Research-Inquiry Report about Arbitrary Detention, Threat, Food Embargo, Compel to Forcibly Evacuation and other violations in Çemekare Field of Yaprak Village in Pervari District of Siirt Province, Southeast Region of Turkey

Organization for Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People
17 August 2007
A group, which live in Çemekare Field of Pervari District in Siirt Province, have applied to IHD (Human Rights Association) Branch Siirt in 10.08.2007. The group alleged that soldiers and village guards had attempted to evict their field after the declaration of temporary security zone, in 26.06.2007, by General Staff of Turkey. Then the road from Çemekare to Pervari was blocked with sand and stones. Subsequently, entrances of villagers were forbidden and a baby-Ünal Çakır- who was in high fever died since the family was not allowed to go to the doctor. When they applied to public prosecutor about practises, villagers were subjected to ill-treatment, beat, threat, took under custody arbitrarily by Commandership of Pervari Gendarmerie. The group demanded help from IHD Branch in Siirt.

Upon the application to IHD Branch in Siirt, the following Human Rights Committee was composed;
Ms. Reyhan Yalçındağ-Lawyer-General President of IHD, Mr. Selahattin Çoban-Lawyer-Chairperson of Mazlum-Der Branch in Diyarbakır and Central Board member of Mazlum-Der, Ms. Vetha Aydın Chairperson of IHD Branch in Siirt and Executive Board member and Mr. Raci Bilici Board member of IHD Branch in Diyarbakır.

The committee was composed to inquire allegations about compelling to forcibly evacuations, restricting right of travel, communication, ill-treatment, embargo on food-essential goods and to provide accession to real facts by means of research/inquiry and to contribute protection of right to resident, to travel live under security atmosphere, which are covered by various national and international rules.

The Human Rights Committee had informed Administrative District of Pervari, Pervari Public Prosecutor and Governorship of Siirt province about its plan and aim to search the abovementioned allegations before the committee went to the venue. Also, the committee had asked appointments from these institutions.

In order to inquire the case in venue, in 13 August 2007; the committee went to the field with applicants after they had meeting with victim applicants. However the committee was stopped, at a point 7 kilometres to the field, by officer sergeant from Gendarmerie Commandership in Pervari and village guards. So, the committee’s entrance into the field was blocked by the officers. The committee came back to Pervari district and had meeting with the Public Prosecutor, Mr. Ahmet ATAMAN. On the other hand, District Governor Mr. Hakan BİLGİN rejected our demand for meeting, by saying he had another meeting about tender, even the committee had asked for appointment earlier.

The Human Rights Committee could not have meeting with the Governorship in Siirt since the Governor, Mr. Hüseyin Avni MUTLU was out office the city and the Deputy Governor had another meeting.

The applicants made the following statements, which were summarized, to IHD Branch in Siirt, to which they had applied in 10 August 2007, and to the Human Rights Committee that was in Pervari to inquire the case in 13 August 2007.

1. Mr. Halil Çakır: Victim said that his ancestors had been living the mentioned field for many years and they had been working in agriculture. He explained that their fields were quite fertile. He said that in the past; there had been 16 units in the field but at this moment the field was like desolation. He stated that they had to evacuate their field because of the OHAL (State of Emergency Rule). He said that a newspaper-Siirt’de Son Söz- dated 19 October 1988 and Numbered 2929 could be used as evidences. He made the following statement:

“…Our field became a unit of Pervari district in Siirt after Şırnak became province in 1990. We were subjected to forcibly evacuation in 1988. Since then, our trip to village has been forbidden till 2002. Within the context of “Return to Village Project”, which had passed in 2000s, we applied to various official authorities to return to our village, access our production areas once again, deal with agriculture-livestock, to survive. Then, some families moved to Kezer unit of Çemekare field by their own attempts. In the Çemekare Upland Festival, which organized by Governorship in Siirt as the first time, they made many promises. However, we have applied to relevant authorities many times about constructing school, road, providing electricity to Çemekare field, in which there is no infrastructure but primitive conditions, unfortunately; we were ignored. There is no electricity, phone services in the village. The road, which threats security of man, is a quite bad. We have to carry from its source to our tents. None of the services, which we have demanded for 5 years, have been accomplished.
Security forces attempted to evacuate the village forcibly three times during the 2007. Villagers, who wanted to enter to the field, were not allowed by soldiers and village guards. Moreover, they were maltreated by authorities when they went to authorities to complaint about practises by security forces. We did not get any agricultural and livestock subsidies, which funded by TBMM (Turkish Grand National Assembly), though we had got in the past. Our demand to reconnoitre of our harvest, to get subsidy, was rejected in the autumn of 2006. Moreover authorities almost encouraged flocks, from other villages, to plunder our cultivated fields. When we made complaints about such practises, we did not get any response but had to pay fine. We could not pay for seed and rent of tractors, which we had rented for agriculture. Currently, we live under the starvation conditions. We cannot apply to some judicial authorities since we do not have enough money to pay for expenses of processes. Most of the villagers are blocked and sentenced with injustice fines, by Ekindüzü gendarmerie station, when they attempt to enter to the village.
In 26 June 2007 Soldiers and village guards attempted to evict our village after General Staff has declared High Security Zones. Soldiers and village guards attempted to evict by reason that our village is in geography of high security zones. People of the field protested the attempt eviction. Consequently, people unfortunately were attacked by soldiers and village guards. They fired upon people because of their protest. To intimidate and threat soldier and village guards loaded our goods, to 3 lorries and 10 civilian minibuses, and took them to Gendarmerie Station in Pervari District. So, people became desolate without any food or shelter. Villagers, whose goods (food, cleaning agents, blankets, beds etc…) had been taken, waited till morning without their any goods. The day after (28 June 2007); some of the villagers went to Pervari district and Siirt province and they had some meetings with Administrative District in Pervari, Governorship in Siirt and Gendarmerie Commandership. Then, people went back to upland.
A short while later the road from Pervari district to Çemekare field (upland) was blocked at a point, which is about 5 kilometres, with stones, pebbles, sands by soldiers and village guards. Name of the point, which was blocked, is Süleyman Square. They filled the road with stones, pebbles and sands twice and they blocked the road completely. So our access to outer world was blocked and we were compelled to forcibly evacuation. We tried to clean the road by ourselves via shovels since we did not want to leave from our filed and knew that there was no place to go and we were at risk about starvation of our children.
The road was blocked once again via heavy construction equipment, whose brand is JCB Loder and belongs to Pervari Municipality, in 2nd August 2007. The road was blocked by means of directions from soldiers. The road was filled with too many stones, sands that people were not able to clean the road. Actually, that is what soldiers wish. Soldiers aimed to prevent people from going to Pervari district and supplying their needs.
In 8th August 2007; I, on behalf of people from the field, have applied to Administrative District in Pervari and asked for cleaning of the road. I posted the same application to Governorship in Siirt as well. Gendarmerie Station in Pervari took me and 15 villagers into custody because of the application. After we were waited there until 00.22, legal process was started against us since they alleged that we had entered into a forbidden military zone.
Since the road was not cleaned-despite all of our insistence- and going out from the field was not allowed during the week; Mr. Ahmet Çakır (a villager) could not take his 6 months baby to doctor, so; baby died. Because of entrance-exit problem, baby’s identity card process could not be started. However I know that they gave name of Ünal to little baby. The baby was caught high fever, diarrhoea for unhealthy conditions. As a result baby lost his life without any treatment by doctor. I am also aunt of the baby and I wanted to make a complaint about inhuman treatments to public prosecutor. At the same time; a sergeant named Hacý gave a phone number-0505 445 47 46 and asked me to call a lieutenant named Bedri. I called lieutenant and he told me that; ‘I had heard you wanted to make a complaint. I had called the father of baby not to make a complaint. Do not make a complaint. I would fire your tents if you made a complaint and kill you. I would do harm as much as I could to you since you had not informed about terrorists’ place. I would pay 20.000 YTL (New Turkish Lira) to you for each head of terrorist. On the other hand, I would kill all of you if you would not inform me about terrorists.’
Later the lieutenant called Mr. Ahmet Kaya, a villager, to Gendarmerie Station in Pervari. The lieutenant called Mr. Kaya by means of sergeant named Hacý. Mr. Ahmet Kaya and headman of the village, Mr. Agit Ruvanas, went to Gendarmerie Station in Pervari. Soldiers took them from Gendarmerie Station to Commando Centre, in which the same lieutenant threatened them with death and shouted at them as ‘I would kill all of you if you would not inform me about terrorists.’
While we were giving statement at the public prosecutor’s office, though he had a grey sweat shirt; lieutenant Bedri came to judiciary and held neck of Mr. Abdulcabbar İğdi-a villager- and harassed him. The lieutenant not only insulted but also threatened Mr. Abdulcabbar İğdi with the following word ’I will beat you in this police hut. You have gone too far. You are making mistakes, inciting people, informing Roj TV (Kurdish TV Channel, whose broadcast is forbidden in Turkey) You know that I shot 3 bullets to you. This time, I will shoot directly to your neck. Subsequently, you will fall down. Watch your step. You have little time.’ The lieutenant Bedri came to the field and shot 3 bullets of Kalashnikov rifle to Mr. Abdulcabbar İğdi while other villagers were there. We have still these bullets.
The fields’ road is still blocked. There is a pregnant woman, Ms. Turkan Kaya, and she might deliver of a child within a few days. Since the road is still blocked and we are not allowed to access to doctor, she has health risk. While we were giving statement, we told them we also could give these 3 bullets to officials if they asked.
There are 49 houses of tents, 11 of which are permanent and 38 are temporary, and 403 people in our field. All people, especially children, from the field have trauma symptoms. There is safety for neither our lives nor goods. We have complaints against security force members, who have practiced inhuman and degrading treatment and attempted to evict our village…”
It has been observed that victim had a serious trauma because of his experiences. He had concerns for future. He did not want to move from the field since he did not any other profession, job. Indeed, he had a serious concern about his safety of life and goods.

2. Mr. Abdulcabbar İĞDİ: The applicant, Mr. Abdulcabbar İğdi, has similar complaints with other villagers. He has added the following in summary:

“Since our field has been declared Temporary High Security Zone by General Staff, we have been subjecting serious pressures and threaten. Firstly, 12 families and their animals were forcibly moved to out of village by Ekindüzü Gendarmerie Station. We, 17 people from Çemekare clan, were held arbitrarily in Gendarmerie Station for 2 days. Since they did not allow us to milk for three days, some illness (deformations at their udders, infectious hepatitis) occurred among our animals. About 89 animals were affected with deformation at udders and disabled. 22 of them were perished because of infectious hepatitis (this illness as called Zerig by people). Actually our animals were healthy. Animals had been examined, vaccinated by veterinaries from Agriculture Office in Cizre District. Moreover, our animals had a medical certificate. The only reason, which made ill and perished our animals, is that they were waited unhealthy conditions without food and water in the Gendarmerie Station’s area.

Later; we, 53 villagers, were waited in Ekindüzü for 6 days. We were not allowed to product anything or deal with our animals. Then, we went to Gendarmerie Centre Station in Pervari District and made our complaints in several times. The captain told us that I would not let you go back to the field. We went to Çemekare field through hiding from village guards and soldiers. They load forcibly our goods to 3 lorries and more than 10 civilian minibuses. When they came to the field they had told us ‘do not resist to us, move from the field’. They threatened us with using force if we resisted against them. As a result of order from lieutenant Bedri, soldier and village guards tore bonds of our tents and they load our quilts, beds, blankets, flour, foods and tents to lorries and minibuses. When we protested it, they harassed, beaten us. They broke down a video camera that belonged to Mr. Halil Çakýr, a villager. They seized certificated guns of villagers and a village guard, who did not accept to load. While they were attempting to get women, children on vehicles forcibly, we resisted and said that we would not move from the field. Then, the lieutenant Bedri and some soldiers fired to air. Children, women, who scared from it, started to run towards opposite hill. Our tents, all of our goods, foods etc… were loaded to vehicles. Mr. Ahmet Çakýr, Halil Çakýr and Mr. Doðan, who protested the inhuman treatment, were taken into Gendarmerie Station. The lieutenant Bedri, who was there, continued to threaten us with saying ‘You resisted against my village guards and soldiers. Therefore I will not give your guns back to you. I will complain you to court. I am taking your goods to Pervari district. Come to Pervari tomorrow. You will give statement’.
38 families, who were in the field on that night, did not have any bedclothes, quilts. On the following day; we went to meet with the commander captain, named Levent, of Gendarmerie Centre. They divert us to the lieutenant. In conclusion, we paid for expenses of vehicles, which had taken our goods from village to Pervari district, and went back to the field. Our guns were given to us in the day after.
Lastly, at the beginning of August 2007 we have seen that a point, which is in Süleyman Square and 5 kilometres to the field, was blocked. Moreover, village guards and soldiers did not allow for passing. We cleaned some part of the road by means of shovels, picks to use the road. A few days later a shovel, whose brand is JCB and belongs to Pervari Municipality, closed the road with stones and sands.
In 8 August 2007, Mr. Halil Çakır and some villagers had meeting with the captain Levent, Commander of Gendarmerie Centre, and asked for cleaning of the road. However, the captain refused it. Then 17 people from the field went to the Commandership and wanted to meet with him, but he rejected their demand for appointments in 3 times. We wrote an application to Administrative District and asked for cleaning of the road. Since the district Governor rejected to meet us face to face, we submitted out application to officers, who were there. We posted the same application to the Governorship in Siirt, too. Then, 15 of villagers were called to Centre Commandership. They were informed that there was a court case against them since they had violated law on fields. 15 villagers were kept waiting from18.00 pm (8 August 2007) to 00.30 am (9 August 2007) at the Gendarmerie Station. While the villagers were waiting at garden of public prosecutor’s office in the following day, someone phoned and informed them Mr. Ahmet Çakır’s baby was ill and died without reaching to doctor and was interred in the village. Consequently, Mr. Halil Çakır, who was there and aunt of baby, wanted to make complaint against authorities that were responsible for death of the baby because of closed road and not to allowing baby to reach to doctor. A sergeant named Hacý gave a phone number-0505 445 47 46- to Mr. Halil Çakır and told him to phone lieutenant Bedri. Mr. Halil Çakır phoned the lieutenant, who told him that ‘…I phoned Mr. Ahmet Çakır. He will not make a complaint about this event. So, if you will make a complaint, I will kill all of you and also will fire your tents.’ Then, the lieutenant called Mr. Ahmet Kaya-a villager-to his office by means of sergeant named Hacı. Mr. Ahmet Kaya and Mr. Agit Ruvanas-the headman of the village- went to the Gendarmerie Centre Commandership. They were taken from the Commandership to Commando Commandership. The lieutenant Bedri, who was there, said to Mr. Ahmet Kaya ‘I will kill you unless you inform me about terrorist. I will give 20.000 YTL (New Turkish Lira) for each terrorist head that you inform us.’ Then, Mr. Kaya and Mr. Ruvanas came back to the village.

While we were waiting to give statement at corridor of the public prosecutor’s office, the lieutenant Bedri, who wore a grey sweat shirt, came to judiciary. The lieutenant held my neck and shouted at me with the following words; ’You always cause problems, inform Roj TV. I will shoot directly to your neck because former 3 bullets were not enough for you. I will kill you. Watch your step.’ Before this even; a man, named petty officer Ender from Gendarmerie Commandership, had called me many times and told me to come to the Gendarmerie in Siirt. The phone number of petty officer was 0 537 793 05 14. I did not go there since I did not trust him. 3 men, who told that they were officers from TEDAŞ (Electric Distribution Company of Turkey), came to the field in the last spring and they had meeting with my brother-Mr. Lokman İğdi- by saying that they had come to the field with referring Mr. Kazım Eren, whom we do not know. They threatened my brother with referring to me. They told him ‘Tell your elder brother to watch his step. We will kill him and you with only 2 bullets, which mean 2.5 YTL for us.’ We suppose that these men were not officers from TEDAŞ. However they came to the field on behalf of JİTEM (Gendarmerie Intelligence and Counter Terrorism Bureau). Indeed, we know that one them was a sergeant named Mustafa, who is known man of petty officer named Ender. The sergeant Mustafa waited many villagers in the Ekindüzü Gendarmerie Station for hours arbitrarily many times. At one time; while we were kept waiting at the Doðan point, the man told that I need to ask permission from the lieutenant named Bedri to take food imports to the village. When I was talking to him, the man offered agency to me. Moreover, he told that he would kill me if I would not accept collaboration.

Threatens by the lieutenant Bedri, who shot three bullets to me while there were many villagers, have already disgusted us. I still have empty shells. I said also to public prosecutors that I would give empty shells to you as evidence. Unless serious precautions will be taken, we will have move from the field. We already have poor conditions because of limitations on agriculture and livestock as well as other treatments. We have many debts. We ask help from human rights defenders.“

It has been observed that victim was uneasy, anxious, he regarded himself as helpless. It has been covered that they applied to Public Prosecutor in Siirt since they fear from relevant authorities in Pervari district.

3. Mr. Agit Ruvanas: The Committee had meeting with the headman of the village, too. The headman of the village has similar complaints with other villagers. He has added the following in summary:

“…Statements by other men are completely true. We have poor conditions regarding with economic, moral and material issues. Ms. Türkan Kaya, who is pregnant, is going to deliver a child. We are concerned about her life if she will not be examined by a doctor. All people in the field have nightmares in every night. Children always cry and fear. There is no safety for our life or goods. Most of our animals are already perished. In order to inquire and determine our loss, judicial authorities must come to the field as soon as possible. We could not enter to our field from 1998 to 2002. We could not harvest on our lands. Most of the houses and residences were fired. Currently, 11 families are living at houses in the village other families are living in tents. Since 2002, we do not have any financial sources except for livestock and dealing with our fields. Our conditions are worse than hunger limit. Still, neither food nor essential goods are taken into our village.”

It has been observed that the victim was too anxious and fear from forthcoming events and had a traumatic mood.

4. Mr. Abdulaziz Başaran: The victim villager said that unjust treatment, which was being practised against them, was too difficult to bear. Moreover, he asked for legal assistance from the Human Rights Committee.
5. Mr. Mehmet Engin: Mr. Engin, who made the same statements of other victims. Moreover, he said that they are still anxious, their children are always crying and fear, too. He asked to stop inhuman treatment, which was being practising against them. He informed that if they will move from the field, they will face up to starvation. Indeed, he told that they have already serious financial loss.


After the committee had meetings with the victims, they rented a car and set out to the Field with the aforementioned victims at about 12.30 p.m in 13 August 2007. As it seen from some photos in the attachment of the report; the committee was stopped at a point, which is known as Süleyman Square, by four village guards and a sergeant, whose name was told as Deniz. The committee informed the military officer, who was there at that moment, about demand for appointment by the Headquarters of Human Rights Association in 10 August 2007. Moreover, the committee informed the military officer that they would like to observe allegations at the scene and meet with villagers. The committee said to the military officer that they were concern about the situation of a woman, who would deliver a child and since food-essential goods finished in the village, five villagers should go to the field. However, entrance of the committee was rejected by saying that there might be landmines on the road. Moreover, they told that the committee should turn back to Pervari district and use another route: Doðan road to go to the village. Indeed, it was learned that some villagers had gone to outside of the village by using the same road at 14 August 2007 or just one day after rejection of the committee. Villagers, who were joining the committee, told that the committee might not be allowed to enter to the village even attempting to use the road of Doğan village because they had been blocked when attempting to use the road of Doğan village.


1. Mr. Ahmet Ataman, Public Prosecutor of Pervari District: When the committee members went to the Government House, the meeting was started without any delay. Briefly, the committee members informed Mr. Ataman about seriousness, content of the application as well as their concerns. Moreover, the committee stated that an effective and efficient investigations should be opened regarding with the event. Then, the Public Prosecutor told that he was agree with the committee about seriousness of the allegations and he would directly follow the event. He continued as the following; “Temporary Security Zone is not related with the Public Prosecutor’s Office but military authorities. I face serious obstacles while I am doing my job in the region. Most of the time, I cannot go to scenes, where I should go, because of security conditions. As a result; I cannot carry out an inquiry. Consequently, I have not finished many files that should have been finished”.

2. The District Governor Mr. Hakan Bilgin: When the committee went to the Administrative District House, their request of meeting was rejected by saying that the District Governor had another meeting about tender. Indeed, the committee had asked an appointment for meeting before they went there.

3. Governorship in Siirt Province: The committee members made a written application to ask an appointment from Governorship in Siirt province as well as other official authorities. In a phone conversation between IHD Headquarters and Governorship in Siirt; our colleague informed the officer in the governorship that “The committee went back to Siirt and wanted to meet with the Governor. The officer in the Governorship replied that the Governor Mr. Hüseyin Avni Mutlu was out of the city and Deputy Governor substituted but he had another meeting.”


1. The committee intended to carry out inquiry at the scene but their entrance to the village was blocked by four village guards and a sergeant by showing the possibility of landmines in road. The committee was stopped after at a point, whose distance is an hour from Pervari district. However, as it is seen in the attached two photos, the point is a temporary one, which aims to block the committee’s entrance to the village. Because the point has been built, like a resting point, by piece of cloth rather than a permanent checkpoint.

2. Applicant villagers, who were with the committee, asked a question to the sergeant that was at the point. The question is; “if there are landmines in the road, why other villagers used the same road?” The sergeant did not answer the question.
3. Safety of the road, to which the committee was directed, in Doğan Village is unknown.
4. The sergeant, who stopped the committee and officer of Gendarmerie Station in Pervari, told that he did not have any relations with village guards that were with him. Moreover he says that “he does his job and they do their job”. Then, the committee asked that why they were staying together in the same time, but there was no answer.
5. When the committee mentioned that an infant died a few days ago and a pregnant, who might deliver a child within that time, in the village, the sergeant was quite unconcerned. Moreover, he told that he could not deal with these events.
6. It has been understood that judicial authorities cannot conduct their tasks effectively and efficiently because of the circumstances in the region. For example; inquiry, which is necessary for ongoing cases, cannot be conducted in the region.
7. The committee was followed by security force members, who were in plain-clothes, during the whole day while they were in Pervari. When the committee left from Pervari district, it was followed by a minibus, which was a white Ford Connect model. There were security force members, in plain-clothes, in the minibus. The committee was followed from Pervari to Danilla Tunnel, which is about 7 kilometres to Siirt.
8. After the committee had left from Pervari district, applicant villagers attempted to the field through Doðan village road. They thought that they would be blocked in this road, too. According to information that the committee received; at first they had been blocked by military officers in the same day while they were going to the field through Doğan Village road. Then, they were allowed to go to the field. The villagers had to turn back before they reached to the field since their vehicle was broke down.
9. The villagers, who reached to the field-by using Doğan Village road- in the day after (14 August) were called by Gendarmerie Station in Pervari to make statements. The villagers went to the field after they made their statements.
10. The human rights committee could not meet with Administrative District or Governorship though they had meeting with public prosecutor without delay.


1. Why Çemekare upland is being attempted to evict once again after there was an announcement of Temporary Security Zone by General Staff though Çemekara Upland Festival had been accepted, by Governorship in Siirt, in 2002 and since then villagers were allowed to go to the field in summers.

2. Did point, which is in Süleyman Square, built especially to block the entrance of the Human Rights Committee? What was the aim of blocking? Did they intend to prevent an investigation, on concerns of villagers, by the committee?
3. Is there an effective and efficient administrative-judicial investigation about death of an infant, who was not taken to a doctor, since the field was isolated from the outer world?
4. Is there a judicial process against military officers, who threaten and shot to applicant villagers?
5. After the villagers were kept waiting in the Gendarmerie Station, some animals were perished, which caused financial losses. Why financial losses as a result of perished animals have not been compensated?
6. If there is a possibility of landmines, which covers 5 kilometres area after Süleyman Square, why there is not any precaution measures, warning signs? Why officers allowed other villagers to use the same road?
7. Are there aims to evict the village and isolate the region from people by blocking their living quarter and to their access to essential good? Is it a difference method of village evictions that have been practised in 1990’s?
8. Can firing forest be considered as a sign of new period (in which serious and systematic violation will be occurred)?
9. What military authorities aimed by saying that they did not have any relations with village guards? Does the sentence mean that there will be more serious violations in the forthcoming period?
10. What was the aim of following, by security force members, the human rights committee while they were doing research in Pervari district?

The Human Rights Committee, considering the all interviews, findings and observation-by the Committee-during the inquiry, thinks that there is an intention for forcibly evacuation of Çemekare field once again, deprivation of means of production and isolation from people. The committee has convinced that right to life, freedom of movement, prohibition on threat/ill treatment will be violated once again unless necessary judiciary and administrative precaution will be taken.

The committee has observed that there is a quite serious pressure and arbitrary implementations on villagers in the region. In addition, the committee argues; there is a perpetual risk for violation of right to life, prohibition on torture, right of property.

Compelling people to forcibly evacuation, blocking access to freedom of movement (which might cause violation of right to life as well), and essential goods are considered as torture, which is practiced during 24 hours or whole day and has serious effects. Investigation period should be completed without concealing proofs. The accused people should be judged and sentenced as it ought to be. In order to protect right to life, right to access essential goods of other villagers, who also subjected serious violations, and to provide an atmosphere in which people can deal with their livestock and agricultural tasks; an effective investigation should be conducted against all security forces (particularly who work in Gendarmerie Station of Pervari) and village guards. Also, responsible people should be removed from their positions.

Security force members’ ideological acting in events for citizens, violation of official authority, using excessive force, practicing torture or inhuman ill-treatment, violation of right of property should not be connived. There is/should not a preferential treatment in law. Power of law is valid for everyone. Judicial mechanism should make a conclusion, in an effective way, without delay. Bar associations, which have responsibility (because of being a law institution) for protection of human rights, should be followers of the judicial process that started in Çemekare field to get an effective conclusion in domestic law.

In order to reveal serious human rights violations, which have been occurred for last two months, and carry out judicial, administrative investigations against responsible people; the Human Rights Investigation Commission, which operates under the Turkish Grand Nation Assembly (TBMM), should conduct inquiry at the scene without any delay.

IHD and MAZLUMDER will be the followers such illegal provocative actions, human rights violations, which have become spread and systematic in Siirt and its neighbourhood and aim to harm social peace atmosphere, both in national and international arena.

General President of IHD: Lawyer, Reyhan Yalçındağ

Chairperson of Mazlumder in Diyarbakır and member Administrative Board Committee: Lawyer Selahattin Çoban
Chairperson of IHD in Siirt and member of Administrative Board Committee: Vetha Aydın
Administrator of IHD branch in Diyarbakır: Raci Bilici

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