into the air”.

According to news by Mr. Mesut Hasan Benli from Radikal Newspaper, Mr. Zeki Ünalmaz the Head of the Investigation Department for Public Officers composed the following tweet: “I would like to kiss hands of the judge who overruled the demand for the arrest of the police officer who was accused of being responsible for death of Mr. Ethem Sarısülük”.

Anatolian News Agency made news on this case which reported “the police officer fired his gun into air since he was among demonstrators” and in fact, it aimed to create a sense that the police officer attempted to defend himself or self-defence. The followings lines are from the news: “A police officer was among demonstrators. While many demonstrators were throwing stones, the police officer fired his gun into air three times and run towards Milli Müdafaa Avenue. It was seen that Mr. Ethem Sarısülük, who was a few meters away from the police officer, fell when he fired the third time.”

h. Arrest Practices

There are many cases that those who were subjected to torture and ill-treatment when they were arrested during the Gezi Parkı Demonstrations. While the police tried to not to arrest demonstrators who were subjected to police violence, there were many demonstrators who suffered from torture and ill-treatment under arrest. It was because of the fact that there were many demonstrations.

Another issue related to arrest practices was about conditions. There were hundreds of arrests on some days and in some cities which resulted in these kinds of condition problems. Demonstrators were put into sport halls of the Security Directorate in some cities particularly Ankara and İstanbul.

Arrested people stated that there were practices of reverse parallel handcuff; they were kept in buses and sport halls; while they were kept in buses ventilation system was turned off and heating system was turned on; they were beaten; food and water were not provided; they were forced to take their clothes off and subjected to raid their naked bodies; they were subjected to insults and same for their lawyers; those were arrested on 16 June 2013 were forced to watch the AKP’s demonstration held in the Kazlıçeşme Square of İstanbul.

There was news about some cases that arrested demonstrators were not taken to detention centres but were kept in buses for hours.

Voluntary medical doctors who were providing health service in an infirmary in Ramada Hotel in Osmabey District of İstanbul were handcuffed and arrested by the police.

44 lawyers who wanted to organise press conference in the Çağlayan Court House were arrested on 14 June 2013. It was observed that the police used excessive force in this case. 21 of the lawyers were released when they showed their professional identity and the rest of the group that asked to be subjected to legal actions were released by public prosecutor.

There is a platform called Taksim Solidarity and its members were arrested on 8 July 2013 when police intervened in demonstrations in the Taksim Square. 38 of these people were released by public prosecutor while 12 of them were sent to Court since the public prosecutor asked their detention.

The Public Prosecution Office took statements of the following members of the Taksim Solidarity Platform and sent them to the Court to be detained: Ms. Ayşe Mücella Yapıcı, Ms. Beyza Metin, Mr. Ender İmrek, Mr. Ali Çerkezoğlu, Mr. Ahmet Kamil Tekerek, Mr. Mehmet Sabri Orcan, Mr. Süleyman Solmaz, Mr. Haluk Ağabeyoğlu, Mr. Arda Mustafa Aytaç, Mr. Aral Demircan, Erdem Ateş, Mr. Akif Burak Atlar by referring to crimes of “establishing a crime organisation, resistance to the Law on Demonstration and March No 2911 and police”. After making statements for long hourse, the Court released the 12 members of the Platform. Ms. Mücella Yapıcı, member of the Taksim Solidarity Platform Secretariat and the Secretary General of the Chamber of Architects İstanbul Branch, stated that she was forced to take her clothes off and subjected to raid when she was naked.

Many children were subjected to violence and were arrested during these demonstrations. According to report by the Gündem Çocuk, which is an association works for children, at least 294 children were arrested by 23 June 2013. For violence against children during these demonstrations, please see the attached report by the Gündem Çocuk. Unfortunately, figures of arrested children increased dramatically since the report was released.


Figures of Arrested Children














294 (at least)

6. Violated Rights

Categories of the Violated Human Rights

Human rights violations that occurred during the Gezi Parkı Demonstrations were categorised in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights (Rome, 4. XI. 1950) to which Turkey is a state party as follows:

Right to Life (Article 2 ECHR[2])

Several demonstrators were directly or indirectly killed during these demonstrations.

Mehmet Ayvalıtaş lost his life since a car did not stop but rushed at demonstrators that were in the TEM Highway in 1 May Neighbourhood on 2 June 2013.

Abdullah Cömert (22) lost his life after he was shot by gas canister at about 22.35 in Armutlu Neighbourhood and was taken to the State Hospital of Antakya on 3 June 2013 in Antakya[3].

Mustafa Sarı (police officer) lost his life while he was chasing demonstrators, who were organising demonstration to support the Gezi Parkı Demonstrations, in Adana on 5 June 2013. Mr. Mustafa Sarı fell from a 5 meter bridge that was under construction.

Ethem Sarısülük (26) lost his life after he was shot by a police officer in the Kızılay Square of Ankara on 1 June 2013[4]. Mr. Sarısülük’s brain death was announced on 13 June 2013.

Ali İsmail Korkmaz (19) joined Gezi Parkı Demonstrations in Eskişehir. According to witnesses he was beaten by police and civilians while he was running from tear gas on 2 June 2013. He was taken to Yunus Emre Hospital since there was no required equipment in the hospital where he was taken first. He was sent back to his home by stating that it was a judicial case. It was understood that he suffered a stroke 18 hours later. He was taken to hospital again and lost his life about 1 month later on 9 July 2013.

People who lost their lives indirectly:

İrfan Tuna (47) was a caretaker in a private course in the Kızılay Square and was subjected to tear gas there then lost his life from heart attack which resulted from tear gas on 5 June 2013.

Zeynep Eryaşar: joined demonstration in Avcılar Denizköşkler Neighbourhood and police intervened in the demonstration. She lost her life from heart attack resulted from tear gas.

Selim Önder (88): (musician) was walking around when police used tear gas to disperse demonstrators in Harbiye Neighbourhood in İstanbul. He got worse in a street named Kutlu and the demonstrators help him there. He went to home but lost his life the day after.

Seriously Injured People:

– Berkin Elvan: was seriously injured by gas canister in Okmeydanı Neighbourhood in İstanbul on 16 June 2013. Her head is damaged and she is in intensive care unit. She had two operations.

– Lobna Al Lamii: was seriously injured by police intervention in the Taksim Square on 31 May. Lobna Al Lamii is a Turkish citizen with Palestinian origin. Al Lamii has been in intensive care unit for 23 days. Family members composed the following tweet: “If there is anyone who has any knowledge about injury of Lobna, please contact us”.

– Ali İsa Korkmaz: suffered a stroke as a result of attack by a group of people in Eskişehir on 2 June 2013. Korkmaz is a 19 years old boy and is still in intensive care unit.

– Dilan Dursun: was injured by gas canister in the funeral of Mr. Ethem Sarısülük on 16 June 2013. She is not in intensive care unit now yet still needs to be treated.

Prohibition of Torture (Article 3 ECHR [5])

Human rights organisations based in Turkey state that police violence resulted from intervention in social events is torture. Water cannon, tear gas, of which instructions are ignored, and baton damage physical integrity of demonstrators since they lead to injuries and deaths. In the light of this fact, the following figures are about torture survivors: according to the statement by the Turkish Medical Association on 19 June 2013 there are 7959 people who went to public and private hospitals, medical centres, infirmaries and 59 of these people are in a serious situation. 100 people suffered head trauma and there is a possibility of losing life for 6 people among these people namely 4 in İstanbul, 1 in Ankara and 1 in Eskişehir. 11 citizens lost their eyes as a result of gas canisters shot on purpose and 1 citizen lost spleen. Riot police units either concealed their occupational number written on their helmets whenever they planned to use excessive or unproportional violence or they had helmets with no number as in the case of raid against Hilton Hotel on 16 June 2013. The following photo shows riot police officers who concealed numbers on their helmets in Ziya Gökalp Avenue in Ankara on 2 June 2013.

Demonstrators were arbitrarily arrested and released without any legal actions.

Arrested people stated that there were practices of reverse parallel handcuff; they were kept in buses and sport halls; while they were kept in buses ventilation system was turned off and heating system was turned on; they were beaten; food and water were not provided; they were forced to take their clothes off and subjected to raid their naked bodies; they were subjected to insults and same for their lawyers; those were arrested on 16 June 2013 were forced to watch the AKP’s demonstration held in the Kazlıçeşme Square of İstanbul.

In the meantime, the European Court of Human Rights convicted Turkey of unproportional violence by police and tear gas on May Day Demonstration in İzmir on 10 July 2013. Turkey was sentenced to fine. According to the ECtHR’s statement; Subaşı and Çoban took their case to the Court by complaining that they were kicked and beaten by police officers, were subjected to tear gas on May Day Demonstrations in İzmir in 2006 and there was no effective administrative investigation for these ill-treatment.

The Court made decision in favour of Subaşı and Çoban by stating that the Article 3, which is about prohibition of torture, of the Convention was violated.

The European Court of Human Rights made its decision also on case of Abdullah Yaşa (13) who was injured by gas canister used by police to disperse demonstrators in Diyarbakır in 2006 on 16 July 2013.

The Court observed that “Turkish law at the relevant time had not contained any provisions regulating the use of tear-gas grenades during demonstrations, or any guidelines concerning their use. […]Such a situation did not afford the level of protection of individuals’ physical safety that was required in contemporary democratic societies in Europe.”

In the light of this opinion, the Court decided that the Article 3, which includes inhuman and degrading treatment, of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The Court did not limit its decision with the case dated 2006 and asked the Turkish Government to review its legislation. It noted that on 15 February 2008 a circular laying down the conditions governing the use of tear gas had been issued to all the security forces. Nevertheless, the Court considered that the safeguards surrounding the proper use of tear-gas grenades needed to be strengthened in order to minimise the risk of death and injury resulting from their use.

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Article 9 ECHR [6])

A Christian citizen applied to the Human Rights Association (İHD) and complained that police forced blocked all streets in the Taksim Square on 16 June 2013 so it was impossible to reach to church and pray.

The Prime Minister, Mr Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, undervalued and targeted a group called “Anti-Capitalist Muslims” by making the following statement in his parliamentary speech on 18 June 2013: “they were claiming that they were praying”.

Freedom of Expression (Article 10, ECHR[7])

Freedom of assembly and association (Article 11, ECHR[8])

The political party in power declared any decision-making mechanisms other than elections are illegal and would be subjected to punishment. According to data by the Ministry of Interior Affairs the Gezi Parkı Demonstrations and Other Demonstrations to support the Gezi Parkı Demonstrations in 79 cities were intervened.

It was stated that most of the GSM operators did not work during these demonstrations. It was claimed that the Government put political pressure on the GSM operators to block mobile network.[9]

Journalists were subjected to police violence, too:

* Mr. Ahmet Şık Journalist, Olgu Kundakçı Correspondent of BirGün Newspaper, Mr. Osman Örsal Correspondent of Reuters, Mr. Onur Emre Correspondent of  Sol Newspaper, , Mr. Yavuz Alatan Correspondent of Sözcü Newspaper, Mr. Mehmet Canbek and Mr. Serdal Işık Correspondents of ETHA News Agency were injured by tear gas used by police.

* Mr. Mesut Çiftçi, who is the correspondent of ATV Channel, and Mr. İsmail Velioğlu the cameraman of the same TV channel were injured by rubber bullets and taken to Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi on 1 June 2013.

* Mr. Emrah Gürsel’s, Correspondent of Hürriyet Daily News, leg was damaged by police attack.

* Osman Terkan’s, Correspondent of Star Haber, finger was broken.

* Mr. Murat Uslu, Head of News Department of Star TV Channel, was injured by gas canister.

* Mr. İsmail Afacan, Correspondent of Evrensel Newspaper and Hayat TV Channel, was going to lose his eye as a result of water cannon attack.

* Mr. Hüseyin Özdemir, Correspondent of Milliyet Newspaper, fainted because of tear gas.

* Ms. Tuğba Tekerek, Correspondent of Taraf Newspaper, was subjected to violence and insult by police.

* Mr. Özgür  Söylemez, Cameraman of İMC TV Channel, and Mr. Eren Güvendik, Ankara Correspondent of the İMC TV Channel, hurt their legs.

* Mr. Bülent Ünal, Cameraman of Ulusal TV Channel, hurt his ear.

* Mr. Ercan Aslan, Photo Journalists of Milliyet Newspaper, was injured from his leg which was sutured.

* Mr. Celil Kırnapcı, Photo Journalist of Zaman Newspaper, was injured by stones thrown by demonstrators and his head was sutured.

* Mr. Erhan Karadağ, Ankara Representative of Kanal D TV Channel, was arrested on 31 May 2013.

– Ms. Fatoş Kalaçay, Correspondent of Sol Newspaper, was beaten and arrested.

* Mr. Mustafa Kaya, Ankara Representative of Ulusal TV Channel, and Mr. Serkan Bayraktar, Cameraman of the same TV Channel, were arrested in Ankara on 5 June 2013.

* Mr. Jake Price, US citizen and Photo Journalist of BBC, were subjected to an unidentified object while he was taking photos near the Gezi Parkı on 11 June 2013.

* Mr. İbrahim Doğan, Head of the News Department of Zaman Newspaper, was injured as a result of gas canister shot by police on 11 June 2013. He was taken to Taksim İlkyardım Hospital since his arm was broken.

* Mr. Cihan Acar from Zaman Newspaper and Mr. Can Şişman from Milliyet Newspaper were injured by gas canisters on 11 June 2013, too. While the former’s leg was broken, the latter’s head was sutured.

* Sasa Petricic and Derek Stoffel from CBC TV Channel based in Canada were arrested while they were working in the Taksim Square on 11 June 2013. They were kept under arreste for one day.

* Arkady Babtchenko, Russian Journalist, was beaten and arrested while he was taking photos of police vehicles on 14 June 2013. He was kept in police department for one night. He has problems with walking since he was beaten.

* Alexandra Bondarenko, Correspondent of Russia Today, was injured by a rubber bullet while Alexandra was watching clash between demonstrators and police on 15 June 2013.

* Paulo Moura, Correspondent of Publico Newspaper based in Portugal, was subjected to police violence on 16 June 2013.

* According to eyewitnesses, many journalists were subjected to tear gas while they were watching demonstrations in the Kızılay Square in Ankara.

* Many journalists were forced to delete photos and videos. Police forced Mr. Cem Türkel, Photo Journalist of Akşam Newspaper, to delete photos of police violence which he took in Harbiye Neighbourhood in İstanbul.

*  Mr. Okan Altunkara, Editor and Cameraman of İMC TV Channel, Mr. Ferhat Ulusağlar and Mr. Uğur Can, Correspondents of Doğan News Agency,  Mr. Emre Fidan, Cameraman of Ulusal TV Channel, Mr. Aslan Sahan, Correspondent of Aydınlık Newspaper, Daniele Stefanini, Italian Photo Journalist, were arrested on 16 June 2013. While Mr. Can and Mr. Altunkara were released after a short period, Mr. Uludağlar were released on 17 June 2013.

* Doğan News Agency reported that many journalists, who have no yellow press card, were arrested. Similarly, Hürriyet Newspaper released a video of similar incidents.

* A British Freelance Journalist stated that s/he was arrested in Osmanbey Neighbourhood in İstanbul and was kept under arrest for 3 hours. Police officer gave camera and microphone back after all contents were released. Notebook and press card were not given back.

* Ms. Eylem Düzyol, Journalist, and her colleague Ms. Fulya Atalay were beaten by baton after they took photos of incidents in some neighbourhoods on 16 June 2013. Düzyol told that “we worked in front of them throughout the day. So, they knew very well that we were journalists. I showed even my press card to persuade them yet they continued to beat us”.

* Mr. Abdullah Ayasun, from Today’s Zaman Newspaper, composed a tweet and said that police beat him and almost broke his leg though he showed his press card on 16 June 2013.

* Mr. Eren Dinç, Correspondent of Dicle News Agency (DİHA), was injured by water cannon while he was watching funeral of Mr. Ethem Sarısülük in the Kızılay Square on 16 June 2013. There were bruises in his leg and arms since he fell as a result of water’s pressure.

* Kemal Soğukdere and Alper Çakıcı, cameramen of Al Jazeera Turk, were beaten by police in İstanbul on 18 June 2013.

The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), in its meeting dated 11 June 2013, imposed fine on Ulusal TV, Halk TV, Cem TV and EM TV by alleging that these TV channels incited violence and violated broadcasting principles by means of programme contents against physical, mental and moral development of children and young people with regard to their Gezi Parkı broadcasts.

RTÜK, in its meeting dated 19 June 2013, imposed 11.886 TL fine on Ulusal TV Channel for broadcasting degrading statement of a demonstrator who took to a hotel on 15 June 2013. The demonstrator referred to the Prime Minister and told that: “what did our children do? Where were you damned Prime Minister? I wish that your children would be subjected to these conditions. We were fed up with you. God damn you, f*ck off”. 

The Council imposed imposed 11.886 TL fine on Beyaz TV Channel for broadcasting degrading statement of an old lady who praised the Prime Minister while insulted Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the President of the CHP, in a demonstration called “Respect National Will” and in favour of the AKP on 16 June 2013. The old lady told that: “Kılıçdaroğlu: you made a mistake but you could not lead this people to mistake. See Erdoğan, who was the owner of this people. God damn you.”

Social media was targeted by the AKP from the beginning of these demonstrations. 34 people in İzmir (4 June 2013), 13 people in Adana (8 June 2013) were arrested by alleging that they were “inciting violence” by means of these websites. Some members of the council of ministers and particularly Mr. Hüseyin Çelik, the spokesperson of the AKP, asserted that there would be new regulations for these websites.



Restrictions on political activities of aliens (ECHR art. 16[10])

Justice and Development Party in power claimed that foreigners are responsible for the demonstrations, as they have claimed before in similar situations. Foreign nationals who were arrested during the demonstrations, most of whom were undergoing internships in Turkey were deported.

French national Elisa Couvert who was an intern in İHD İstanbul Branch was taken into custody on 11th June. She was arrested in Socialist Democracy Party’s (Sosyalist Demokrasi Partisi) office where she had taken shelter from tear gas used intensively during the Gezi Park demonstrations. Couvert was kept in Foreigner’s Department for ten days and deported on 24th June.

Protection of property (Additional Protocol no. 1, art. 1[11])

During Gezi Park demonstrations, in various provinces, particularly in İstanbul, Ankara and Eskişehir, the tents that demonstrators have put up and their belongings inside the tents were seized, destroyed and burnt down during the interferences.

7. The Activities and Initiatives of Human Rights Organizations

The human rights organizations had various initiatives for the eradication of the breaches occurred and the prevention of violence during Gezi Park protests. The efforts and calls of the human rights organizations who have met with administrative chiefs and law enforcement authorities in many cities were unreturned. Human rights organizations united and made a joint declaration to call the government to end violence on 7th June:

Joint Declaration to Public;

The movement known as “Gezi Park Protests”, which is not restricted to Gezi Park and İstanbul, is publicly well-known. The events have first started in İstanbul and were followed with wide-spread police violence towards the protesters in Ankara, İzmir and in many other provinces of Turkey.

The organizations that have human rights awareness have focused on protection of the right of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression of the protestors and have paid attention to keep their work in this direction during this period.

From the point of view to universal standards of human rights, to be able to stage every form of peaceful demonstration that does not involve violence is a fundamental human right. The state’s role is restricted to creating the legal and actual conditions for enjoyment of this right. The use of violence during peaceful demonstrations is not acceptable.

Again, all the human beings indiscriminately have the right to access health care services.

The public authorities’ powers and duties about the demonstrations that include violence and the scope of these powers and duties are determined by Turkish laws and by international treaties.

In the social events occurring, it is understood that these fundamental standards of human rights are not respected and the enjoyment of freedom of expression is widely hampered by suppression of peaceful demonstrations by using force.

In addition, it is ascertained that access to health care was not provided adequately and during the said protests at least one protestor and during the demonstrations another protestor and a police officer lost their lives due to excessive use of force, that there are thousands of people injured and protestors who have lost their organs. People who have been injured or need legal aid because of these events have been applying to non-governmental organizations.

For human rights organizations it is inevitable to report and condemn the breaches taken place during this kind of demonstrations. The reporting or condemnation does not mean that the human rights organizations find the reasons of the protests legitimate or illegitimate. In this sense, human rights organizations do not defend the protest but the fundamental rights such as right to life, health, freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. The sole criterion for the human rights organizations is, as briefly explained above, whether the universal standards of human rights are met. In this regard the identity of the victim does not matter.

Within the scope of rights articulated UN Declaration on Protection of Human Rights Defenders, the signatory organizations which have human rights awareness are concerned about the interruption of enjoyment of the rights listed above and publications that are unreal and point the human rights organizations as target.

In this context, as the signatory institutions we declare to the public that we demand,

1. The protection of right to peaceful assembly within the frame of universal human rights standards;

2. The peaceful and non-violent ideas expressed via visual and social media tools are not subjected to prosecution;

3. The immediate cease of police violence against the demonstrators and the prompt termination of disproportional and excessive use of force; 

4. The immediate release of the people who have been arrested only because they exercised their right to peaceful demonstration and assembly;

5. The conduct of an independent and effective investigation of the acts of violence and the initiation of judicial process against the ones who are responsible at the earliest.

Human Rights Association Headquarters and all branches (İnsan Hakları Derneği)

The Organization of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People (Mazlum-Der) and all branches

Amnesty International

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (Türkiye İnsan Hakları Vakfı)

Turkish Medical Association (Türk Tabipler Birliği)

Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği)

Association for Solidarity with Refugees (Mülteci-Der)

Human Rights Research Association (İnsan Hakları Araştırmaları Derneği)

Human Rights Agenda Association (İnsan Hakları Gündemi Derneği)

The representatives of human rights organizations met Deputy Governor of Ankara, M. Fahri Aykırı instead of the governor as he had left to İstanbul to meet the prime minister, on 7th June, 2013 while demonstrations were continuing. Öztürk Türkdoğan, the president of Human Rights Association, Nurcan Aktay, member of general administrative board of The Organization of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People, Metin Bakkalcı, the general secretary of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, Feray Salman, the general coordinator of Human Rights Joint Platform (İnsan Hakları Ortak Platformu) and Tanıl Bora, founding member of Human Rights Foundation Turkey attended the meeting.

Öztürk Türkdoğan, the president of Human Rights Association, presented statistical data on injuries occurred during protests, described the breaches, demanded especially the effective investigation on shooting of Ethem Sarısülük by the police and then the organization representatives expressed that the police violence against peaceful demonstrations reached worrisome levels and demanded the immediate cease of use of violence by security forces, and the conduction of efficient investigations against the perpetrators of deaths and injuries, and the declaration of the results of the investigation to public.

Human Rights Association’s İstanbul Branch president Ümit Efe and Şebnem Korur Fincancı, general president of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, met Hüseyin Avni Mutlu, the Governor of İstanbul and demanded the cease of police violence and the resignation or dismissal of responsible officers.

Human Rights Association, called upon the authorities to take precautions and to start legal actions against the officers who act outside the scope of law while condemning the use of force by police force.

The statements of many international institutions and organizations and states, particularly the statement United Nations General Secretary Office’s indicate that the authoritarian democracy in Turkey has reached a worrisome point. İHD, while calling upon the political power to recede its persistence to breach right to live and prohibition of torture, is continuing its efforts before the international institutions and organizations to condemn and stop the wide-spread police violence in Turkey.

The political power has to stop the police violence immediately and meet real representatives of the demonstrators, carry on a dialogue with them and co-operate with them on the point of meeting their demands. The political power legitimizes torture and ill treatment by backing up the police. This viewpoint must be abandoned and the police officers that use force and their superiors must be investigated and prosecuted.

İHD called upon the victims of police violence and torture to apply to the association and expressed that the matter will be brought to international law arena and has started to accept applications in this scope.

İHD demanded the matter to be discussed before the European Parliament and this demand has been met and the discussion has taken place. Moreover, other human rights mechanisms were contacted; in particular, a meeting was held with European Committee for Prevention of Torture. Many other mechanisms will be contacted by using this report.

8. Statements of the Authorities

During Gezi Park demonstrations, deficient, incorrect, partial and provocative statements were made by authorities, in particular by the prime minister, even though the content of the statements was disproved. Among these statements the most striking were, the claim that the protesters consumed alcohol in a mosque; that a police officer who died by falling off the bridge in Adana was killed by the demonstrators; that Ethem Sarısülük was killed by the stones thrown by the demonstrators.

a. Prime Minister and the Government

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan:

*This also means the domination of the majority by the minority and we will not this happen. No one is talking about their entry to mosque with their shoes on, their consumption of alcohol in the mosque, their attacks on girls who wear headscarves. They oppress our artists, by asking why they do not participate. They always talk about police violence. They always tell that the prime minister is severe. They tell that some other person is very polite but the prime minister supports tension. They are trying to start disputes within us. Our organization will prevent this trap. ( )

* A deputy should be ashamed. They give money to people who go to demonstrators. Are they beggars? Are you doing charity? Republican People’s Party must get rid of this mindset and management.                                                    

* What happens there is obvious. It is sordidness, vileness. There are weird banners, banners with insults. We expect the support of the committee we met tonight. They should talk about this with our youth. They should take these steps so that we do not resort to other means. I hope this ends today. We will take steps. We will wait for the decision of the court. Then if the plebiscite is accepted we will do it. We will act according to result of the plebiscite. What else can I say?

* We planted over two billions of trees in ten years. We planted 750 million trees between ages of 3 and 10. We have given 250 thousand – 500 thousand square meters of area to be forested. They say that us, who has done all of this “massacre trees.”

* I differentiate the citizens who show awareness to environment that have taken place in these events. There were people who attacked American Embassy. They cause harm to public property and property of innocent people. They damage the buses and roads.

* Two young people have lost their lives, one police was martyred. The death of my police is as important as the death of these young people.                         

* He [Republican People’s Party’s president Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu] decided to hold a demonstration today in Kadıköy. If you use provocative expressions, this nation will never forgive you. If the social movement is important, if demonstrations are important, we will gather a million of people while they gather a hundred thousand people. We don’t have a problem in gathering people. But they should not go that far.                                      

* We will not stand by while a few marauders provoke our people. This nation has voted us to protect our history.                                              

* We are hardly keeping the fifty percent of the people away from the streets.

* Being an environmentalist does not mean damaging public property. Being an environmentalist does not mean destroying trees and flower pots. Being an environmentalist does not mean killing people. The ones who are trying to lecture us, what are they saying about Wall Street events in the USA? The pepper spray incident, death of 17 people happened there.

* During these events, they dragged the bride of a close friend of mine along with her six month old baby on the floor, at a place close to Prime Minister’s Office. They harassed her, they harassed her kid. How does this relate to struggle for freedom? Is this freedom, is this environmentalism? But we have put up with this in patience.

* Gezi Park is extremely dirty. It smells of urine. Excuse me for saying this, but most of them defecate in the park.                                                     

* Neo-nationalists, partisans of Republican People’s Party! How could you put Atatürk and Turkish flag together with the terrorist’s image? Atatürk Cultural Centre is a public instruction. It was occupied. There were pictures of terrorists; there were banners of illegal organisations. There were scraps and insults against the prime minister of Republic of Turkey. If you ask me I was very sad about these. What else could we do other than removing them? I asked them how they will clear Gezi Park. I said that it is the end now. And yesterday, the operation was made and the park was cleared.

* We will bring to account the ones who terrorized the streets for 18 days, who have harassed my sisters who wear headscarves, the creeps who used violence against a mother and her baby, immoral ones, the ones who entered Bezmi Alem Valide Sultan Mosque with their shoes on, the ones that occupied the mosque and the rude ones who consumed alcohol there, within the scope of law.                                               

* They walk with the Turkish flag together with ones who burn the Turkish flag. They also exploit Ghazi Mustafa Kemal. However, they carry Ghazi Mustafa Kemal’s posters along with the posters of separatists. I call out to Republican People’s Party. I call out to so called neo-nationalists that Republican People’s Party follow. Are you happy about the scraps hanged on Atatürk Culture Centre? Are you happy with the scraps hanged on Republic Monument? Are you happy with ones who consume alcohol in mosques, who harassed my sisters who wear headscarves? Are you happy with the insults written on streets, the insulting slogans in 18 days? But I will tell you this, the most of the Republican People’s Party’s administration is happy about this, most of the cadre is happy with this. Because, they are sadly acting according to their characters.

* “A youth severely swearing against their own prime minister cannot be my youth. A youth writing these on the walls cannot be a youth that seeks rights. And today, the ones that raid the offices cannot be the youth of this country that seeks for rights. They destroy, they burn. And they claim to seek rights. What rights? I call upon our youth with common sense to give this show away, not to participate in this show.”

* I demonstrated the animation show about Taksim Gezi Park in 2010. From that day until today no one objected.                     

Ministry of Interior Muammer Güler:

* I declare it to the public: They tried to burn down the tents, we prevented this.

Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç:

* Well trained anarchist groups clash with police. The direction given to the police is this: Be passive primarily. Police does this very well. They sometimes request this, they sometimes reach agreements. Look at the photos and video recordings. The police are always passive.

* The police have not entered any hotels maybe even when it needed to, Divan Hotel has become the headquarters of an institution that provides logistic support and food aid to the demonstrators.                

* The security intelligence we received indicates that the demonstrators themselves endeavour to raise the death toll. The demonstrators are professionals. They threw a child from 12 meters high in Adana; he is still in the hospital.                                          

Minister of EU, Egemen Bağış  

* I especially request from all of our citizens who support the demonstrators today. Please go back to your homes. The ones, who stay there from now on, will unfortunately have to be seen as terrorist organisation members by the state.

* Bağış, who said “The presence of our police is not to be questioned, the presence of illegal demonstrators should be questioned.” stated that there is evidence proving that there are members of terrorist organizations among the demonstrators. Bağış who stated that he is struggling to differentiate between the gracious citizens and members of terrorist organizations in the park said “They also confess that what is happening is not about the trees in Gezi Park. This is an effort to trigger a movement that will change the regime. They have been preparing for this for at least six months. We have documents proving this.”

b. Local Authorities

İstanbul Governor Avni Mutlu

* On the 19th day, in response the decision of Taksim Solidarity to continue the demonstrations it was decided to clear Gezi Park. Around 20:00 it was requested to clear Gezi Park and most of the people left following this. The whole intervention is recorded by security forces. There were no injuries during the intervention to the park. During all of the interventions 29 people were mildly injured.                                                                                    

* As it was shared before, we expressed that there will not be any intervention against people in Gezi Park, and Taksim Square is not in the scope of intervention.

* Combat tools that are commercially available that are being used for their purposes. We see that they purchase these tools to communicate among themselves. The purposes of whom we struggle against can be seen. We are not against who have words to say but against the ones who have Molotovs and radiotelephones.                            

Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Melih Gökçek

* Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Melih Gökçek talked about Ethem Sarısülük who lost his life today said that he was killed by a stone thrown at him by provocateurs. Melih Gökçek, who claimed that the allegations that Ethem Sarısülük was shot by the police, is provocation and he said Sarısülük was not shot by the police despite the video recordings.           9

* They are provoking the police by reading books in front of them.

* He claimed that all of the expenses of artist Mehmet Ali Alabora’s theatre play “Mi Minör” are made by foreign sources and that cannot be a coincidence.

İzmir Police Chief Ali Bilkay:

* İzmir Police Chief Ali Bilkay explained that people in civilian clothing who interfered in the events behind the action forces are also police officers. Police chief Bilkay, said that special vests have been distributed to these police officers but some may have not worn the vests, however there were no civilians among them.

İzmir Governor Mustafa Toprak:

* İzmir Governor Mustafa Toprak reacted to said police officers and said, “The police cannot carry sticks. The tools that the police use are apparent. With these images we cannot betray the trust in the state and the police.”                                   

c. Examples of Provoked Civilians

Some civilians interfered with the demonstrators either because of the effect of authorities’’ statements on them or in cooperation with the security forces. There were many incidents, particularly in İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir and Adana. During these incidents, people in civilian clothing threw stones at the demonstrators with their hands or by using slingshots and carried sticks, and these were recorded. In the news, it was claimed that these people were police officers appointed by their superintendants. However, there were civilians, who do not belong to security forces, taking part in the incidents.

In İzmir, the security forces claimed that the people with sticks who interfered with the demonstrators along with the police were undercover policemen. However, İzmir Governor denied those claims. One of the civilians was claimed to be an administrator in Justice and Development Party’s youth branches. Again in İzmir some other claims were made in the media that civilian clothed people attacked the demonstrators.

İzmir Police Chief Ali Bilkay stated that the civilian clothed people who interfered with the demonstrators along with the action police are also police officers. Police chief Bilkay said that special vests have been distributed to these police officers but some may have not worn the vests, however there were no civilians among them.

İzmir Governor Mustafa Toprak reacted to said police officers and said “The police cannot carry sticks. The tools that the police use are apparent. With these images we cannot betray the trust in the state and the police.”

In Adana, civilian people who were throwing stones at the demonstrators were seen. The press covered that these young people threw stones at the demonstrator while they were escorted by the police. No explanation was made on the identity of these people.

Lynch Attempts and Attacks under Police Escort

The two most perilous incidents happened in İstanbul. A group of people who were carrying sticks and knives attacked Republican People’s Party’s building in Şişhane. The police officers who warned the group did not interfere with them. It was observed that the attackers were acting along with the police.                                                                         

In Rize, the group, which gathered in order to show their support to Gezi Park demonstrators, was attacked. The police was inadequate to ensure the security of the demonstrators and some of the demonstrators were battered. The demonstrators who had to take shelter in a building remained there as the building was surrounded by the attackers and there were many attempts to attack the building.

On the night of 20th June, a group of people who were claimed to be organized by the headman of the neighbourhood attacked the forum gathered in a park in Yeniköy, İstanbul. The group first took part in the forum and towards the end of the gathering they claimed that the organizers of the forum are against mosques and work together with Greek people. Later they attacked the group which consisted majorly of children and women.                                                       Yeniköy Parkı Forumu’na saldırı

In Taksim Talimhane, civilian people attacked the demonstrators with machetes and sticks on the night of 6th July. On 7th July, Sabri Çelebi and other three people who attacked the demonstrators with machetes were interrogated by the public prosecutor, their case was referred to the court and the public prosecutor demanded their arrest because of the crimes of “wilful injury” and “resisting public officers”, the court on duty released four suspects.

İstanbul public prosecutor Veysi Büyükkılıç, who was in charge of the investigation, objected the release of Sabri Çelebi. The prosecutor had demanded the arrest of suspect Çelebi on the grounds of the characteristics of the crime and the evidence present in the case. İstanbul Assize Court (No. 1) in duty issued an arrest warrant for Sabri Çelebi. However, it was covered in the press that Sabri Çelebi had already fled abroad.                                                                          Taksimde Eli Palalı Adam – Kadına Tekme Atıyor                                                                                            Palalı Adam Göstericiyi Boynundan Yaralıyor

On 13th July, some of the shopkeepers in Beyoğlu attacked the demonstrators. The police blocked the march of Taksim Solidarity and Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects by building barricades in front of Galatasaray High School. The police officers who were waiting at the entrance of İstiklal Street interfered with the crowd by using pressurized water and tear gas. After the interference, in Sadri Alışık Street some shopkeepers attacked the demonstrators who were running away from the police.

9. Observations and Suggestions

In the last few years the authoritarian police state practices, exposed in İHD’s reports, hazed the public and paved the way for mass reaction. The authoritarian practices of the political power were widely protested. Justice and Development Party’s interference in the lifestyles of the people who did not vote for them after 11th June 2011 elections by making law amendments which were not covered in the government programme, tendency to spread religious practices and the efforts to build up new identities were clearly seen and reactions were made against these practices. In this course, the groups that follow a policy against Justice and Development Party tried to take advantage of the movement; however they were not supported by the public.

The protests made in the last month coincided with the peace and resolution process in the Kurdish issue. The protestors who took part in the demonstrators have recently started to understand the state violence that has been perpetrated against Kurdish people for years. The demand for freedom arisen in Gezi Park and spread across the country, overlapped with the demands of Kurdish people and resulted in a total demand for more freedom.

In the light of foregoing developments, we as İHD demand the implementation of the following suggestions:

  1. The political power’s statements aiming the legitimization of police violence must be ceased immediately; an impartial and independent national mechanism to effectively combat torture must be established bearing in mind that political powers said statements would result in spreading out torture, that torture is a crime against humanity and that the crime of torture cannot be subjected to statute of limitations; effective investigations and prosecutions must be carried out against all of the public authorities that are responsible for the events; legal process must be immediately initiated against the security forces who have committed torture;
  2. All of the legal regulations and administrative practices hampering the exercise of the peaceful demonstration right must be removed and force must not be applied to the one who exercise their right to peaceful demonstration under no circumstances;
  3. The police’s authorization to use arms must be reviewed and the use of arms during social demonstrations must be banned;
  4. Use of tear gas must be banned;
  5. The obstacles in the way freedom of speech must be removed;
  6. The demonstrators who have been arrested with the charges of terror in these events must be released immediately and specially authorized prosecution procedure must be terminated;
  7. All of the projects concerning Taksim Gezi Park must be cancelled; the political power must carry out new policies that respect urban rights and environmental rights;
  8. All of these events resulted from the reaction to political power’s attempts to create a new identity; the political power must immediately accelerate the process of creating a new and democratic constitution;
  9. As the public has manifested during the demonstrations that the election threshold, which is the biggest obstacle in the way of participation in political life, must be abolished, the threshold must immediately be removed.

ANNEX 1: Chronology of the Events

25th – 26th – 28th – 30th May 2013

On 25th May 2013 in Istanbul, in consequence of the intervention of the police teams with gas bombs, nightsticks and pressurized water by giving the justification that İstiklal Avenue is prohibited against the protests, with the group who wanted to protest the decision on prohibition of Taksim Square and İstiklal Avenue against the protests by marching to Taksim Square from İstiklal Avenue, the march was blocked.

On 26th May 2013 in İstanbul, 3 people, members of Independent Revolutionary Class Platform (Bağımsız Devrimci Sınıf Platformu) who unfurled a banner in a working place with the purpose of protesting the decision on prohibition of Taksim Square and İstiklal Avenue, were battered and taken into custody by the police teams.

On 28th May 2013, the protesters who were keeping watch at Istanbul Taksim Gezi Park came across with the municipal police and police barriers. Municipal police teams came next to the protesters and intended to dismantle their tents. A clash took place between the municipal police teams and the protesters who did not want their tents to be dismantled. In the meantime, the construction equipment moved toward the area at which the construction work will be conducted. The protesters who saw the construction equipment wanted to the stop the works by passing the barricades. This time the police intervened with the group with pepper gas which tried to go in front of the construction equipment. While the protesters were dispersing after the intervention, the construction equipment started working at Gezi Park.

On 30th May 2013, the police teams intervened with gas bombs in the watch at park protest towards morning which was initiated by the members of “Stand up for Taksim Platform” (Taksim İçin Ayağa Kalk Platformu) who wanted to prevent the construction equipment which were brought to Gezi Park located at Taksim Square in Istanbul on 28th May 2013 in accordance with the decision made by Beyoğlu Municipality, from starting to demolish the park by uprooting and cutting down the trees. Clearing the protesters out of the park by force, the police teams burned down the tents and belongings of the protesters and uprooted the saplings planted by the protesters. It was learned that after the intervention one person was injured and one person was taken into custody.

31st MAY 2013

On 31th May 2013, the police teams intervened again excessively,  intemperately, disproportionately with gas bombs in the watch at park protest towards morning which was initiated by the members of “Stand up for Taksim Platform” (Taksim İçin Ayağa Kalk Platformu) who wanted to prevent the construction equipment which were brought to Gezi Park located at Taksim Square in Istanbul on 28th May 2013 in accordance with the decision made by Beyoğlu Municipality, from starting to demolish the park by uprooting and cutting down the trees. Clearing the protesters out of the park by force, the police teams burned down the tents and belongings of the protesters and uprooted the saplings planted by the protesters. It was learned that after the intervention at least 7 people were injured and 6 people were held in intensive care unit due to head trauma.

The police intervened in Kuğulu Park as well at which people in Ankara, who wanted to protest the intervention made in Gezi Park at Taksim on 31st May 2013 and the violence of the police, have gathered. The protesters whose number was constantly increasing due to the reason that the intervention was increasing its violence were exposed to pepper gas use of the police all night long at Tunalı Hilmi Avenue, Akay Avenue, Esat Avenue, Atatürk Boulevard and avenues and streets leading to Kızılay Square.

1st JUNE 2013

The movements for protesting the use of force of the police who intervened in the Gezi Park protest have spread all around Turkey on 1st June 2013. Gas bombs were dropped all day long against the groups who gathered at Kızılay Square in Ankara at the protests which the police used rubber bullets as well. A civilian vehicle dived into the crowd speedily and ran over 3 people.

It was learned that the right eye of Vedat Oğuz (18) to whom the canister of the gas bomb thrown by the police who intervened in the demonstration in Antalya on 1st June 2013 has hit, lost its sight.

2nd JUNE 2013

On 2nd June 2013, when the wounded and the doctors were inside, it was intervened in the infirmaries set up in Ankara Political Science Graduates Union (Ankara Mülkiyeliler Birliği) and Nazim Hikmet Cultural Center (Nazım Hikmet Kültür Merkezi) at night with gas bombs.

During the protests in Istanbul on 2nd June 2013, it was learned that Burak Ünveren, a research assistant at Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Economics and Selim Polat, a student at the same school have lost the sight of their eyes due to a gas bomb cartridge and rubber bullet which hit their heads.

On 2nd June 2013, Mehmet Ayvalıtaş who was 21 years old was trapped under a car which was trying to pass through the protesters in Ümraniye District of İstanbul and lost his life.

It was learned that the arm and leg of Caner Ertay, a member of Community Centers (Halkevleri) who was taken into custody for participating in the protest in Eskişehir on 2nd June 2013, was broken as a result of the torture he was exposed to at a parking area where he was caught by the police.

Necati Metin, Provincial Gendarmerie Command Deputy Commander in charge of Public Order Lt. Col., who wanted to meet the demonstrators at the protest in Muğla on 2nd June 2013, was injured in the eye by a gas bomb.

Ekber Serin (38) from İzmir, a handicapped person, is one of the people who were attacked by these groups during the Gezi Park support protests which took place on 2nd June 2013. Ekber Serin who was taken for dead and abandoned at the scene was taken to Tepecik Training and Research Hospital by the citizens in the surrounding area. Suffering from a brain trauma, cracks were formed in Serin’s neck, nape and left arm, moreover clefts were formed in his left tibia. Groups holding sticks that were claimed to be formed by people supporting Justice and Development Party in İzmir were brought to agenda with their brutal attacks along with the police not only to the protesters supporting Taksim Gezi Park resistance but to everyone they came across with on the street as well.

3rd JUNE 2013

Police teams who intervened in the demonstrations ongoing in Istanbul on 3rd June 2013 intensely used gas bombs again in Beşiktaş. 100 people were taken into custody while many were injured.

It was also intervened with the group which gathered in Tunceli on 3rd June 2013 and protested the police violence.

It was learned that by the end of the demonstrations in Adana, 24 people were taken into custody.

Minister of Interior stated within his updated disclosure that 3400 people were taken into custody within 400 demonstrations organized in 75 cities in total and 640 thousand people have participated in the demonstrations.

In Antakya, central district of Hatay, Abdullah Cömert who was 22 years old lost his life during Taksim Gezi Park protests. Within the autopsy performed, it was indicated that death occurred by two blows taken on the head. It was indicated that skull fracture due to the blow taken behind the head and on top of it a slit reaching up to the bone in 4 centimetres diameter in the form of a semilunar were encountered.

In Ankara, the protests started in the daytime with the high school students gathering in Güvenpark and continued at night. Police teams intervened in the protests very severely with intense gas bombs, pepper gases, nightsticks, pressure water, riot control vehicles (TOMA) and scorpion type armoured vehicles from ground and air. By the end of the day, 150 people were taken into custody while 170 people 4 of which are journalists were injured.

4th JUNE 2013

The protests spreading all around Turkey on 4th June 2013 continued for the reason that the excessive, intemperate, disproportionate attitude of the police was not changed despite the meetings taking place between Abdullah Gül, Bülent Arınç and Sırrı Süreyya Önder. The protests continued especially in İstanbul, Ankara, Adana, Tunceli and on account of Abdullah Cömert who was killed due to the hitting of the canister of the gas bomb thrown by the police in Hatay.

In Ankara, the police teams who used blast bombs on high school students in the protests did not intervene with the protesters until the night, however they intervened with the protesters with gas bombs around 23:00 again.

The police teams intervened in the protests very severely again in Adana, Hatay and Tunceli all night long. In Tunceli, the police teams threw gas bombs inside a hospital. It was learned that at least 7 people were taken into custody in Adana and at least 3 people were injured in Hatay.

In İstanbul, the police teams severely intervened in the protests ongoing in Beşiktaş, Gümüşsuyu and Gazi District. It was learned that 15 people were taken into custody in Gümüşsuyu

In Erzincan, the police teams intervened with the members of various Alawite associations who were marching for protesting the third bridge to be constructed on the bosphorus in Istanbul being named “Yavuz Sultan Selim” with pepper gas and pressure water

5th JUNE 2013

On 5th June 2013, as previously announced, CPLU (KESK), CPTU (DISK), UCTEA (TMMOB) and TMA (TTB) made protests across Turkey for warning the government. In the Ankara section of the strike that supported the Gezi Park protests as well, thousands of people including union members gathered at Kızılay Square. While preparing to conclude the protest ongoing under the leadership of the unions and occupational organizations, the police teams located at Bakanlıklar (Atatürk Boulevard) intervened in with pressure water and gas bombs without giving a warning that the people at the square could hear, based on the claim that “a group among the people present at the square will make a protest aimed at the police teams”. Intervening with the protesters who were dispersed to the side streets with gas bombs, rubber bullets and nightsticks without warning and by looking out for targets, the police teams threw gas bombs to all streets and avenues leading to Kızılay Square despite the reaction of the shopkeepers. It was asserted that after the attack of the official police teams concluded, 12 people were taken into custody by the undercover police officers.

The police teams intervened in the protests very severely in Tunceli as well all night long.

Police Commissioner Mustafa Sarı who was seriously injured by felling off a bridge while intervening in the demonstrations organized in Adana on 5th June 2013, lost his life in the hospital where he was taken on 6th June 2013.

On 5th June 2013, İrfan Tuna (47) who was working in a private teaching institution close to Kızılay Square in Ankara as a janitor became ill after the intense attack of the police with gas bombs toward the protesters. İrfan Tuna lost his life as a result of the heart attacked he suffered in the hospital where he was taken for the reasons that he could not breathe clean air since the region was covered by smoke spread from the gas bombs and the ambulance came late for the police has blocked the roads. Whether gas bombs caused the death of İrfan Tuna or not will be understood in the wake of the report of Forensic Medicine Institution.

33 people out of 48 who were taken into custody as a result of the house busts organized in Izmir simultaneously on 5th June 2013, based on the claim that they “openly provoked the public into grudge and hostility” by giving information through, a social networking site, were released on 6th June 2013.

6th JUNE 2013

The police teams who intervened very harshly in the protests in Gazi District in Istanbul on 6th June 2013, severely injured Tufan Akbaş by hitting him on the head with a gas bomb capsule.

C.A (17), who was taken into custody on charges of carrying out an attack aimed at the district building of Justice and Developlent Party in Karşıyaka District of İzmir, was arrested by the court in which he appeared on 6th June 2013.

On 6th June 2013, a one hour sit-in protest was staged in front of Democratical Society Congress (DTK) in Amid by People’s Democratical Congress (HDK) components for supporting the protesters who named themselves as “Marauders” as a reaction to Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. HDK components often shouted the slogans “Amid don’t sleep protect the resistance”, “Amid is riot, hello to Taksim”, “Resisting peoples will win from Kurdistan to Taksim” at the protest where the banner on which “Everywhere is Taksim everywhere is resistance” was written was unfurled.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan encountered with a Gezi Park protest in Tunisia. One group of Tunisian youngsters shouted the slogans “Tayyip get out” at the protest they made. Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan encountered with a Gezi Park protest in Tunisia, his third stopping place of his North Africa visit. One group of Tunisian youngsters gathered at the entrance of the congress centre in which Turkey-Tunisia Business Forum was to be held supported the protesters at Taksim Gezi Park.

While the police attacked the groups gathered at Tunalı Hilmi Avenue and Kuğulu Park with pressure water and intense pepper gas, many people were injured during this intervention. Thousands of people at Kennedy Street resisted against the police. The protests concluded towards morning.

On 6th June 2013 in Adana, a clash took place between the police and the demonstrators making a protest in front of the Provincial Directorate of Justice and Development Party. During the events, many demonstrators and one police were injured. It was learned that the injured police fell off a bridge above the railway route while chasing the demonstrators.

In Bursa, a group gathered at Fatih Sultan Mehmet Boulevard in Nilüfer the central district sat on the pavement and made a book reading protest. The group who read books on the pavement for a while dispersed peacefully after shouting slogans.

In Antalya, a group most of whom are university students continuing their protest at Cumhuriyet Square danced the halay accompanied by drum and shrill pipe in the area they formed with the name “Alcohol-Free Swearing-Free Free Zone” with reference to Miraj.

In Muğla, the protesters gathered at Milas Atapark staged a sit-in protest after shouting slogans for a while. Milas Police Department teams who were taking security precautions around offered dessert (lokma) to the protesters and citizens on account of Miraj.

In Denizli, the protesters gathered at Delikliçınar Square preferred to remain silent instead of shouting slogans by virtue of Miraj.

In Malatya, the protestors who gathered in two separate groups at Yeşilyurt Street in Paşa Köşkü District shouted slogans.

7th JUNE 2013

On 7th June 2013, in Gazi neighbourhood of İstanbul, demonstrations that have been staged by thousands of people to support Taksim Gezi Park resistance continued. At the evening, thousands of people who gathered in Gazi neighbourhood marched towards the police station. The police harshly interfered with the demonstrators with armoured vehicles and action forces. During the interference, Duran Akbaş was severely injured in the head by the gas bomb capsule fired at a close range. The witnessed stated that the capsule had hit Akbaş in the head and he was in a serious medical conditional.

In Sarıgazi İstanbul, 37 year old Hakan Yaman, father of two, who was trying to go home, got beaten and kicked by the police, which made him blind and he was thrown into fire. Yaman who was hospitalized in Kartal Hospital’s E.R. with his back and arms burnt, lost his left eye because of the hard hits he had received. His elder brother Ali Haydar Yaman stated that he had made a criminal complaint against five police officers.

8th JUNE 2013

On 8th June 2013, in Adana, five people were taking into custody from their homes based on the claims that they have participated in Gezi Park protested. It was stated that the number of people taken into custody may increase. Police officers of Adana Police Department made raids in many houses in the morning. After the houses were searched, Deniz Uslu and Anıl Küçükrecep members of Libertarian Youth Association (Özgürlükçü Gençlik Derneği), Orbay Gayret member of Student Collectives (Öğrenci Kollektifleri) and Mercan Arguç and Ozan Çakır members of Socialist Re-Organization Party (Sosyalist Yeniden Kuruluş Partisi) were taken into custody. Five people who were taken into custody based on the claims that they have participated in Gezi Park protest were taken to Adana Police Department.

9th June 2013

On 9th June 2013, there were clashes between the police and the demonstrators who gathered in Kızılay Square, Ankara to support Taksim Gezi Park resistance; thousands of people who were protesting were exposed to police’s attack with pepper spray and pressurized water. The scattered group re-entered the square shortly after and came across police attack once again. It was reported that the clashes between the police and the demonstrators have withdrawn to Ziya Gökalp Avenue, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Boulevard and towards Sıhhiye Square continued and tens of people fainted because of the heavy usage gas bombs during the events.

In Adana ten thousands of workers who wanted to march to Justice and Developlment Party’s provincial building were blocked by police barricade. The people have decided to sit up all night in Atatürk Park to continue resistance.

10th June 2013

On 10th June 2013, the police attacked the demonstrations in Kennedy Avenue, Ankara and Gazi Neighbourhood, İstanbul with gas bombs and pressurized water.

Police and gendarmerie interfered with the taxi drivers’ protests, who drive passengers through Habur Border Gate, close to Silopi County of Şırnak province, to Kurdish Federal District, against the regulation obliges the taxis to carry four passengers, with gas bombs and scattered them.

11th JUNE 2013

On 11th June 2013, protests all over Turkey continued in reaction to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s indifference to demonstrators’ demands. The demonstrations continued particularly in İstanbul and Ankara. The police violence against the demonstrators was the harshest in the last days. On the 15th day of the demonstrations, the police had attacked Taksim square and had taken the control over the square by excessive and disproportional use of gas and pressurized water. While the police operation was going on İstanbul Governor Hüseyin Avni Mutlu had stated that the police would not enter Gezi Park and would not interfere with people in the park. Right after the Governor’s statements, the police attacked the park with gas bombs all day long. The police attacked the human chain formed around the park. There were clashes between the demonstrators protesting police violence and the police in Taksim square and around the square, all day long. The police forces raided the provincial building of Socialist Democracy Party (Sosyalist Demokrasi Partisi), based on the claims that members of the party used Molotov cocktail during the protests in Taksim Square and took 70 people into custody.

Many tents in Gezi Park were demolished because of police attacks which continued all day long, people who were injured or affected by gas bombs were taken into infirmaries and Taksim Hospital. The effect of the gas reached hospital. A one year old child was hospitalized as he was affected by tear gas.

In Taksim square, Taksim Solidarity Coordination’s (Taksim Dayanışması Koordinasyonu) member Alp Altınörs and Pir Sultan Abdal Culture Association’s (Pirsultan Abdal Kültür Derneği) Ataşehir Branch president Metin Arslan were shot with rubber bullets respectively in the head and in the waist. During the attack, a disabled person in wheelchair fell on the ground because of the pressurized water used in the square.

In İstanbul Çağlayan Courthouse, lawyers who intended to issue a press statement were attacked firstly by private security guards and later by police action forces. 49 lawyers who were taken into custody were released after the health controls.

The police removed the flags, banners and banners from the facade of Atatürk Cultural Centre.

At the end of the day it was reported that 620 people were injured in İstanbul, majority of who were affected by tear gas.

Police interfered with the protests in Ankara and Gazi Neighbourhood of İstanbul in the evening.

12th JUNE 2013

On 12th June 2013, the protests continued in Ankara after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met the representatives of protestors and announced that a plebiscite might be hold for Gezi Park. On the 16th day of protests, the groups which gathered in Ankara’s Tunalı Hilmi and Kennedy Streets were attacked with gas bombs and pressurized water.

In İzmir, it was reported that three police officers who were recorded while attacking people sitting by the sea and pulling the hair of a woman were laid off temporarily within the scope of investigation being conducted.

Six people who left the provincial building of Socialist Democracy Party (Sosyalist Demokrasi Partisi) to open a stand in Taksim Square were taken into custody by the police.

Canadian TV channel CBC reported that reporters Sasa Petricic and Derek Stoffel who were reporting the protests were taken into custody.

Around 03.00, Taksim Gezi Park infirmary which held many injured people was attacked with five gas bombs.

June 13th, 2013

We have learned that totally 56 people who had helmets, gas masks or medical masks and the people who sold those staffs have been detained by Istanbul Police Headquarters on June 13, 2013. These people have been released.

The protests which spread all parts of Turkey have been continued after the second meeting of The Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with different group representatives .On 17th day of protests, the groups who gathered on Tunalı Hilmi and Kennedy streets have been intervened by water cannons.

June 15th, 2013

On June 15, 2013 After The PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared “If it is not emptied, from now on, this country’s security forces will know how to empty that place.”, the riot police forces swept the Gezi Park.

The Police used tear gas, pressurized water, baton and plastic bullet in a way extreme/excessive/unproportional force on children and elders in where forums and activities took place.  Because the water cannons used on protesters were inadequate, extra water cannons which were belonged to gendarmerie used on protesters. After the PM’s declaration, the police attacked the protesters and took control of the park. Besides, the Police attacked again the protesters who took shelter in buildings, voluntary infirmaries and German Hospital. The police threw tear gas to Divan Hotel in where the significant portion of protesters sheltered. It has been claimed that one woman bled and miscarried while the police was attacking.

Knee of Mustafa Keskin, a member of ESP (Socialist Party of Oppressed people); leg of Çiçek Otlu, who is the president of ESP State Organization; eye of Çağdaş Küçükbattal, who is a member of ESP; necklace and abdomen of Anıl Çalışkan, who is also a member of ESP injured because of tear gas capsuls in Istanbul, on June 15.

Berkin Elvan, a 14-year-old boy was hit in the head by a gas canister during the evening protests at Okmeydanı and had an operation on 15 June 2013.  His risk of death is still going on. 

It was claimed that tear gas canister penetrated trauma to liver of Nuri Durmaz, a worker of Şişli Municipality, at Okmeydanı on June 15.

Murat Çahan(23) was injured of his eye because of the tear gas canister which police forces used at the entrance of Istanbul Osmanbey Metro station on June 15.

The groups who came from Kadıköy tried to pass away the Boshporus Bridge by walking for protests at Taksim. Yet, police forces intervened with tear gas and water cannons on June 15.

Ferhat Uludağlar, Aslan Şahin,  photo journalists from Akşam newspaper; Okan Altunkara, reporter from İMC TV; Gökhan Biçici, TV Editor from İMC TV; Uğur Can, reporter from DHA and Arkadiy Babçenko from Novaya Gazeta Newspaper which is published in Russia were detained while trying to report from İstiklal Avenue.

On June 15, tens of people were injured; thousands of them were affected from tear gas until the morning. Also parliamentarians were affected from tear gas. The governor of Istanbul, Hüseyin Avni Mutlu, mentioned that the operation was done perfectly and he claimed that 44 people were injured during the demonstrations. Hüseyin Avni Mutlu declared that all camera records were watched and a police officer was suspended from duty and the case was still being investigated. 

It is announced by The Union of Turkish Bar Associations that 251 people were detained during the operations on June 15 and June 16.

Ulaş Bayraktaroğlu, a member of Executive Commity of SDP was arrested for being a member of un armed organization. Doğukan Öci, a member of Party Assembly of SDP; Ceyhun Dönmez and Furkan Tombul, members of SDP, were arrested on June 15 for committing crime on behalf of an illegal organization, despite not being a member after the police made a raid on SDP State Organization on June 11 and detained 72 people.

According to Turkish Medical Association on June 15, 7822 people applied to hospital or voluntary infirmaries by being injured or affected  from chemicals. Unfortunately, 4 protestors, 1 police, 1 cleaner lost their lives during the protests and two of those were caused by police attacks.

On June 15, Zeynep Eryaşar(50), a supporter of demonstartions, had a heart attack and passed away because of the excessive use of tear gas in Avcılar.

June 16th, 2013

On 16th of June, on account to the fact that fans of Besiktas football team named as “Çarşı” had been joined to the demonstrations, police had detained minimum 20 people for questioning.

On 16th of June 2013, the police attack had continued. The police using plastic bullet during the protests in Halaskar Street injured Can Tekin.

At the same date, in Ankara the gas capsule thrown by police which was attacking to the people during demonstration against the police attack in Istanbul, had injured Dilan Dursun right from her head.

During the demonstrations in Ankara on 16th of June 2013, resulting from the camera records, the policeman’s identity got revealed who killed the Ethem Sarısülük by shooting him from his head. The name having given to the prosecution office has been expressed as Ahmet Şahbaz. For Mehmet Ethem Sarısülük (26) who got heavily injured from a bullet belonging to a police gun, got declared that his brain death had occurred on 14th of June 2013 and after having learnt that his death was resulted from the cartridge bullet as it came clear during the investigation in the autopsy the police did not allow the Ethem’s funeral at where he got shot. Police also intervened with gas bombs and compressed water to the to the groups of people who want to come together at where Ethem got shot.

On 16th of June 2013, a member of  ESP who was trying to drove home with a taxi in order to get away from the police attack in Istanbul, has declared that according to police command he was forced to get off the taxi and got beaten in a bus where policemen existed.

On 16th of June 2013, due to the noise bomb which was thrown by policeman and exploded beside himself, it has revealed that Alihan Alhan has temporary loss of sight at his left eye.

Advocate Ahmet Cihan got attacked by police in front of the human rights association’s (İHD) building in Beyoğlu. His leg got broken. Cihan was trying to prevent the people from getting gassed again by police. The advocate recounts; “On 16th of June, me and my friends were in Dolmabahçe as observers of the Human Rights Association (İHD). After the demonstrations ended, we went to the Human rights Association’s building in Beyoğlu. At the branch roads, uniformed police were walking around with civil-dressed people holding sticks, they were chasing the activists, continuing to their intervention with gas bombs.” “Many of people who got disturbed/injured from the gaseous intervention were in İHD’s building. Around 04:00 pm. approximately 20 civil-dressed people and police entered the street of the association. I showed them my advocate identity and the identity which I use when I am in charge with some duty in the association. I said to them “Please do not throw any gas to this street, there are many injured people here.” “Two anti-riot forces police officers assaulted me by shouting. They were beating me up with batons while they are throwing gas bombs.” After the attack of police Cihan went to the hospital and found out that his leg was broken. Cihan declared that he has filed a criminal complaint to the public prosecutor’s office and he will also sue for damages. Cihan claiming that the police officers attacking to him had no helmet number adds; “None of the police officers attacking and beating the people had helmet number. However, the other police officers with the official helmet number were standing with them.”

June 17th, 2013

On 17th of June 2013, in Ordu 5 people who came with several knives and disputed in the tent camp set up for supporting the demonstrations in Taksim Gezi Park. Those 5 people got detained by police.

On 17th of June in Ankara, a group of people set some tents in front of İlk Adım Monument in Atatürk park with the purpose of supporting the Gezi Park demonstrations taking place in Istanbul. While These 25 people were participating to the demonstration with their 16 tents, a group of people came to the camp area with bread knifes. That dangerous group got detained after they disputed with the activists and after they took activist’s Turkish flags and their Atatürk poster. Two of the bread knifes which are alleged to thrown by the violent group, got impounded by the police. 5 people were taken to the police station after body search.

On 17th of June 2013, Kemal Solukdere and Alper Çakıcı, the cameramen of the Al Jazeera Turkish channel, during they pursue the developments in Taksim Square, got battered by around 30 police officiers.

On 17th of June 2013 in Istanbul, the DİSK members who were making statement to the press about the strike in Şişli, got attacked by police with gas bombs and pressed water.

While the protests in Istanbul and Ankara did not get allowed on the grounds of “being illegal”, in Istanbul police forces used colored bullets.

On 17th of June 2013, in Adana, a group of people wanted to walk AKP provincial building.  Police attacked with gas bombs and pressurized water to the people who. And 25 of the people got taken into custody.

On 17th of June 2013, police attacked whoever wants to go out to the İstiklal Street and battered the reporter of the Kızılbayrak newspaper Mehmet Ali Kılıç.

On 17th of June 2013, during the standing-demonstration of a single man was proceeding, 10 people willing to support that man and just stopping on the street got taken into custody by police.

On 17th of June 2013, while some people were accumulated in Kızılay for the funeral of Ethem Sarısülük, people attacked to the people and later on it has came to light that Mehmet Kale got injured from his head with one of the police officer’s gas capsule.

On 17th of June 2013, in Eskişehir after the tents of the resistance movement had been removed, they took minimum 5 people into the custody.

On the 17thof June 2013, by virtue of continuous demonstrations and increasing police violence, syndicates and trade unions had done countrywide-strike actions.

The identity of the police officers who are claimed to have injured Ethem Sarısülük on 17th of June 2013 in Ankara Gezi Park demonstrations by shooting his head with his gun and killed had been sent to the prosecution Office after 11 days from the event.

June 18th, 2013

 Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK), Confederation of Public Sector Workers’ UNIONs (KESK), Union OF Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) and Turkish Dental Association (TDB) called to general strike to protest cruel police attacks to Gezi Park on Saturday. Flowingly, there was a demonstration on 18th June, in Istanbul. 

Police didn’t allow protestors who are members of KESK to walk through the İstiklal Avenue. After KESK said that “we will disperse”, police removed the barriers. However, some groups from the protestors did not leave the street and started to walk from İstiklal Avenue to Taksim Square. When these protestors arrived at the Taksim Square, they encountered the anti-riot forces. Protestors were demanded to leave by anti-riot forces’ announcements. Protestors refused to leave and then police dispersed the protestors by shooting plastic bullets with paint.

In Ankara, members of Halkevleri, ESP, BDSP and Odak received simultaneous raids by TEM police to 26 houses for protesting ongoing police terror since May 28. About 30 people were detained and on 18th June, it was learned that this case had a secrecy order.

As protests were going on in Ankara and Eskişehir, police attacked again and used tear gas and pressurized water on 18th June.

It was claimed that designations and duty of east area of 2.200 police officers that were decided before by Istanbul Police Headquarters were cancelled. Their annual leaves were cancelled too with the same reason. 

June 19th, 2013

On 16th June, police officers detained 20 members of Çarşı which is a  fan group of Beşiktaş football team for participating Gezi Park demonstrations. On 19th June, two of them, Halil İbrahim Erol and İbrahim Halilullah Turan, were arrested with charge of having fire-arm and bullets. 

On 19th June, in Derince which is a district of Kocaeli, 6 people were detained. The accusation was that “they raided a mosque” during Gezi Park protests. 

On 19th June 2013, Hüseyin Çelik, AKP Deputy Chairman and Party spokesperson, made a statement about Gezi Park and he said that if court judgment would be in favor of government’s plans, a referendum for Gezi Park may be held in Istanbul. 

June 20th, 2013

On 20th of June 2013, 2 of 6 people who were detained for “raiding to a mosque” in Kocaeli were arrested. These 2 members of Halkevleri’s accusation was “damaging public property”. 

On 20th June 2013, police didn’t allow protestors to gather for supporting Gezi Park on Kennedy Avenue and attacked by using pepper gas and water cannon in Ankara. 

On 20th June 2013, in Izmir, police attacked the tents which were set up for solidarity with Gezi Park and detained 70 people on Gündoğdu Square. 

In Mersin where the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was protested, after the police’s cruel attacking protestors, 8 people were detained and tens of people were injured by bludgeon and plastic bullets. PM Erdoğan was there for opening of Akdeniz Olympic Games and during the protests, a lot of citizens had received head injury or different parts of their bodies by the bludgeon and plastic bullets. Although police attacked protestors, they did not leave and persisted to walk Kipa Mall. During the protests, they were saying: “Everywhere is Taksim, Everywhere is Resistance.”, and “Captives of Gezi Park are Our Honour”. , “All Together Against to Fascism..Deputies of CHP, Aytuğ Atıcı and Vahap Seçer, tried to talk to the police who blockaded the mall but it did not work out. 

B.E., a civil police officer who was in charge of Beyoğlu Police headquarters, beat a person who was at demonstrations during the attack which was planned by police forces. On June 1 B.E. was suspended from his duty. Suspension of 7 firemen was also asked for putting fire to protestors’ tents.

We learned that 4 municipal police officers and 1 technician of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality were suspended from their duties following the investigated camera records.

June 21st, 2013

Upon a simultaneous raids of Teams of Counter-terrorism Department of Police Office on the Socialist Party of Oppressed (Ezilenlerin Sosyalist Partisi (ESP)), Halkevleri(Community Centers literally translated as ‘people’s houses’), Bağımsız Devrimci Sınıf Platformu (Platform of Independent Revolutionary Class), Odak Dergisi (Odak Magazine), Özgür Radyo (Radio Freedom), Etkin Haber Ajansı (Etkin News Agency), Atılım Gazetesi (Atılım News), and houses of the members, employees, and readers of the institutions in question (including Çiçek Otlu the Co-chairman and Istanbul Province Chairman of ESP; Dinçer Ergün the member of Central Administrative Board of ESP; Erdal Demirhan the Istanbul Province Executive of ESP and member of HDK(Democratic Congress of People) Executive Committee of the Istanbul Province; Goncagül Telek ESP Istanbul Province Executive; Alp Altınör member of HDK Executive Committee; Ali Karaçay the Pir Sultan Abdal Cultural Society Ataşehir Local Executive; ESP members Ali Sönmez Kayar, Ali Haydar Akdeniz, Boran Atıcı, Emrah Gördaş, Erhan Baybekman, Ersin Topçu, Hasan Tunç, Hüseyin Şahin, Mustafa Diren Saygılı, Salih Coşar, Sercan Genç ve Ümit Yetik were arrested with the justification of that they are members of an illegal organization and they harmed public properties.

In 21 June 2013, 2 members of ESP and 3 members of Halkevleri and a member of Toplumsal Örgüt Parti Girişimi(TÖPG, Social Freedom Party Initiative) were detained upon simultaneous raids in Adana.

In 21 June 2013, 4 people and 2 police officers were injured and 6 were detained as a result of the interventions of police units to the groups who wanted to demonstrate for Gezi Park solidarity in Mersin.

June 22nd, 2013

In 22 June 2013, police intervened to the meeting of Taksim Solidarity in the evening. It is reported that many people were injured as a result.

June 23rd, 2013

In 23 June 2013, police terrorized the evening meeting of Taksim Solidarity in Taksim again. While plain-clothed police were taking hostage the people they blockaded at the corners of the streets and anti-riot forces turned the İstiklal Avenue into a state of emergency situation as they were firing plastic bullets and tear gases. ANF (Firat News Agency) correspondent Zeynep Kuray was beaten by police. Many people were injured by the tear gas capsules fired by anti-riot forces as the situation in Taksim was not different than a coup. 

In Ankara, many people were detained after attacks of police to the Gezi Park Resistance demonstrations in Ankara; Dikmen and Kennedy Avenues at night. Protester at both avenues demonstrated with the slogan “Taksim Everywhere, Resistance Everywhere”. Police attacked with pressurized water and tear gases and especially in Dikmen the clashes were very intense. As thousands of people were resisting by building barricades against police, the clashes lasted for 5 hours.

June 24th, 2013

In 24 June 2013, 12 people were arrested in the simultaneous raids of the police units connected to the Izmir Counter-terrorism Department.

In 24 June 2013, the police officer Ahmet Şahbaz who killed Ethem Sarısülük by shooting his head in 1 June 2013, in Ankara Gezi Park protests was released on conditions of trial without arrest from Ankara 13rd Magistrates’ Court where he was dispatched from the prosecution office at which he was called for a testimony, with the request of arresting. The release of Ahmet Şahbaz under the condition of judicial supervision was legitimized by stating that the police officer was within the borders of self defense.

Minister of Internal Affairs Muammer Güler stated that they instituted an inquiry for 17 police officers who were recorded as they were beating 3 Gezi protesters in a car park.

In 24 June 2013, in Adana, 6 of 11 people who were detained were sent to the judiciary cord with the request of arrest. 5 of 6 people were arrested and sent to the jail. Ulaş Yıldız the correspondent of Mücadele Birliği Magazine (Struggle Unity Magazine), Mehmet Çelik from ESP, Orhan Gayret from Student Collectives, Ferhat Türetken from ÖGD (Libertarian Youth Society), and Anıl Küçükrecep were arrested. Zemin Demirel from BDSP (Bağımsız Devrimci Sınıf Platformu-Independent Revolutionary Class Platform) was released under supervision. The arrested 5 people were accused of calling on behalf of illegal organization on internet.

In 24 June 2013, in Antalya, it is reported that the vision of Vedat Oğuz’s (18) right eye was lost after shot by a tear gas capsule fired by police. The right eye of Vedat Oğuz was removed as the treatment was continuing in Akdeniz University Training and Research Hospital. 2 months later eye prosthesis was placed.

In 24 June 2013, in Ankara, 20 people were detained as a result of simultaneous house raids of Counter-terrorism department police units.

In 24 June 2013, in Izmir, 12 people were detained as a result of simultaneous house raids of counter-terrorism department police units with the accusation of involvement in Gezi Park protests.

In 24 June 2013, in Izmir, it is reported that one of the people under arrest, Süleyman Göksel Yerdut’s arm was broken, and Mehmet Polat’s finger was dislocated because of the tortures.

In the morning hours of 25 June 2013, 8 people from the raids at 9 separate places and Çetin Kirsiz the correspondent of Özgür Gelecek Gazetesi Erzincan (Independent Future Newspaper Erzincan) were detained. Kirsiz was consistently being detained and threatened at the past as well. Çetin Kirsiz got arrested and was sent to Erzurum H type jail.

June 25th, 2013

In 25th of June, 2013, after the home raid in the morning, 2 readers of Partizan, 1 YDG, ESP, ODAK, and SDP members were taken in custody.

In 25th of June, 2013, in Dikmen Street where continuing Gezi Park protests in Ankara, police forces took 16 people in custody by attacking with tear gas and water cannons.

In 25th of June, 2013, it is learned that an extreme rightist group attacked to a group who were protesting in İncirli Park in Keçiören, Ankara, and 2 protestors were injured.

In 25th of June, 2013, two of 20 people taken in custody after the police raid in 16th June 2013 to members of Beşiktaş fan group, Çarşı, with the justification that they had attended Gezi Park protests, Halil İbrahim Erol and İbrahim Halilullah Turan were arrested with the blame of “possession of weapons and ammunation” in 19th June 2013. Halil İbrahim Erol were released after the objection of his attorney.

June 26th, 2013

In 26th of June, 2013, 7 people were taken in custody as a result of the home raids of police forces in Eskişehir.

In 26th of June, 2013, as a result of the simultaneous home raids of police of Fighting Against Terrorism Branch in Kocaeli, 2 people were taken in custody.

In 26th of June, 2013, A person who was in custody, was arrested by the court with the claim of “setting a flag of Turkey in the funeral of Ethem Sarısülük”.

In 26th of June, 2013, in Dikmen Street where continuing Gezi Park protests in Ankara, police forces took 10 people in custody by attacking with tear gas and water cannons.

In 26th of June, 2013, one of 10 people taken in custody by the police attack with tear gas and water cannons in Gezi Park protests in Dikmen, E.K., siad in her statement that she was physically and sexually harressed in “akrep” type armoured vehicle which she were brougt in.

June 27th, 2013

In 27th of June, 2013, 11 people, Seyithan Korkmaz, Pınar Türk, Sercan Üstündaş, Süleyman Göksel Yerdut, Mehmet Polat, Gizem Türkmen, Görkem Özer, Barış Bulut, Müslüm Güvendir, Ali Hizmetçi, and Emre Kaplan who were taken in custody as a result of the simultaneous raid of the police forces from Anti-Terrorism Police in 24th June 2013 were arrested by the court to which they were brought.

In 27th of June, 2013, the representative of Eğitim-sen, Ebu Hamza Çelik, member of Eğitim-sen Ali Orak, and the member of ESP, İrfan Gül who were in custody because they had attended Gezi Park protests in Nurhak, Kahramanmaraş were released after the interrogation for three hours.

June 28th, 2013

In 28th of June, 2013, it is learned that the head-prosecutor of Sakarya had an investigation started about 76 people for joining Gezi Park protests.

In 28th of June, 2013, in Gaziantep, Zeynep Yaşar, who had noised with pots and fryers from her balcony of her house, were fined of 88 Liras for “opposing against the laws of faults”.

In 28th of June, 2013, Murat Dilberoğlu, who got a report of “cannot work” for a month because of the police attacks in Istanbul, called an attention for a crime for the police officiers who tortured him and took his phone.

In 28th of June, 2013, one person was taken in custody by the police forces who attacked with tear gas and water cannons to Tunalı Hilmi St. and Kuğulu Park where Gezi Park protests were placed. 

In 28th of June, 2013, 5 people, 4 of them from Adana, were taken in custody by the police forces who arranged simultaneous raids in Adana and Mersin ESP building and houses.

In 28th of June, 2013, 13 of the people taken in custody by the simultaneous raids of Figting Against Terrorism Branch in 25th of June 2013 in Ankara were arrested by the accusation of “membership of illegal group”, “harming the belongings of the public”, and “attempting to kill people”.

June 30th, 2013

In 30th of June, 2013, while the police forces intervening with water cannons to Gezi Park protests in Mersin and taking 8 people in custody, 8 police officiers, 7 civillians, and 2 journalists got injured in the incident.

In 30th of June, 2013, 2 people got injured as a result of the attack with knives by a group of 10-15 people to Yoğurtçu Park in Kadıköy, Istanbul where was a center of forums started at the time of Gezi Park events.

At the end of the investigation for the claim of possession of molotov cocktails in their bag, two high school students with unanounced names who were among 212 people taken in custody in Antalya due to their attendance in Gezi Park protests in 1st, 2nd and 3rd of June 2013, up to 15 years of imprisonment was demanded in the indictment with the accusations of “possessing dangerous substance” and “opposing number 2911, Law of Meeting and Protest Marchs” for the two children. The trial of the two children in 16th Antalya Principal Punishment Court is going to happen in later days.

July 1st, 2013

On 1 July 2013, it is learned that a 24-hour close protection officer was assigned to police officer Ahmet Şahbaz who killed Ethem Sarısülük by a shot in the head on 1 June 2013 during Gezi Park protests in Ankara and that witness statements of police officers in charge during the protests were collected as part of the investigation regarding Ethem Sarısülük’s murder. It is reported that in their witness statement police officers stated that they had not seen the moment that Ethem Sarısülük was shot.

July 2nd, 2013

On 2 July 2013, the objection of Ministry of Culture and Turism to motion for stay of execution declined by Istanbul 6th Administrative Court by majority of votes and it came to light that in 6 June 2013, Istanbul 1st Administrative Court had cancelled “Pedestrianisation of Taksim Square”. In 3 July 2013, according to the report sent by Governorship of Bolu and Bolu Police Headquarters, 9 civilians who had put up posters for Gezi Park protests on İzzet Baysal Street were each imposed punitive fine of 1000 Turkish Liras by Bolu Municipality on the ground that “they had contravened the Misdemeanor Law”.

July 3rd, 2013

Police officer Ahmet Şahbaz who killed Ethem Sarısülük by a shot in the head on 1 June 2013 in Ankara had been released by the court pending a on the grounds that he killed Ethem Sarısülük as legitimate self-defense and Ankara 8th Penal Court of First Instance rejected the objection of Ethem Sarısülük’s family about the release of police officer Ahmet Şahbaz on the ground that “family does not have right to object to decision of the release”.

On 4th of July, Hakan Keskin and Yusufcan Yıldırım who had been detained on the previous day for attending Gezi Park protests in Ankara were released as the result of their lawyers.

July 4th, 2013

On 4th of July 2013, in Bursa, police forces of Anti-Terror Police Unit detained 16 people who are member of Fundamental Rights Association during home raids. The rationale of the operation was not disclosed.

July 5th, 2013

On 5th of July 2013, it came to light in the preliminary autopsy report that Ahmet Cömert (22) who died in Hatay on 3th of July 2013 during the protests following the violent interventions of police forces may have been killed by a fire-arm. 

On 5th of July 2013, starting from Izmir, police forces of Anti-Terror Police Unit detained 15 people during home raids in Istanbul, Manisa, Ankara and Batman.

On 5th July 2013, it is reported that Volkan Kesanbilici who had been injured by a plastic bullet used by police on 31th of May on Tarlabaşı Boulevard lost his eye due to the metal balls in plastic bullets.

On 5th of July, it was reported that 6 of 8 people who had been detained during raids on 3rd of July by the claim of “distributing Money during protests” were deported and other 2 people who were citizens of Turkey were released.

On 5th of July, Ulaş Yıldız, Journal of Struggle Union (Mücadele Birliği Dergisi, who had been detained in Adana on 24th June for participating Gezi Park protests were released following his lawyer’s objection.

On 5th July 2013, 2 people in Finike, Antalya who had participated to the protests by banging pots from balcony of their houses were each imposed punitive fine of 88 Turkish Liras on the ground that “they had contravened the Misdemeanor Law”.

July 6th, 2013

On 6th of July 2013, 8 of 16 detained people in Bursa on 4th of July (who are member of Fundamental Rights Association) were arrested in alleged be member of illegal DHKP/C Organization.

July 7th, 2013

On 7th of July, it came out that helmet numbers of police officers who attacked people gathering in Taksim Square and TGS (Journalist Union of Turkey) reported that journalists with official yellow pres cards were also battered. According to gathered information, 13 journalists were battered and 2 were detained. TGS reported that Öneren and Özmen from Aydınlık (a newspaper) are stil in custody. Injured journalists who were reported are as following:

From BirGün, Onur Erem were battered by police batons even though he had showed his press card.

Free-lance journalist Evrim Kurdoğlu was battered by police batons. 

Eda Sönmez from Sözcü had experienced temporary blindness due to tear gas.

Özcan Yaman from Evrensel was injured by gas canister at his chin.

Yunus Dalgıç from Milliyet was thrown in front of TOMA (riot control vehicle), injured and his lens was broken.

Arif Balkan from Milliyet were injured by plastic bullet.

Tuğçe Tatari were thrown to the floor, assaulted and insulted by police forces.

Makbule Cengiz from Halk Tv were assaulted by police and had bruises on her arm.

Şengül Derin from Ulusal Kanal was injured on her leg by plastic bullet.

Dilem Taştan from Sol Newspaper was injured on her leg by plastic bullet.

Barış Yarkadaş from Gerçek Gündem was shot by painted plastic bullet.

Elif Akgül from Bianet was shot by painted plastic bullet.

Gökhan Biçici from Imc Tv was shot by painted plastic bullet.

On 7th July, following the cancellation of Pedestrianisation of Taksim Project by Istanbul 1st Administrative Court, people gathered on İstiklal Avenue and Taksim Square to go Gezi Park but police forces attacked gathered people by tear gas, water cannon and plastic bullets. During the police attacks that continued all night on back streets of İstiklal Avenue and in Taksim Square, 4 people who were reported as shopkeepers attacked protestors by choppers. Detained 4 people were released by the court where they had been sent to for arrest. At the end of the night, 59 detained people and tens of injured people were reported.

July 8th, 2013

On 6th of July 2013 in Istanbul 59 people were detained after the attack. On 8th of July 2013 Ahmet Erol, Ahmet Kaycı, Ali Sarıçiçek, Alican Sünnetçioğlu, Mehmet Yalçın, Oğuz Tekin, Özgür Yıldırım, Umut Akgül got arrested for “showing resistance to the police officers” and “for opposing law of 2911 about gathering and demonstrations”.

July 9th, 2013

On 9th of July 2013 in Kocaeli 7 people were detained with a simultaneous rade to their houses for participating to supporting protest to the Gezi Park protest.

On 9th of July 2013 at 13.30 the park opened back to the use of public which was closed since 15th of July 2013 after the attack of police. At 17.00 Istanbul governor who opened the park at 13.00 gave order to close the park again. Taksim Solidarity protested police’s attitude and emptying the park from public. Police attacked the protest of Taksim Solidarity by tear gas, pressurized water and plastic bullet. After the police attack while 37 people of which 7 were members of Taksim Solidarity detained, minimum 9 people got injured. At night Gezi Park opened to the public again. A person who took 6 shots at the protestors during the attacks to the Taksim Solidarity was detained.

On 3rd of June 2013 at the protests in Eskişehir for Gezi Park by unidentified people Ali İsmail Korkmaz got attacked on the street and was hospitalized. On 9th of July 2013 Ali İsmail Korkmaz (19) died at the hospital that he kept unconsciously.

13 of 15 people who detained by police forces of Anti-Terror Police Unit on 5th of July 2013, starting from Izmir Istanbul, Manisa, Ankara and Batman got accused for “being a member of illegal organization” at the court that they appeared in Izmir and got arrested on 9th of July 2013.

Houses of 7 members of Taksim Solidarity, who were detained by the attacking police, were searched by breaking in on 9th of July 2013, after the search warrant decision was issued.

Lawyers, who were in Çağlayan Courthouse, defending 8 of 59 people detained on 6th of July 2013 by the attacking police, declared that they were beaten by the police.

Mustafa Ali Tombul was injured heavily with the tear gas capsule that was used by the police. The decision of Mustafa Ali Tombul’s (16) anaesthetization for two weeks came to light on 9th of July 2013.

A.S., who took 6 shots at the protestors during the attacks to Taksim Solidarity on 9th of July 2013, was arrested by the court she appeared on the same day, whereas, the objection made by the prosecutor to the liberation of 4 people who attacked people with choppers was rejected.

On 1st of June, Ethem Sarısülük was shot in the head by police officer Ahmet Şahbaz, during the Gezi Park protests in Ankara. On 9th of July, it came to light that the city surveillance camera that was monitoring the scene of crime, was recording the tree leaves.

July 10th, 2013

On 10th of July 2013, 4 of 18 people who were detained on the grounds that they attended the Gezi Park resistance in Kocaeli were arrested. 10 of 18 people, who were detained during early morning raids on 9th of July on the grounds that they attended the Gezi Park protests in Kocaeli, were brought into vacation court with demand of arrest. After the process of the court, while 6 people were set free, Yeşim Çakmak, Çağlar Özkan, Samet Yiğitalp Aslan ve Hazal Tokmak were arrested and sent to the jail.


(31th MAY – 17th JUNE)































DATA FROM 14-15-16th OF JUNE:





































































































According to the collected data;

Injured people detected in 13 city.

7822 applied as injured to the public hospitals, private hospitals, medical centers and voluntary infirmaries around the interference regions.

Context of injuries are; first degree burns and respiratory distress because of tear gas, asthma attacks, epileptic attacks, use of plastic bullets and battery causedmusculoskeletal injuries(soft tissue traumas, cuts, burns, plastic bullet originated eye injuries which lead to eye lost and internal abdominal injury)

4 people lost their life.

Mehmet Ayvalıtaş (Istanbul), Abdullah Cömert (Antakya), Mustafa Sarı (Police officer, Adana), Ethem Sarısülük (Ankara),

59 seriously injury happened.

100 head injury accured.

4 people in Istanbul, a person in Ankara, a person in Eskişehir, in total 6 people have incritical status.

11 people lost their eyes.

A person had splenectomy.

On 5th of June 2013 a cleaner aged 47 who works at Kızılay had a heart attack and died. The reason of the cleaner’s death is thought to be related to the tear gas exposure in the region.

On 2nd of June 2013 while the injured people and doctors was inside,  the infirmary that located in Ankara Mulkiyeliler Union was bombed with tear gas.

On 12th June 2013 the infirmary inside Gezi Park which was full of injured people bombed 5 tear gas capsule around3 am.

During the protests that started on 31st of May 2013 a member from Turkish Medical Association Central Committee and General Secretary of Ankara Chamber of Physicians got injured.

Attachment 3: Data from application to IHD branches, to Bar Association and Medical Chambers between 31th May 2013-10th June 2013 gathered by IHD Headquarters.













22 heavily injured





1 Mehmet Ayvalıtaş









1 Ethem Sarısülük
























1 Abdullah Cömert




















7 Arrestation (6 were released following their objection) 1 remaining.

1 Polis Office Mustafa Sarı




3 ( 2 ICU)




1 Ali İsmail Korkmaz









1 head trauma






































3343(at least 239 were children)





Protests in 79 of 81 Cities


$11.      According to the report of Ministry of the Interior, 4.900 people were arrested; there were protests in all cities except Bayburt and Bingöl.


$12.      According to the report of Ministry of the Interior, during all protests 4 thousand protestors and 600 police officers were injured.


$13.      According to the report that was prepared by data coming from governorships; 58 public building, 68 MOBESE cameras, 337 business, 90 public transport vehicles, 214 private vehicles, 240 police vehicles and 45 ambulances were reported destroyed and there were attacks to 14 political party buildings.


[1], 24 April 2012.

[2]“1. Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for which this penalty is provided by law. 2. Deprivation of life shall not be regarded as inflicted in contravention of this Article when it results from the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary: (a) in defence of any person from unlawful violence; (b) in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained; (c) in action lawfully taken for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection.”.

[3] İsmail Saymaz, “Abdullah’ı gaz bombası öldürdü”, Radikal, 05 June 2013.

[4]Name of the police officer is Ahmet Şahbaz, his personal information was sent to the public prosecution office on 18 June 2013 yet he is still free.

[5] No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degradingtreatment or punishment.

[6]“1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscienceand religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion orbelief and freedom, either alone or in community with others andin public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship,teaching, practice and observance.

2. Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall besubject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and arenecessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety,for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for theprotection of the rights and freedoms of others.”

[7] “1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This rightshall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impartinformation and ideas without interference by public authorityand regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent Statesfrom requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinemaenterprises.

2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with itduties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities,conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law andare necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of nationalsecurity, territorial integrity or public safety, for the preventionof disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, forthe protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventingthe disclosure of information received in confidence, or formaintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”

[8] “1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

2. No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than such as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. This Article shall not prevent the imposition of lawful restrictions on the exercise of these rights by members of the armed forces, of the police or of the administration of the State.”

[10] “Nothing in Articles 10, 11 and 14 shall be regarded as preventing the High Contracting Parties from imposing restrictions on the political activity of aliens.”

[11] Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law.

The preceding provisions shall not, however, in any way impair the right of a State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest or to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions or penalties.


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